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the purcell papers-2-第6部分

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attendant was actually gone; and far on

her way to the town of Galway; and in

her stead there appeared a tall; raw…boned;

ill…looking; elderly Frenchwoman; whose

sullen and presuming manners seemed to

imply that her vocation had never before

been that of a lady's…maid。 I could not

help regarding her as a creature of my

uncle's; and therefore to be dreaded;

even had she been in no other way suspicious。

Days and weeks passed away without

any; even a momentary doubt upon my

part; as to the course to be pursued by me。

The allotted period had at length elapsed;

the day arrived on which I was to

communicate my decision to my uncle。

Although my resolution had never for a

moment wavered; I could not shake of

the dread of the approaching colloquy;

and my heart sunk within me as I heard

the expected summons。

I had not seen my cousin Edward since

the occurrence of the grand eclaircissment;

he must have studiously avoided

meI suppose from policy; it could not

have been from delicacy。 I was prepared

for a terrific burst of fury from my uncle;

as soon as I should make known my

determination; and I not unreasonably

feared that some act of violence or of

intimidation would next be resorted to。

Filled with these dreary forebodings; I

fearfully opened the study door; and the

next minute I stood in my uncle's

presence。 He received me with a politeness

which I dreaded; as arguing a favourable

anticipation respecting the answer

which I was to give; and after some slight

delay; he began by saying:

'It will be a relief to both of us; I

believe; to bring this conversation as soon

as possible to an issue。 You will excuse

me; then; my dear niece; for speaking with

an abruptness which; under other

circumstances; would be unpardonable。 You

have; I am certain; given the subject of

our last interview fair and serious con…

sideration; and I trust that you are now

prepared with candour to lay your answer

before me。 A few words will sufficewe

perfectly understand one another。'

He paused; and I; though feeling that I

stood upon a mine which might in an

instant explode; nevertheless answered with

perfect composure:

'I must now; sir; make the same reply

which I did upon the last occasion; and I

reiterate the declaration which I then

made; that I never can nor will; while life

and reason remain; consent to a union with

my cousin Edward。'

This announcement wrought no apparent

change in Sir Arthur; except that he

became deadly; almost lividly pale。 He

seemed lost in dark thought for a minute;

and then with a slight effort said:

'You have answered me honestly and

directly; and you say your resolution is

unchangeable。 Well; would it had been

otherwisewould it had been otherwise

but be it as it isI am satisfied。'

He gave me his handit was cold and

damp as death; under an assumed calmness;

it was evident that he was fearfully

agitated。 He continued to hold my hand

with an almost painful pressure; while; as

if unconsciously; seeming to forget my

presence; he muttered:

'Strange; strange; strange; indeed!

fatuity; helpless fatuity!' there was here a

long pause。 'Madness INDEED to strain a

cable that is rotten to the very heartit

must breakand thenall goes。'

There was again a pause of some

minutes; after which; suddenly changing

his voice and manner to one of wakeful

alacrity; he exclaimed:

'Margaret; my son Edward shall plague

you no more。 He leaves this country on

to…morrow for Francehe shall speak no

more upon this subjectnever; never

morewhatever events depended upon

your answer must now take their own

course; but; as for this fruitless proposal; it

has been tried enough; it can be repeated

no more。'

At these words he coldly suffered my

hand to drop; as if to express his total

abandonment of all his projected schemes

of alliance; and certainly the action; with

the accompanying words; produced upon

my mind a more solemn and depressing

effect than I believed possible to have

been caused by the course which I had

determined to pursue; it struck upon my

heart with an awe and heaviness which

WILL accompany the accomplishment of an

important and irrevocable act; even though

no doubt or scruple remains to make it

possible that the agent should wish it undone。

'Well;' said my uncle; after a little time;

'we now cease to speak upon this topic;

never to resume it again。 Remember you

shall have no farther uneasiness from

Edward; he leaves Ireland for France on

to…morrow; this will be a relief to you。

May I depend upon your HONOUR that no

word touching the subject of this interview

shall ever escape you?'

I gave him the desired assurance; he


'It is wellI am satisfiedwe have

nothing more; I believe; to say upon

either side; and my presence must be a

restraint upon you; I shall therefore bid

you farewell。'

I then left the apartment; scarcely

knowing what to think of the strange

interview which had just taken place。

On the next day my uncle took occasion

to tell me that Edward had actually

sailed; if his intention had not been

interfered with by adverse circumstances; and

two days subsequently he actually produced

a letter from his son; written; as it

said; ON BOARD; and despatched while the

ship was getting under weigh。 This was

a great satisfaction to me; and as being

likely to prove so; it was no doubt

communicated to me by Sir Arthur。

During all this trying period; I had

found infinite consolation in the society

and sympathy of my dear cousin Emily。

I never in after…life formed a friendship so

close; so fervent; and upon which; in all its

progress; I could look back with feelings

of such unalloyed pleasure; upon whose

termination I must ever dwell with so

deep; yet so unembittered regret。 In

cheerful converse with her I soon

recovered my spirits considerably; and

passed my time agreeably enough;

although still in the strictest seclusion。

Matters went on sufficiently smooth;

although I could not help sometimes

feeling a momentary; but horrible

uncertainty respecting my uncle's character;

which was not altogether unwarranted by

the circumstances of the two trying

interviews whose particulars I have just

detailed。 The unpleasant impression which

these conferences were calculated to leave

upon my mind; was fast wearing away;

when there occurred a circumstance; slight

indeed in itself; but calculated irresistibly

to awaken all my worst suspicions; and to

overwhelm me again with anxiety and


I had one day left the house with my

cousin Emily; in order to take a ramble of

considerable length; for the purpose of

sketching some favourite views; and we

had walked about half a mile when I

perceived that we had forgotten our drawing

materials; the absence of which would have

defeated the object of our walk。 Laughing

at our own thoughtlessness; we returned

to the house; and leaving Emily without; I

ran upstairs to procure the drawing…books

and pencils; which lay in my bedroom。

As I ran up the stairs I was met by the

tall; ill…looking Frenchwoman; evidently

a good deal flurried。

'Que veut; madame?' said she; with a

more decided effort to be polite than I had

ever known her make before。

'No; nono matter;' said I; hastily

running by her in the direction of my


'Madame;' cried she; in a high key;

'restez ici; s'il vous plait; votre chambre

n'est pas faiteyour room is not ready

for your reception yet。'

I continued to move on without heeding

her。 She was some way behind me; and

feeling that she could not otherwise prevent

my entrance; for I was now upon the

very lobby; she made a desperate attempt

to seize hold of my person: she succeeded

in grasping the end of my shawl; which

she drew from my shoulders; but slipping at

the same time upon the polished oak floor;

she fell at full length upon the boards。

A little frightened as well as angry at

the rudeness of this strange woman; I

hastily pushed open the door of my room;

at which I now stood; in order to escape

from her; but great was my amazement

on entering to find the apartment preoccupied。

The window was open; and beside it

stood two male figures; they appeared to

be examining the fastenings of the casement;

and their backs were turned towards

the door。 One of them was my uncle;

they both turned on my entrance; as if

startled。 The stranger was booted and

cloaked; and wore a heavy broad…leafed hat

over his brows。 He turned but for a moment;

and averted his face; but I had seen

enough to convince me that he was no

other than my cousin Edward。 My uncle

had some iron instrument in his hand;

which he hastily concealed behind his back;

and coming towards me; said something as
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