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the purcell papers-2-第25部分

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 An' he turned to O'Brien; her father; and spoke;

 An' his voice; like the thunder; was deep; sthrong; and loud;

 An' his eye shone like lightnin' from under the cloud:

 〃I didn't come here like a tame; crawlin' mouse;

 But I stand like a man in my inimy's house;

 In the field; on the road; Phaudhrig never knew fear;

 Of his foemen; an' God knows he scorns it here;

 So lave me at aise; for three minutes or four;

 To spake to the girl I'll never see more。〃

 An' to Kathleen he turned; and his voice changed its tone;

 For he thought of the days when he called her his own;

 An' his eye blazed like lightnin' from under the cloud

 On his false…hearted girl; reproachful and proud;

 An' says he: 〃Kathleen bawn; is it thrue what I hear;

 That you marry of your free choice; without threat or fear?

 If so; spake the word; an' I'll turn and depart;

 Chated once; and once only by woman's false heart。〃

 Oh! sorrow and love made the poor girl dumb;

 An' she thried hard to spake; but the words wouldn't come;

 For the sound of his voice; as he stood there fornint her;

 Wint could on her heart as the night wind in winther。

 An' the tears in her blue eyes stood tremblin' to flow;

 And pale was her cheek as the moonshine on snow;

 Then the heart of bould Phaudhrig swelled high in its place;

 For he knew; by one look in that beautiful face;

 That though sthrangers an' foemen their pledged hands might


 Her true heart was his; and his only; for ever。

 An' he lifted his voice; like the agle's hoarse call;

 An' says Phaudhrig; 〃She's mine still; in spite of yez all!〃

 Then up jumped O'Hanlon; an' a tall boy was he;

 An' he looked on bould Phaudhrig as fierce as could be;

 An' says he; 〃By the hokey! before you go out;

 Bould Phaudhrig Crohoore; you ;must fight for a bout。〃

 Then Phaudhrig made answer: 〃I'll do my endeavour;〃

 An' with one blow he stretched bould O'Hanlon for ever。

 In his arms he took Kathleen; an' stepped to the door;

 And he leaped on his horse; and flung her before;

 An' they all were so bother'd; that not a man stirred

 Till the galloping hoofs on the pavement were heard。

 Then up they all started; like bees in the swarm;

 An' they riz a great shout; like the burst of a storm;

 An' they roared; and they ran; and they shouted galore;

 But Kathleen and Phaudhrig they never saw more。

 'But them days are gone by; an' he is no more;

 An' the green…grass is growin' o'er Phaudhrig Crohoore;

 For he couldn't be aisy or quiet at all;

 As he lived a brave boy; he resolved so to fall。

 And he took a good pikefor Phaudhrig was great

 And he fought; and he died in the year ninety…eight。

 An' the day that Crohoore in the green field was killed;

 A sthrong boy was sthretched; and a sthrong heart was stilled。'

It is due to the memory of Finley to

say that the foregoing ballad; though bearing

throughout a strong resemblance to Sir

Walter Scott's 'Lochinvar;' was nevertheless

composed long before that spirited

production had seen the light。


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