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evil; and that they would come unarmed to tell them the story of

how the Son of God came into the world and died in order to bless

and save his enemies。  The heathen chief sent back a stern and

prompt reply once more:  'If you come; you will be killed。' On

Sabbath morn the Christian chief and his four companions were met

outside the village by the heathen chief; who implored and

threatened them once more。 But the former said:

〃'We come to you without weapons of war! We come only to tell

you about Jesus。  We believe that He will protect us to…day。'

〃As they pressed steadily forward towards the village; spears

began to be thrown at them。  Some they evaded; being all except

one dexterous warriors; and others they literally received with

their bare hands; and turned them aside in an incredible manner。 

The heathen; apparently thunderstruck at these men thus

approaching them without weapons of war; and not even flinging

back their own spears which they had caught; after having thrown

what the old chief called 'a shower of spears;' desisted from

mere surprise。  Our Christian chief called out; as he and his

companions drew up in the midst of them on the village public


〃'Jehovah thus protects us。  He has given us all your spears!

Once we would have thrown them back at you and killed you。  But

now we come; not to fight but to tell you about Jesus。  He has

changed our dark hearts。  He asks you now to lay down all these

your other weapons of war; and to hear what we can tell you about

the love of God; our great Father; the only living God。'

〃The heathen were perfectly overawed。  They manifestly looked on

these Christians as protected by some Invisible One。  They

listened for the first time to the story of the Gospel and of the

Cross。  We lived to see that chief and all his tribe sitting in

the school of Christ。  And there is perhaps not an island in

these southern seas; amongst all those won for Christ; where

similar acts of heroism on the part of converts cannot be

recited。〃   John G。 Paton; Missionary to the New Hebrides; An

Autobiography; second part; London; 1890; p。 243。

In this respect the Utopian dreams of social justice in which

many contemporary socialists and anarchists indulge are; in spite

of their impracticability and non…adaptation to present

environmental conditions; analogous to the saint's belief in an

existent kingdom of heaven。  They help to break the edge of the

general reign of hardness and are slow leavens of a better order。

The next topic in order is Asceticism; which I fancy you are all

ready to consider without argument a virtue liable to

extravagance and excess。  The optimism and refinement of the

modern imagination has; as I have already said elsewhere; changed

the attitude of the church towards corporeal mortification; and a

Suso or a Saint Peter of Alcantara'216' appear to us to…day

rather in the light of tragic mountebanks than of sane men

inspiring us with respect。  If the inner dispositions are right;

we ask; what need of all this torment; this violation of the

outer nature?  It keeps the outer nature too important。  Any one

who is genuinely emancipated from the flesh will look on

pleasures and pains; abundance and privation; as alike irrelevant

and indifferent。  He can engage in actions and experience

enjoyments without fear of corruption or enslavement。  As the

Bhagavad…Gita says; only those need renounce worldly actions who

are still inwardly attached thereto。  If one be really unattached

to the fruits of action; one may mix in the world with

equanimity。  I quoted in a former lecture Saint Augustine's

antinomian saying:  If you only love God enough; you may safely

follow all your inclinations。  〃He needs no devotional

practices;〃 is one of Ramakrishna's maxims; 〃whose heart is moved

to tears at the mere mention of the name of  Hari。〃'217' 

And the Buddha; in pointing out what he called 〃the middle way〃

to his disciples; told them to abstain from both extremes;

excessive mortification being as unreal and unworthy as mere

desire and pleasure。  The only perfect life; he said; is that of

inner wisdom; which makes one thing as indifferent to us as

another; and thus leads to rest; to peace; and to Nirvana。'218'

'216' Saint Peter; Saint Teresa tells us in her autobiography

(French translation; p。 333); 〃had passed forty years without

ever sleeping more than an hour and a half a day。  Of all his

mortifications; this was the one that had cost him the most。  To

compass it; he kept always on his knees or on his feet。  The

little sleep he allowed nature to take was snatched in a sitting

posture; his head leaning against a piece of wood fixed in the

wall。  Even had he wished to lie down; it would have been

impossible; because his cell was only four feet and a half long。 

In the course of all these years he never raised his hood; no

matter what the ardor of the sun or the rain's strength。  He

never put on a shoe。  He wore a garment of coarse sackcloth; with

nothing else upon his skin。  This garment was as scant as

possible; and over it a little cloak of the same stuff。  When the

cold was great he took off the cloak and opened for a while the

door and little window of his cell。  Then he closed them and

resumed the mantlehis way; as he told us; of warming himself;

and making his body feel a better temperature。  It was a frequent

thing with him to eat once only in three days; and when I

expressed my surprise; he said that it was very easy if one once

had acquired the habit。  One of his companions has assured me

that he has gone sometimes eight days without food。 。 。 。 His

poverty was extreme; and his mortification; even in his youth;

was such that he told me he had passed three years in a house of

his order without knowing any of the monks otherwise than by the

sound of their voice; for he never raised his eyes; and only

found his way about by following the others。  He showed this same

modesty on public highways。  He spent many years without ever

laying eyes upon a woman; but he confessed to me that at the age

he had reached it was indifferent to him whether he laid eyes on

them or not。  He was very old when I first came to know him; and

his body so attenuated that it seemed formed of nothing so much

as of so many roots of trees。 With all this sanctity he was very

affable。  He never spoke unless he was questioned; but his

intellectual right…mindedness and grace gave to all his words an

irresistible charm。〃

'217' F。 Max Muller:  Ramakrishna; his Life and sayings; 1899; p。


'218' Oldenberg:  Buddha; translated by W。 Hoey; London; 1882; p。


We find accordingly that as ascetic saints have grown older; and

directors of conscience more experienced; they usually have shown

a tendency to lay less stress on special bodily mortifications。 

Catholic teachers have always professed the rule that; since

health is needed for efficiency in God's service; health must not

be sacrificed to mortification。  The general optimism and

healthy…mindedness of liberal Protestant circles to…day makes

mortification for mortification's sake repugnant to us。  We can

no longer sympathize with cruel deities; and the notion that God

can take delight in the spectacle of sufferings self…inflicted in

his honor is abhorrent。  In consequence of all these motives you

probably are disposed; unless some special utility can be shown

in some individual's discipline; to treat the general tendency to

asceticism as pathological。

Yet I believe that a more careful consideration of the whole

matter; distinguishing between the general good intention of

asceticism and the uselessness of some of the particular acts of

which it may be guilty; ought to rehabilitate it in our esteem。 

For in its spiritual meaning asceticism stands for nothing less

than for the essence of the twice…born philosophy。  It

symbolizes; lamely enough no doubt; but sincerely; the belief

that there is an element of real wrongness in this world; which

is neither to be ignored nor evaded; but which must be squarely

met and overcome by an appeal to the soul's heroic resources; and

neutralized and cleansed away by suffering。  As against this

view; the ultra…optimistic form of the once…born philosophy

thinks we may treat evil by th
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