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the acts of the apostles-第99部分

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white raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life; but
I will confess his name before My Father; and before His angels。〃 〃To him
that overcometh will I grant to sit with Me in My throne; even as I also
overcame; and am set down with My Father in His throne。〃 Verse 7; 3:5; 21。

John saw the mercy; the tenderness; and the love of God blending with His
holiness; justice; and power。 He saw sinners finding a Father in Him of whom
their sins had made them afraid。 And looking beyond the culmination of the
great conflict; he beheld upon Zion 〃them that had gotten the victory 。 。 。
stand on the sea of glass; having the harps of God;〃 and singing 〃the song
of Moses〃 and the Lamb。 Revelation 15:2; 3。

The Saviour is presented before John under the symbols of 〃the Lion of the
tribe of Judah〃 and of 〃a Lamb as it had been slain。〃 Revelation 5:5; 6。
These symbols represent the union of omnipotent power and self…sacrificing
love。 The Lion of Judah; so terrible to the rejectors of His grace; will be
the Lamb of God to the obedient and faithful。 The pillar of fire that speaks
terror and wrath to the transgressor of God's law is a token of light and
mercy and deliverance to those who have kept His commandments。 The arm
strong to smite the rebellious will be strong to deliver the loyal。 Everyone
who is faithful will be saved。 〃He shall send His angels with a great sound
of a trumpet; and they


shall gather together His elect from the four winds; from one end of heaven
to the other。〃 Matthew 24:31。

In comparison with the millions of the world; God's people will be; as they
have ever been; a little flock; but if they stand for the truth as revealed
in His word; God will be their refuge。 They stand under the broad shield of
Omnipotence。 God is always a majority。 When the sound of the last trump
shall penetrate the prison house of the dead; and the righteous shall come
forth with triumph; exclaiming; 〃O death; where is thy sting? O grave; where
is thy victory?〃 (1 Corinthians 15:55)standing then with God; with Christ;
with the angels; and with the loyal and true of all ages; the children of
God will be far in the majority。

Christ's true disciples follow Him through sore conflicts; enduring
self…denial and experiencing bitter disappointment; but this teaches them
the guilt and woe of sin; and they are led to look upon it with abhorrence。
Partakers of Christ's sufferings; they are destined to be partakers of His
glory。 In holy vision the prophet saw the ultimate triumph of God's remnant
church。 He writes:

〃I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire: and them that had gotten
the victory 。 。 。 stand on the sea of glass; having the harps of God。 And
they sing the song of Moses the servant of God; and the song of the Lamb;
saying; Great and marvelous are Thy works; Lord God Almighty; just and true
are Thy ways; Thou King of saints。〃 Revelation 15:2; 3。

〃And I looked; and; lo; a Lamb stood on the Mount Sion; and with Him a
hundred forty and four thousand; having


His Father's name written in their foreheads。〃 Revelation 14:1。 In this
world their minds were consecrated to God; they served Him with the
intellect and with the heart; and now He can place His name 〃in their
foreheads。〃 〃And they shall reign for ever and ever。〃 Revelation 22:5。 They
do not go in and out as those who beg a place。 They are of that number to
whom Christ says; 〃Come; ye blessed of My Father; inherit the kingdom
prepared for you from the foundation of the world。〃 He welcomes them as His
children; saying; 〃Enter thou into the joy of thy Lord。〃 Matthew 25:34; 21。

〃These are they which follow the Lamb withersoever He goeth。 These were
redeemed from among men; being the first fruits unto God and to the Lamb。〃
Revelation 14:4。 The vision of the prophet pictures them as standing on
Mount Zion; girt for holy service; clothed in white linen; which is the
righteousness of the saints。 But all who follow the Lamb in heaven must
first have followed Him on earth; not fretfully or capriciously; but in
trustful; loving; willing obedience; as the flock follows the shepherd。

〃I heard the voice of harpers harping with their harps: and they sung as it
were a new song before the throne: 。。。 and no man could learn that song but
the hundred and forty and four thousand; which were redeemed from the
earth。。。。 In their mouth was found no guile: for they are without fault
before the throne of God。〃 Verses 2…5。

〃And I John saw the Holy City; New Jerusalem; coming down from God out of
heaven; prepared as a bride adorned for her husband。〃 〃Her light was like
unto a stone most


precious; even like a jasper stone; clear as crystal; and had a wall great
and high; and had twelve gates; and at the gates twelve angels; and names
written thereon; which are the names of the twelve tribes of the children of
Israel。〃 〃The twelve gates were twelve pearls; every several gate was of one
pearl: and the street of the city was pure gold; as it were transparent
glass。 And I saw no temple therein: for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb
are the temple of it。〃 Revelation 21:2; 11; 12; 21; 22。

〃And there shall be no more curse: but the throne of God and of the Lamb
shall be in it; and His servants shall serve Him: and they shall see His
face; and His name shall be in their foreheads。 And there shall be no night
there; and they need no candle; neither light of the sun; for the Lord God
giveth them light。〃 Revelation 22:3…5。

〃He showed me a pure river of water of life; clear as crystal; proceeding
out of the throne of God and of the Lamb。 In the midst of the street of it;
and on either side of the river; was there the tree of life; which bare
twelve manner of fruits; and yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves
of the tree were for the healing of the nations。〃 〃Blessed are they that do
His commandments; that they may have right to the tree of life; and may
enter in through the gates into the city。〃 Verses 1; 2; 14。
      〃And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying;

      〃Behold; the tabernacle of God is with men;
      And He will dwell with them;
      And they shall be His people;
      And God Himself shall be with them;
      And be their God。〃 Revelation 21:3。


                              Chapter 58

                              The Church Triumphant

More than eighteen centuries have passed since the apostles rested from
their labors; but the history of their toils and sacrifices for Christ's
sake is still among the most precious treasures of the church。 This history;
written under the direction of the Holy Spirit; was recorded in order that
by it the followers of Christ in every age might be impelled to greater zeal
and earnestness in the cause of the Saviour。

The commission that Christ gave to the disciples; they fulfilled。 As these
messengers of the cross went forth to proclaim the gospel; there was such a
revelation of the glory of God as had never before been witnessed by mortal
man。 By the co…operation of the divine Spirit; the apostles did a work that
shook the world。 To every nation was the gospel carried in a single

Glorious were the results that attended the ministry of the chosen apostles
of Christ。 At the beginning of their ministry some of them were unlearned
men; but their


consecration to the cause of their Master was unreserved; and under His
instruction they gained a preparation for the great work committed to them。
Grace and truth reigned in their hearts; inspiring their motives and
controlling their actions。 Their lives were hid with Christ in God; and self
was lost sight of; submerged in the depths of infinite love。

The disciples were men who knew how to speak and pray sincerely; men who
could take hold of the might of the Strength of Israel。 How closely they
stood by the side of God; and bound their personal honor to His throne!
Jehovah was their God。 His honor was their honor。 His truth was their truth。
Any attack made upon the gospel was as if cutting deep into their souls; and
with every power of their being they battled for the cause of Christ。 They
could hold forth the word of life because they had received the heavenly
anointing。 They expected much; and therefore they attempted much。 Christ had
revealed Himself to them; and to Him they looked for guidance。 Their
understanding of truth and their power to withstand opposition were
proportionate to their conformity to God's will。 Jesus Christ; the wisdom
and power of God; was the theme of every discourse。 His namethe only name
given under heaven whereby men can be savedwas by them exalted。 As they
proclaimed the completeness of Christ; the risen Saviour; their words moved
hearts; and men and women were won to the gospel。 Multitudes who had reviled
the Saviour's name and despised His power now confessed themselves disciples
of the Crucified。


Not in their own power did the apostles accomplish
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