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the purcell papers-2-第14部分

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to Ellen; for he could not disguise from

himself the danger which the secrecy of

his connection with her must incur by his

communicating with her; even through a

public office; where their letters might be

permitted to lie longer than the gossiping

inquisitiveness of a country town would

warrant him in supposing safe。

It was about a fortnight after young

O'Mara had arrived in Dublin; where all

things; and places; and amusements; and

persons seemed thoroughly stale; flat; and

unprofitable; when one day; tempted by

the unusual fineness of the weather; Lady

Emily proposed a walk in the College

Park; a favourite promenade at that time。

She therefore with young O'Mara; accompanied

by Dwyer (who; by…the…by; when

he pleased; could act the gentleman

sufficiently well); proceeded to the place

proposed; where they continued to walk for

some time。

'Why; Richard;' said Lady Emily; after

a tedious and unbroken pause of some

minutes; 'you are becoming worse and

worse every day。 You are growing absolutely

intolerable; perfectly stupid! not

one good thing have I heard since I left

the house。'

O'Mara smiled; and was seeking for a

suitable reply; when his design was

interrupted; and his attention suddenly and

painfully arrested; by the appearance of

two figures; who were slowly passing the

broad walk on which he and his party

moved; the one was that of Captain

N; the other was the form ofMartin


O'Mara felt confounded; almost stunned;

the anticipation of some impending

mischiefof an immediate and violent

collision with a young man whom he had ever

regarded as his friend; were apprehensions

which such a juxtaposition could not fail

to produce。

'Is Heathcote mad?' thought he。

'What devil can have brought him


Dwyer having exchanged a significant

glance with O'Mara; said slightly to Lady


'Will your ladyship excuse me for a

moment? I have a word to say to Captain

N; and will; with your permission;

immediately rejoin you。'

He bowed; and walking rapidly on; was

in a few moments beside the object of his

and his patron's uneasiness。

Whatever Heathcote's object might be;

he certainly had not yet declared the secret;

whose safety O'Mara had so naturally

desired; for Captain N appeared in

good spirits; and on coming up to his

sister and her companion; he joined them

for a moment; telling O'Mara; laughingly;

that an old quiz had come from the country

for the express purpose of telling tales; as

it was to be supposed; of him (young

O'Mara); in whose neighbourhood he


During this speech it required all the

effort which it was possible to exert to

prevent O'Mara's betraying the extreme

agitation to which his situation gave rise。

Captain N; however; suspected no…

thing; and passed on without further


Dinner was an early meal in those days;

and Lady Emily was obliged to leave the

Park in less than half an hour after the

unpleasant meeting which we have just


Young O'Mara and; at a sign from

him; Dwyer having escorted the lady

to the door of Colonel O'Mara's house;

pretended an engagement; and departed


Richard O'Mara instantly questioned

his comrade upon the subject of his

anxiety; but Dwyer had nothing to

communicate of a satisfactory nature。 He

had only time; while the captain had been

engaged with Lady Emily and her

companion; to say to Heathcote:

'Be secret; as you value your existence:

everything will be right; if you be but


To this Heathcote had replied: 'Never

fear me; I understand what I am


This was said in such an ambiguous

manner that it was impossible to conjecture

whether he intended or not to act upon

Dwyer's exhortation。 The conclusion

which appeared most natural; was by no

means an agreeable one。

It was much to be feared that Heathcote

having heard some vague report of

O'Mara's engagement with Lady Emily;

perhaps exaggerated; by the repetition;

into a speedily approaching marriage; had

become alarmed for his daughter's interest;

and had taken this decisive step in order

to prevent; by a disclosure of the circumstances

of his clandestine union with Ellen;

the possibility of his completing a guilty

alliance with Captain N's sister。 If

he entertained the suspicions which they

attributed to him; he had certainly taken

the most effectual means to prevent their

being realised。 Whatever his object might

be; his presence in Dublin; in company

with Captain N; boded nothing good

to O'Mara。

They entered 's tavern; in Dame

Street; together; and there; over a hasty

and by no means a comfortable meal; they

talked over their plans and conjectures。

Evening closed in; and found them still

closeted together; with nothing to interrupt;

and a large tankard of claret to sustain

their desultory conversation。

Nothing had been determined upon;

except that Dwyer and O'Mara should

proceed under cover of the darkness to

search the town for Heathcote; and by

minute inquiries at the most frequented

houses of entertainment; to ascertain his

place of residence; in order to procuring a

full and explanatory interview with him。

They had each filled their last glass; and

were sipping it slowly; seated with their

feet stretched towards a bright cheerful

fire; the small table which sustained the

flagon of which we have spoken; together

with two pair of wax candles; placed

between them; so as to afford a convenient

resting…place for the long glasses out of

which they drank。

'One good result; at all events; will be

effected by Heathcote's visit;' said O'Mara。

'Before twenty…four hours I shall do that

which I should have done long ago。 I

shall; without reserve; state everything。

I can no longer endure this suspensethis

dishonourable secrecythis apparent

dissimulation。 Every moment I have passed

since my departure from the country has

been one of embarrassment; of pain; of

humiliation。 To…morrow I will brave

the storm; whether successfully or not is

doubtful; but I had rather walk the high

roads a beggar; than submit a day longer

to be made the degraded sport of every

accidentthe miserable dependent upon a

successful system of deception。 Though

PASSIVE deception; it is still unmanly;

unworthy; unjustifiable deception。 I

cannot bear to think of it。 I despise myself;

but I will cease to be the despicable thing

I have become。 To…morrow sees me free;

and this harassing subject for ever at


He was interrupted here by the sound

of footsteps heavily but rapidly ascending

the tavern staircase。 The room door

opened; and Captain N; accompanied

by a fashionably…attired young man;

entered the room。

Young O'Mara had risen from his seat

on the entrance of their unexpected

visitants; and the moment Captain N

recognised his person; an evident and

ominous change passed over his countenance。

He turned hastily to withdraw; but;

as it seemed; almost instantly changed his

mind; for he turned again abruptly。

'This chamber is engaged; sir;' said the


'Leave the room; sir;' was his only


'The room is engaged; sir;' repeated the

waiter; probably believing that his first

suggestion had been unheard。

'Leave the room; or go to hell!' shouted

Captain N; at the same time seizing

the astounded waiter by the shoulder; he

hurled him headlong into the passage;

and flung the door to with a crash that

shook the walls。 'Sir;' continued he;

addressing himself to O'Mara; 'I did not

hope to have met you until to…morrow。

Fortune has been kind to medraw; and

defend yourself。'

At the same time he drew his sword;

and placed himself in an attitude of


'I will not draw upon YOU;' said O'Mara。

'I have; indeed; wronged you。 I have

given you just cause for resentment; but

against your life I will never lift my


'You are a coward; sir;' replied Captain

N; with almost frightful vehemence;

'as every trickster and swindler IS。 You

are a contemptible dastarda despicable;

damned villain! Draw your sword; sir;

and defend your life; or every post

and pillar in this town shall tell your


'Perhaps;' said his friend; with a sneer;

'the gentleman can do better without his

honour than without his wife。'

'Yes;' shouted the captain; 'his wife

a trulla common'

'Silence; sir!' cried O'Mara; all the

fierceness of his nature roused by this last

insult'your object is gained; your blood

be upon your own head。' At the same

time he sprang across a bench which stood

in his way; and pushing aside the table

which supported the lights; in an instant

their swords crossed; and they were

engaged in close and deadly strife。

Captain N was far the st
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