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the acts of the apostles-第96部分

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sure purpose of the Lord concerning every nation on the earth。

Among the cliffs and rocks of Patmos; John held communion with his Maker。 He
reviewed his past life; and at thought of the blessings he had received;
peace filled his heart。 He had lived the life of a Christian; and he could
say in faith; 〃We know that we have passed from death unto life。〃 1 John
3:14。 Not so the emperor who had banished him。 He could look back only on
fields of warfare and carnage; on desolated homes; on weeping widows and
orphans; the fruit of his ambitious desire for pre…eminence。

In his isolated home John was able to study more closely than ever before
the manifestations of divine power as recorded in the book of nature and in
the pages of inspiration。 To him it was a delight to meditate on the work of
creation and to adore the divine Architect。 In former years his eyes had
been greeted by the sight of forest…covered hills; green valleys; and
fruitful plains; and in the beauties of nature it had ever been his delight
to trace the wisdom and skill of the Creator。 He was now surrounded by
scenes that to many would appear gloomy and uninteresting; but to John it
was otherwise。 While his surroundings might


be desolate and barren; the blue heavens that bent above him were as bright
and beautiful as the skies above his loved Jerusalem。 In the wild; rugged
rocks; in the mysteries of the deep; in the glories of the firmament; he
read important lessons。 All bore the message of God's power and glory。

All around him the apostle beheld witnesses to the Flood that had deluged
the earth because the inhabitants ventured to transgress the law of God。 The
rocks thrown up from the great deep and from the earth by the breaking forth
of the waters; brought vividly to his mind the terrors of that awful
outpouring of God's wrath。 In the voice of many watersdeep calling unto
deepthe prophet heard the voice of the Creator。 The sea; lashed to fury by
the merciless winds; represented to him the wrath of an offended God。 The
mighty waves; in their terrible commotion; restrained within limits
appointed by an invisible hand; spoke of the control of an infinite Power。
And in contrast he realized the weakness and folly of mortals; who; though
but worms of the dust; glory in their supposed wisdom and strength; and set
their hearts against the Ruler of the universe; as if God were altogether
such a one as themselves。 By the rocks he was reminded of Christ; the Rock
of his strength; in whose shelter he could hide without fear。 From the
exiled apostle on rocky Patmos there went up the most ardent longing of soul
after God; the most fervent prayers。

The history of John affords a striking illustration of the way in which God
can use aged workers。 When John was exiled to the Isle of Patmos; there were
many who


thought him to be past service; an old and broken reed; ready to fall at any
time。 But the Lord saw fit to use him still。 Though banished from the scenes
of his former labor; he did not cease to bear witness to the truth。 Even in
Patmos he made friends and converts。 His was a message of joy; proclaiming a
risen Saviour who on high was interceding for His people until He should
return to take them to Himself。 And it was after John had grown old in the
service of his Lord that he received more communications from heaven than he
had received during all the former years of his life。

The most tender regard should be cherished for those whose life interest has
been bound up with the work of God。 These aged workers have stood faithful
amid storm and trial。 They may have infirmities; but they still possess
talents that qualify them to stand in their place in God's cause。 Though
worn; and unable to bear the heavier burdens that younger men can and should
carry; the counsel they can give is of the highest value。

They may have made mistakes; but from their failures they have learned to
avoid errors and dangers; and are they not therefore competent to give wise
counsel? They have borne test and trial; and though they have lost some of
their vigor; the Lord does not lay them aside。 He gives them special grace
and wisdom。

Those who have served their Master when the work went hard; who endured
poverty and remained faithful when there were few to stand for truth; are to
be honored


and respected。 The Lord desires the younger laborers to gain wisdom;
strength; and maturity by association with these faithful men。 Let the
younger men realize that in having such workers among them they are highly
favored。 Let them give them an honored place in their councils。

As those who have spent their lives in the service of Christ draw near to
the close of their earthly ministry; they will be impressed by the Holy
Spirit to recount the experiences they have had in connection with the work
of God。 The record of His wonderful dealings with His people; of His great
goodness in delivering them from trial; should be repeated to those newly
come to the faith。 God desires the old and tried laborers to stand in their
place; doing their part to save men and women from being swept downward by
the mighty current of evil; He desires them to keep the armor on till He
bids them lay it down。

In the experience of the apostle John under persecution; there is a lesson
of wonderful strength and comfort for the Christian。 God does not prevent
the plottings of wicked men; but He causes their devices to work for good to
those who in trial and conflict maintain their faith and loyalty。 Often the
gospel laborer carries on his work amid storms of persecution; bitter
opposition; and unjust reproach。 At such times let him remember that the
experience to be gained in the furnace of trial and affliction is worth all
the pain it costs。 Thus God brings His children near to Him; that He may
show them their weakness and His strength。 He teaches them to lean on Him。
Thus He prepares them


to meet emergencies; to fill positions of trust; and to accomplish the great
purpose for which their powers were given them。

In all ages God's appointed witnesses have exposed themselves to reproach
and persecution for the truth's sake。 Joseph was maligned and persecuted
because he preserved his virtue and integrity。 David; the chosen messenger
of God; was hunted like a beast of prey by his enemies。 Daniel was cast into
a den of lions because he was true to his allegiance to heaven。 Job was
deprived of his worldly possessions; and so afflicted in body that he was
abhorred by his relatives; and friends; yet he maintained his integrity。
Jeremiah could not be deterred from speaking the words that God had given
him to speak; and his testimony so enraged the king and princes that he was
cast into a loathsome pit。 Stephen was stoned because he preached Christ and
Him crucified。 Paul was imprisoned; beaten with rods; stoned; and finally
put to death because he was a faithful messenger for God to the Gentiles。
And John was banished to the Isle of Patmos 〃for the word of God; and for
the testimony of Jesus Christ。〃

These examples of human steadfastness bear witness to the faithfulness of
God's promisesof His abiding presence and sustaining grace。 They testify
to the power of faith to withstand the powers of the world。 It is the work
of faith to rest in God in the darkest hour; to feel; however sorely tried
and tempest…tossed; that our Father is at the helm。 The eye of faith alone
can look beyond the things


of time to estimate aright the worth of the eternal riches。

Jesus does not present to His followers the hope of attaining earthly glory
and riches; of living a life free from trial。 Instead He calls upon them to
follow Him in the path of self…denial and reproach。 He who came to redeem
the world was opposed by the united forces of evil。 In an unpitying
confederacy; evil men and evil angels arrayed themselves against the Prince
of Peace。 His every word and act revealed divine compassion; and His
unlikeness to the world provoked the bitterest hostility。

So it will be with all who will live godly in Christ Jesus。 Persecution and
reproach await all who are imbued with the Spirit of Christ。 The character
of the persecution changes with the times; but the principlethe spirit
that underlies itis the same that has slain the chosen of the Lord ever
since the days of Abel。

In all ages Satan has persecuted the people of God。 He has tortured them and
put them to death; but in dying they became conquerors。 They bore witness to
the power of One mightier than Satan。 Wicked men may torture and kill the
body; but they cannot touch the life that is hid with Christ in God。 They
can incarcerate men and women in prison walls; but they cannot bind the

Through trial and persecution the glorythe character of God is revealed
in His chosen ones。 The believers in Christ; hated and persecuted by the
world; are educated and disciplined in the school of Christ。 On earth they
walk in narrow paths; they are purified in the furnace of affliction。

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