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flesh; he went farther than the majority of saints。  He; who by

an extraordinary protection of God's grace was never tempted;

measured all his steps as if he were threatened on every side by

particular dangers。  Thenceforward he never raised his eyes;

either when walking in the streets; or when in society。  Not only

did he avoid all business with females even more scrupulously

than before; but he renounced all conversation and every kind of

social recreation with them; although his father tried to make

him take part; and he commenced only too early to deliver his

innocent body to austerities of every kind。〃'211'

'211' Meschler's Life of Saint Louis of Gonzaga; French

translation by Lebrequier; 1891; p。 40。

At the age of twelve; we read of this young man that 〃if by

chance his mother sent one of her maids of honor to him with a

message; he never allowed her to come in; but listened to her

through the barely opened door; and dismissed her immediately。 

He did not like to be alone with his own mother; whether at table

or in conversation; and when the rest of the company withdrew; he

sought also a pretext for retiring。 。 。 。  Several great ladies;

relatives of his; he avoided learning to know even by sight; and

he made a sort of treaty with his father; engaging promptly and

readily to accede to all his wishes; if he might only be excused

from all visits to ladies。〃 '212'

'212' Ibid。; p。 71。

When he was seventeen years old Louis joined the Jesuit

order;'213' against his father's passionate entreaties; for he

was heir of a princely house; and when a year later the father

died; he took the loss as a 〃particular attention〃 to himself on

God's part; and wrote letters of stilted good advice; as from a

spiritual superior; to his grieving mother。  He soon became so

good a monk that if any one asked him the number of his brothers

and sisters; he had to reflect and count them over before

replying。  A Father asked him one day if he were never troubled

by the thought of his family; to which; 〃I never think of them

except when praying for them;〃 was his only answer。  Never was he

seen to hold in his hand a flower or anything perfumed; that he

might take pleasure in it。  On the contrary; in the hospital; he

used to seek for whatever was most disgusting; and eagerly snatch

the bandages of ulcers; etc。; from the hands of his companions。 

He avoided worldly talk; and immediately tried to turn every

conversation on to pious subjects; or else he remained silent。 

He systematically refused to notice his surroundings。  Being

ordered one day to bring a book from the rector's seat in the

refectory; he had to ask where the rector sat; for in the three

months he had eaten bread there; so carefully did he guard his

eyes that he had not noticed the place。  One day; during recess;

having looked by chance on one of his companions; he reproached

himself as for a grave sin against modesty。  He cultivated

silence; as preserving from sins of the tongue; and his greatest

penance was the limit which his superiors set to his bodily

penances。  He sought after false accusations and unjust

reprimands as opportunities of humility; and such was his

obedience that; when a room…mate; having no more paper; asked him

for a sheet; he did not feel free to give it to him without first

obtaining the permission of the superior; who; as such; stood in

the place of God; and transmitted his orders。

'213' In his boyish note…book he praises the monastic life for

its freedom from sin; and for the imperishable treasures; which

it enables us to store up; 〃of merit in God's eyes which makes of

Him our debtor for all Eternity。〃  Loc。 cit。; p。 62。

I can find no other sorts of fruit than these of Louis's

saintship。  He died in 1591; in his twenty…ninth year; and is

known in the Church as the patron of all young people。  On his

festival; the altar in the chapel devoted to him in a certain

church in Rome 〃is embosomed in flowers; arranged with exquisite

taste; and a pile of letters may be seen at its foot; written to

the Saint by young men and women; and directed to 'Paradiso。'

They are supposed to be burnt unread except by San Luigi; who

must find singular petitions in these pretty little missives;

tied up now with a green ribbon; expressive of hope; now with a

red one; emblematic of love;〃 etc。'214'

'214' Mademoiselle Mori; a novel quoted in Hare's Walks in Rome;

1900; i。 55。

I cannot resist the temptation to quote from Starbuck's book; p。

388; another case of purification by elimination。  It runs as


〃The signs of abnormality which sanctified persons show are of

frequent occurrence。  They get out of tune with other people;

often they will have nothing to do with churches; which they

regard as worldly; they become hypercritical towards others; they

grow careless of their social; political; and financial

obligations。  As an instance of this type may be mentioned a

woman of sixty…eight of whom the writer made a special study。 

She had been a member of one of the most active and progressive

churches in a busy part of a large city。  Her pastor described

her as having reached the censorious stage。  She had grown more

and more out of sympathy with the church; her connection with it

finally consisted simply in attendance at prayer…meeting; at

which her only message was that of reproof and condemnation of

the others for living on a low plane。  At last she withdrew from

fellowship with any church。  The writer found her living alone in

a little room on the top story of a cheap boarding…house quite

out of touch with all human relations; but apparently happy in

the enjoyment of her own spiritual blessings。  Her time was

occupied in writing booklets on sanctificationpage after page

of dreamy rhapsody。  She proved to be one of a small group of

persons who claim that entire salvation involves three steps

instead of two; not only must there be conversion and

sanctification; but a third; which they call 'crucifixion' or

'perfect redemption;' and which seems to bear the same relation

to sanctification that this bears to conversion。  She related how

the Spirit had said to her; 'Stop going to church。  Stop going to

holiness meetings。  Go to your own room and I will teach you。'

She professes to care nothing for colleges; or preachers; or

churches; but only cares to listen to what God says to her。  Her

description of her experience seemed entirely consistent; she is

happy and contented; and her life is entirely satisfactory to

herself。  While listening to her own story; one was tempted to

forget that it was from the life of a person who could not live

by it in conjunction with her fellows。〃

Our final judgment of the worth of such a life as this will

depend largely on our conception of God; and of the sort of

conduct he is best pleased with in his creatures。  The

Catholicism of the sixteenth century paid little heed to social

righteousness; and to leave the world to the devil whilst saving

one's own soul was then accounted no discreditable scheme。 

To…day; rightly or wrongly; helpfulness in general human affairs

is; in consequence of one of those secular mutations in moral

sentiment of which I spoke; deemed an essential element of worth

in character; and to be of some public or private use is also

reckoned as a species of divine service。  Other early Jesuits;

especially the missionaries among them; the Xaviers; Brebeufs;

Jogues; were objective minds; and fought in their way for the

world's welfare; so their lives to…day inspire us。  But when the

intellect; as in this Louis; is originally no larger than a pin's

head; and cherishes ideas of God of corresponding smallness; the

result; notwithstanding the heroism put forth; is on the whole

repulsive。  Purity; we see in the object…lesson; is NOT the one

thing needful; and it is better that a life should contract many

a dirt…mark; than forfeit usefulness in its efforts to remain


Proceeding onwards in our search of religious extravagance; we

next come upon excesses of Tenderness and Charity。  Here

saintliness has to face the charge of preserving the unfit; and

breeding parasites and beggars。  〃Resist not evil;〃 〃Love your

enemies;〃 these are saintly maxims of which men of this world
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