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  Mrs。 Cho: Wow; this is really nice。 They have everything。
  Mrs。 Lee: Yes; they do have the very good selection。 What do you need to buy today?
  Mrs。 Cho: Today I need to buy vegetables。
  Mrs。 Lee: What vegetables are you going to buy?
  Mrs。 Cho: I'm going to buy lettuce; mushrooms; tomatoes; potatoes; onions and garlic。
  Mrs。 Lee: But tomato is not a fruit; it's a vegetable。
  Mrs。 Cho: Oh! Really? I didn't know that。 What are you going to buy?
  Mrs。 Lee: My husband really likes meat。 So I have to buy a lot of meat。
  Mrs。 Cho: What kind of meat are you going to buy?
  Mrs。 Lee: I'm going to buy pork ribs; beef steaks and chicken breasts。
  Mrs。 Cho: What about fish?
  Mrs。 Lee: Oh; I almost forgot。 I'm also going to buy some shrimp; crab and tuna。
  Mrs。 Cho: That's a lot of meat and a lot of seafood。
  Mrs。 Lee: Yes; but my family eats a lot。
  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Situation 7 At Cafe
  (Mrs。 Lee and Mrs。 Cho finished their shopping and decide to go to a cafe to talk somemore。)
  Mrs。 Lee: Going to a cafe was a great idea。 I have almost no time to rest during a day。
  Mrs。 Cho: I understand how you feel。 That is why I go to a cafe for one hour every day。 Itgives me a chance to rest; to think; and sometimes; to talk。
  Mrs。 Lee: Yes; I think resting and talking are both very important。 Especially when youare always busy。
  Mrs。 Cho: Why don't we order first?
  Mrs。 Lee: That's a good idea。 Let's order。 Waiter!
  Mrs。 Cho: Oh; excuse me。
  (Waiter): Yes。 May I take your order?
  Mrs。 Cho: Yes; I would like an espresso; please。
  Mrs。 Lee: I am coffee。
  Mrs。 Cho: Oh; that's a Korean expression。 You should say; 〃I'll have a coffee。〃
  Mrs。 Lee: Ah; thank you。 I didn't know that。 I'll have a coffee; please。
  (Waiter): One espresso and one coffee; would you like anything else?
  Mrs。 Cho: No; thank you。
  Mrs。 Lee: Um。。。 actually; could I also have a piece of cake?
  (Waiter): Of couse。 I'll get that for you now。
  Mrs。 Cho: I like cake; too。 But I'm on a diet。
  Mrs。 Lee: Why? You're so thin。
  Mrs。 Cho: My husband says I need to lose weight。
  Mrs。 Lee: That's funny。
  Mrs。 Cho: Why?
  Mrs。 Lee: Because my husband always says I need to gain weight。 He thinks I'm skinny。
  Mrs。 Cho: Ha。。。
  Mrs。 Lee: Ha。。。
  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Situation 8 Lunch at School
  (Back at school; Michael and Andy are eating lunch together。)
  Andy: Michael; did you speak English in your classes?
  Michael: I tried to; but some of teachers wouldn't let me。
  Andy:  Me  too。  When  I  spoke  English  at  my  Korean  language  class;  the  teacher  hit  myhands with a stick。
  Michael: Yeah; that happened to me; too。 But it was my math teacher who hit me。 He said;〃When we've in Korea and we should speak only Korean。〃
  Andy: Really? I didn't think anyone still thought like that。
  Michael: I know; but they do。 There are still many people who think that Koreans can'tspeak English well。 But I think if you practice; you can speak English very well。
  Andy: I think you are right。
  Michael: Of couse; I am。 I am very smart。
  Andy: Ha。。。
  Michael: Ha。。。
  Andy: I know; but I'm even smarter。
  Michael: Do you think so?
  Andy: Yes; I do。 Why? Don't you agree with me?
  Michael: No; I think I am smarter than you。 Why don't we make a bet?
  Andy: Okay。 What is the bet?
  Michael: Ten thousand won。
  Andy: Okay。 How will we know who is smarter?
  Michael: Let's see who gets a higher score on the next English test。
  Andy: It's a bet!千万别学英语初学版 1B
  Situation 9 Back at Home
  (Michael goes home and talks to his mother about school。)
  Michael: Mom; I had a great day at school。
  Mrs。 Lee: Really? You usually hate school。
  Michael: I know; but today was different。
  Mrs。 Lee: Why? Why was so different about it?
  Michael: Today; I spoke only English and I had a lot of fun。
  Mrs。 Lee: Did your teachers understand?
  Michael: Yes; they all understood。 Well; actually; one got mad and hit me。
  Mrs。 Lee: Who was it? I will talk to him。
  Michael: No; don't worry about it。 He only hit my hands。
  Mrs。 Lee: All right; if you say so。 But it still makes me mad。 By the way; who did youspeak English with?
  Michael: I spoke English with Andy。 Do you remember him?
  Mrs。 Lee: Of course; I remember him。 That is so funny。
  Michael: Why is it funny?
  Mrs。 Lee: Because I met Andy's mother today; and we decided to speak English; too。
  Michael:  Really?  But  Andy's  mother  was  an  English  major  in  college。  Can  you  speakeEnglish with her?
  Mrs。 Lee: Why not? Even if her English is better than mine; I can still practice。
  Michael: That's true。 Wow; Mom。 You are really smart。
  Mrs。  Lee:  No;  I'm  not  smart。  But  I  have  lived  a  long  time;  so  I  understand  life  a  littlebetter than you。 That's all。
  Michael: Anyway; I always learn a lot from you。
  Mrs。 Lee: I'm happy to hear that。
  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Situation 10 Telephone Conversation
  (Mrs。 Lee decides to call Mrs。 Cho on the phon and talk more about their children andabout English。 The telephon rings and Mrs。 Cho answers。)
  Mrs。 Cho: Hello?
  Mrs。 Lee: Hello? May I please speak with Mrs。 Cho?
  Mrs。 Cho: This is she。 Is that you Mrs。 Lee?
  Mrs。 Lee: Yes。 How did you know?
  Mrs。 Cho: You have a very unique voice。
  Mrs。 Lee: Is that good or bad?
  Mrs。 Cho: Good; of course。 Your voice is soft and you are always very polite。
  Mrs。 Lee: Oh; thank you。
  Mrs。 Cho: You're wele。 By the way; why did you call?
  Mrs。  Lee:  Oh;  yes。  I  want  to  talk  about  Andy  and  Michael。  Michael  told  me;  they'respeaking only English to eatch other。
  Mrs。 Cho: Yes; Andy told me。
  Mrs。 Lee: What do you think about that? Do you think it's a good idea?
  Mrs。 Cho: I think it's a fine idea。 We are speaking English to each other; so it's also goodif our children do the same。
  Mrs。 Lee: That make senes。 As usual; you are right。
  Mrs。 Cho: Hn? Why don't we take two boys to the movies this weekend? If they see aforeign movie; they can practice their listening; too。
  Mrs。 Lee: That's a good idea。 How is Saturday?
  Mrs。 Cho: En。。。 Sunday is better for me。
  Mrs。 Lee: Okay; Sunday。 What time?
  Mrs。 Cho: How about three o'clock?
  Mrs。 Lee: Three is fine。 Where shall we meet?
  Mrs。 Cho: Do you know the Kinema Theater?
  Mrs。 Lee: I'm not sure。
  Mrs。 Cho: It's very near the Galleria Department Store in Apkujongdong。
  Mrs。 Lee: Oh; yes; I know it。 It has King Kong hanging from it; right?
  Mrs。 Cho: Right。 That's the one。
  Mrs。 Lee: Great。 Then I'll see you there Sunday at three。
  Mrs。 Cho: See you then; good…bye。
  Mrs。 Lee: Good…bye。
  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Situation 11 Mrs。 Cho and Andy
  (After talking on the phone with Mrs。 Lee; Mrs。 Cho talks to Andy。)
  Mrs。 Cho: Andy; do you have any plans for Sunday?
  Andy: No; Mom。 Why?
  Mrs。 Cho: Well; Mrs。 Lee and I decided to take you and Michael to the moives。
  Andy: Cool! Which theater are we going to?
  Mrs。 Cho: We are going to meet them at the Kinema Theater。
  Andy: Okay。 But; what movie are we going to see?
  Mrs。 Cho: You should watch a movie in English to practice your English listening。
  Andy: That's true。 But even the movies in English all have Korean subtitles。
  Mrs。 Cho: Well; you'll just have to not read them。 Do you promise?
  Andy: I promise。 What movie are we going to see?
  Mrs。 Cho: I was thinking about 〃The Beach'。
  Andy: The Beach? Isn't Leonardo DiCaprio in that?
  Mrs。 Cho: Yes; he is。 Isn't he handsome?
  Andy: Handsome? He looks like a girl。 I hate him。
  Mrs。 Cho: But; wasn't he handsome in 〃Titanic'?
  Andy: He was stupid in 〃Titanic'。 He's so skinny。 Just like a little girl!
  Mrs。 Cho: Ha。。。Okay; we can see something else。 How about 〃Sleepy Hollow'?
  Andy: That's better。 Johnny Depp was in that movie。 He was so cool in the movie。 〃DeadMan'!
  Mrs。 Cho: Great! Then we'll watch 〃Sleepy Hollow'。
  Andy: Thanks; Mom。
  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Situation 12 Mr。 Lee Cames Home From Work
  (Mr。 Lee cames home from work and he; Mrs。 Lee and Michael talk about the day。)
  Mr。 Lee: Honey; I'm home。
  Mrs。 Lee: Hello; dear。 How was your day?
  Mr。 Lee: It was okay。 But I'm very tired。 Is Michael here?
  Mrs。 Lee: Yeah; Dad。 I'm right here。
  Mr。 Lee: Hi; son。 How was school today?
  Mrs。 Lee: It was all right。 I spoke English all day long and only got hit once。
  Mr。 Lee: Who hit you?
  Mrs。 Lee: Oh; I'll tell you later; dear。
  Michael: Yeah; Dad。 Let's talk about that later。
  Mr。 Lee: If you say so; son。 What did you do today?
  Mrs。 Lee: I met with Mrs。 Cho。 You know; Andy's mother; don't you?
  Mr。 Lee: Of couse; I do。 What did you two d
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