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and respects; whether for persons or for things; that make for

conservation。  Yet the fact remains that war is a school of

strenuous life and heroism; and; being in the line of aboriginal

instinct; is the only school that as yet is universally

available。  But when we gravely ask ourselves whether this

wholesale organization of irrationality and crime be our only

bulwark against effeminacy; we stand aghast at the thought; and

think more kindly of ascetic religion。  One hears of the

mechanical equivalent of heat。  What we now need to discover in

the social realm is the moral equivalent of war:  something

heroic that will speak to men as universally as war does; and yet

will be as compatible with their spiritual selves as war has

proved itself to be incompatible。  I have often thought that in

the old monkish poverty…worship; in spite of the pedantry which

infested it; there might be something like that moral equivalent

of war which we are seeking。  May not voluntarily accepted

poverty be 〃the strenuous life;〃 without the need of crushing

weaker peoples?

Poverty indeed IS the strenuous lifewithout brass bands or

uniforms or hysteric popular applause or lies or circumlocutions;

and when one sees the way in which wealth… getting enters as an

ideal into the very bone and marrow of our generation; one

wonders whether a revival of the belief that poverty is a worthy

religious vocation may not be 〃the transformation of military

courage;〃 and the spiritual reform which our time stands most in

need of。

Among us English…speaking peoples especially do the praises of

poverty need once more to be boldly sung。  We have grown

literally afraid to be poor。  We despise any one who elects to be

poor in order to simplify and save his inner life。  If he does

not join the general scramble and pant with the money…making

street; we deem him spiritless and lacking in ambition。  We have

lost the power even of imagining what the ancient idealization of

poverty could have meant:  the liberation from material

attachments; the unbribed soul; the manlier indifference; the

paying our way by what we are or do and not by what we have; the

right to fling away our life at any moment irresponsiblythe

more athletic trim; in short; the moral fighting shape。  When we

of the so…called better classes are scared as men were never

scared in history at material ugliness and hardship; when we put

off marriage until our house can be artistic; and quake at the

thought of having a child without a bank…account and doomed to

manual labor; it is time for thinking men to protest against so

unmanly and irreligious a state of opinion。

It is true that so far as wealth gives time for ideal ends and

exercise to ideal energies; wealth is better than poverty and

ought to be chosen。  But wealth does this in only a portion of

the actual cases。  Elsewhere the desire to gain wealth and the

fear to lose it are our chief breeders of cowardice and

propagators of corruption。  There are thousands of conjunctures

in which a wealth…bound man must be a slave; whilst a man for

whom poverty has no terrors becomes a freeman。  Think of the

strength which personal indifference to poverty would give us if

we were devoted to unpopular causes。  We need no longer hold our

tongues or fear to vote the revolutionary or reformatory ticket。 

Our stocks might fall; our hopes of promotion vanish; our

salaries stop; our club doors close in our faces; yet; while we

lived; we would imperturbably bear witness to the spirit; and our

example would help to set free our generation。  The cause would

need its funds; but we its servants would be potent in proportion

as we personally were contented with our poverty。

I recommend this matter to your serious pondering; for it is

certain that the prevalent fear of poverty among the educated

classes is the worst moral disease from which our civilization


I have now said all that I can usefully say about the several

fruits of religion as they are manifested in saintly lives; so I

will make a brief review and pass to my more general conclusions。

Our question; you will remember; is as to whether religion stands

approved by its fruits; as these are exhibited in the saintly

type of character。  Single attributes of saintliness may; it is

true; be temperamental endowments; found in non…religious

individuals。  But the whole group of them forms a combination

which; as such; is religious; for it seems to flow from the sense

of the divine as from its psychological centre。  Whoever

possesses strongly this sense comes naturally to think that the

smallest details of this world derive infinite significance from

their relation to an unseen divine order。  The thought of this

order yields him a superior denomination of happiness; and a

steadfastness of soul with which no other can compare。  In social

relations his serviceability is exemplary; he abounds in impulses

to help。 His help is inward as well as outward; for his sympathy

reaches souls as well as bodies; and kindles unsuspected

faculties therein。  Instead of placing happiness where common men

place it; in comfort; he places it in a higher kind of inner

excitement; which converts discomforts into sources of cheer and

annuls unhappiness。  So he turns his back upon no duty; however

thankless; and when we are in need of assistance; we can count

upon the saint lending his hand with more certainty than we can

count upon any other person。  Finally; his humble…mindedness and

his ascetic tendencies save him from the petty personal

pretensions which so obstruct our ordinary social intercourse;

and his purity gives us in him a clean man for a companion。 

Felicity; purity; charity; patience; self…severitythese are

splendid excellencies; and the saint of all men shows them in the

completest possible measure。

But; as we saw; all these things together do not make saints

infallible。  When their intellectual outlook is narrow; they fall

into all sorts of holy excesses; fanaticism or theopathic

absorption; self…torment; prudery; scrupulosity; gullibility; and

morbid inability to meet the world。  By the very intensity of his

fidelity to the paltry ideals with which an inferior intellect

may inspire him; a saint can be even more objectionable and

damnable than a superficial carnal man would be in the same

situation。  We must judge him not sentimentally only; and not in

isolation; but using our own intellectual standards; placing him

in his environment; and estimating his total function。

Now in the matter of intellectual standards; we must bear in mind

that it is unfair; where we find narrowness of mind; always to

impute it as a vice to the individual; for in religious and

theological matters he probably absorbs his narrowness from his

generation。  Moreover; we must not confound the essentials of

saintliness; which are those general passions of which I have

spoken; with its accidents; which are the special determinations

of these passions at any historical moment。  In these

determinations the saints will usually be loyal to the temporary

idols of their tribe。  Taking refuge in monasteries was as much

an idol of the tribe in the middle ages; as bearing a hand in the

world's work is to…day。  Saint Francis or Saint Bernard; were

they living to…day; would undoubtedly be leading consecrated

lives of some sort; but quite as undoubtedly they would not lead

them in retirement。  Our animosity to special historic

manifestations must not lead us to give away the saintly impulses

in their essential nature to the tender mercies of inimical


The most inimical critic of the saintly impulses whom I know is

Nietzsche。  He contrasts them with the worldly passions as we

find these embodied in the predaceous military character;

altogether to the advantage of the latter。  Your born saint; it

must be confessed; has something about him which often makes the

gorge of a carnal man rise; so it will be worth while to consider

the contrast in question more fully。

Dislike of the saintly nature seems to be a negative result of

the biologically useful instinct of welcoming leadership; and

glorifying the chief of the tribe。  The chief is the potential;

if not the actual tyrant; the masterful; overpowering man of

prey。  We confess our inferiority and grovel before him。  We
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