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successive tasks in the history of nations by being blind for the

time to other causes。  Great schools of art work out the effects

which it is their mission to reveal; at the cost of a

one…sidedness for which other schools must make amends。  We

accept a John Howard; a Mazzini; a Botticelli; a Michael Angelo;

with a kind of indulgence。  We are glad they existed to show us

that way; but we are glad there are also other ways of seeing and

taking life。  So of many of the saints whom we have looked at。 

We are proud of a human nature that could be so passionately

extreme; but we shrink from advising others to follow the

example。  The conduct we blame ourselves for not following lies

nearer to the middle line of human effort。 It is less dependent

on particular beliefs and doctrines。  It is such as wears well in

different ages; such as under different skies all judges are able

to commend。

The fruits of religion; in other words; are; like all human

products; liable to corruption by excess。  Common sense must

judge them。  It need not blame the votary; but it may be able to

praise him only conditionally; as one who acts faithfully

according to his lights。  He shows us heroism in one way; but the

unconditionally good way is that for which no indulgence need be



We find that error by excess is exemplified by every saintly

virtue。  Excess; in human faculties; means usually one…sidedness

or want of balance; for it is hard to imagine an essential

faculty too strong; if only other faculties equally strong be

there to cooperate with it in action。  Strong affections need a

strong will; strong active powers need a strong intellect; strong

intellect needs strong sympathies; to keep life steady。  If the

balance exist; no one faculty can possibly be too strongwe only

get the stronger all…round character。  In the life of saints;

technically so called; the spiritual faculties are strong; but

what gives the impression of extravagance proves usually on

examination to be a relative deficiency of intellect。  Spiritual

excitement takes pathological forms whenever other interests are

too few and the intellect too narrow。  We find this exemplified

by all the saintly attributes in turndevout love of God;

purity; charity; asceticism; all may lead astray。  I will run

over these virtues in succession。

First of all let us take Devoutness。  When unbalanced; one of its

vices is called Fanaticism。  Fanaticism (when not a mere

expression of ecclesiastical ambition) is only loyalty carried to

a convulsive extreme。  When an intensely loyal and narrow mind is

once grasped by the feeling that a certain superhuman person is

worthy of its exclusive devotion; one of the first things that

happens is that it idealizes the devotion itself。  To adequately

realize the merits of the idol gets to be considered the one

great merit of the worshiper; and the sacrifices and servilities

by which savage tribesmen have from time immemorial exhibited

their faithfulness to chieftains are now outbid in favor of the

deity。  Vocabularies are exhausted and languages altered in the

attempt to praise him enough; death is looked on as gain if it

attract his grateful notice; and the personal attitude of being

his devotee becomes what one might almost call a new and exalted

kind of professional specialty within the tribe。'199' The legends

that gather round the lives of holy persons are fruits of this

impulse to celebrate and glorify。  The Buddha'200' and

Mohammed'201' and their companions and many Christian saints are

incrusted with a heavy jewelry of anecdotes which are meant to be

honorific; but are simply abgeschmackt and silly; and form a

touching expression of man's misguided propensity to praise。

'199' Christian saints have had their specialties of devotion;

Saint Francis to Christ's wounds; Saint Anthony of Padua to

Christ's childhood; Saint Bernard to his humanity; Saint Teresa

to Saint Joseph; etc。  The Shi…ite Mohammedans venerate Ali; the

Prophet's son…in…law; instead of Abu…bekr; his brother…in…law。 

Vambery describes a dervish whom he met in Persia; 〃who had

solemnly vowed; thirty years before; that he would never employ

his organs of speech otherwise but in uttering; everlastingly;

the name of his favorite; Ali; Ali。  He thus wished to signify to

the world that he was the most devoted partisan of that Ali who

had been dead a thousand years。  In his own home; speaking with

his wife; children; and friends; no other word but 'Ali!' ever

passed his lips。  If he wanted food or drink or anything else; he

expressed his wants still by repeating 'Ali!'  Begging or buying

at the bazaar; it was always 'Ali!'  Treated ill or generously;

he would still harp on his monotonous 'Ali!'  Latterly his zeal

assumed such tremendous proportions that; like a madman; he would

race; the whole day; up and down the streets of the town;

throwing his stick high up into the air; and shriek our; all the

while; at the top of his voice; 'Ali!'  This dervish was

venerated by everybody as a saint; and received everywhere with

the greatest distinction。〃  Arminius Vambery; his Life and

Adventures; written by Himself; London; 1889; p。 69。  On the

anniversary of the death of Hussein; Ali's son; the Shi…ite

Moslems still make the air resound with cries of his name and


'200' Compare H。 C。 Warren:  Buddhism in Translation; Cambridge;

U。S。; 1898; passim。

'201' Compare J。 L。 Merrick:  The Life and Religion of Mohammed;

as contained in the Sheeah traditions of the Hyat…ul…Kuloob;

Boston。 1850; passim。

An immediate consequence of this condition of mind is jealousy

for the deity's honor。  How can the devotee show his loyalty

better than by sensitiveness in this regard?  The slightest

affront or neglect must be resented; the deity's enemies must be

put to shame。  In exceedingly narrow minds and active wills; such

a care may become an engrossing preoccupation; and crusades have

been preached and massacres instigated for no other reason than

to remove a fancied slight upon the God。  Theologies representing

the gods as mindful of their glory; and churches with

imperialistic policies; have conspired to fan this temper to a

glow; so that intolerance and persecution have come to be vices

associated by some of us inseparably with the saintly mind。 They

are unquestionably its besetting sins。  The saintly temper is a

moral temper; and a moral temper has often to be cruel。  It is a

partisan temper; and that is cruel。  Between his own and

Jehovah's enemies a David knows no difference; a Catherine of

Siena; panting to stop the warfare among Christians which was the

scandal of her epoch; can think of no better method of union

among them than a crusade to massacre the Turks; Luther finds no

word of protest or regret over the atrocious tortures with which

the Anabaptist leaders were put to death; and a Cromwell praises

the Lord for delivering his enemies into his hands for

〃execution。〃  Politics come in in all such cases; but piety finds

the partnership not quite unnatural。  So; when 〃freethinkers〃

tell us that religion and fanaticism are twins; we cannot make an

unqualified denial of the charge。

Fanaticism must then be inscribed on the wrong side of religion's

account; so long as the religious person's intellect is on the

stage which the despotic kind of God satisfies。  But as soon as

the God is represented as less intent on his own honor and glory;

it ceases to be a danger。

Fanaticism is found only where the character is masterful and

aggressive。  In gentle characters; where devoutness is intense

and the intellect feeble; we have an imaginative absorption in

the love of God to the exclusion of all practical human

interests; which; though innocent enough; is too one…sided to be

admirable。  A mind too narrow has room but for one kind of

affection。  When the love of God takes possession of such a mind;

it expels all human loves and human uses。  There is no English

name for such a sweet excess of devotion; so I will refer to it

as a theopathic condition。

The blessed Margaret Mary Alacoque may serve as an example。

〃To be loved here upon the earth;〃 her recent biographer

exclaims:  〃to be loved by a noble; elevated; distinguished

being; to be loved with fidelity; with devotionwhat

enchantment! But t
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