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letters of two brides-第44部分

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Armand is the same charming little fellow; full of feeling and
unselfish impulse; whom you loved; and his tutor is quite pleased with
him。 I still have Nais and the babytwo restless little mortalsbut
I am quite as much a child as they are。 I could not bring myself to
lose the darlings' sweet caresses。 I could not live without the
feeling that at any moment I can fly to Armand's bedside and watch his
slumbers or snatch a kiss。

Yet home education is not without its drawbacks; to which I am fully
alive。 Society; like nature; is a jealous power; and will have not her
rights encroached on; or her system set at naught。 Thus; children who
are brought up at home are exposed too early to the fire of the world;
they see its passions and become at home with its subterfuges。 The
finer distinctions; which regulate the conduct of matured men and
women; elude their perceptions; and they take feeling and passion for
their guide instead of subordinating those to the code of society;
whilst the gay trappings and tinsel which attract so much of the
world's favor blind them to the importance of the more sober virtues。
A child of fifteen with the assurance of a man of the world is a thing
against all nature; at twenty…five he will be prematurely old; and his
precocious knowledge only unfits him for the genuine study on which
all solid ability must rest。 Life in society is one long comedy; and
those who take part in it; like other actors; reflect back impressions
which never penetrate below the surface。 A mother; therefore; who
wishes not to part from her children; must resolutely determine that
they shall not enter the gay world; she must have courage to resist
their inclinations; as well as her own; and keep them in the
background。 Cornelia had to keep her jewels under lock and key。 Shall
I do less for the children who are all the world to me?

Now that I am thirty; the heat of the day is over; the hardest bit of
the road lies behind me。 In a few years I shall be an old woman; and
the sense of duty done is an immense encouragement。 It would almost
seem as though my trio can read my thoughts and shape themselves
accordingly。 A mysterious bond of sympathy unites me to these children
who have never left my side。 If they knew the blank in my life which
they have to fill; they could not be more lavish of the solace they

Armand; who was dull and dreamy during his first three years at
school; and caused me some uneasiness; has made a sudden start。
Doubtless he realized; in a way most children never do; the aim of all
this preparatory work; which is to sharpen the intelligence; to get
them into habits of application and accustom them to that fundamental
principle of all societyobedience。 My dear; a few days ago I had the
proud joy of seeing Armand crowned at the great interscholastic
competition in the crowded Sorbonne; when your godson received the
first prize for translation。 At the school distribution he got two
first prizesone for verse; and one for an essay。 I went quite white
when his name was called out; and longed to shout aloud; 〃I am his
mother!〃 Little Nais squeezed my hand till it hurt; if at such a
moment it were possible to feel pain。 Ah! Louise; a day like this
might outweigh many a dream of love!

His brother's triumphs have spurred on little Rene; who wants to go to
school too。 Sometimes the three children make such a racket; shouting
and rushing about the house; that I wonder how my head stands it。 I am
always with them; no one else; not even Mary; is allowed to take care
of my children。 But the calling of a mother; if taxing; has so many
compensating joys! To see a child leave its play and run to hug one;
out of the fulness of its heart; what could be sweeter?

Then it is only in being constantly with them that one can study their
characters。 It is the duty of a mother; and one which she can depute
to no hired teacher; to decipher the tastes; temper; and natural
aptitudes of her children from their infancy。 All home…bred children
are distinguished by ease of manner and tact; two acquired qualities
which may go far to supply the lack of natural ability; whereas no
natural ability can atone for the loss of this early training。 I have
already learned to discriminate this difference of tone in the men
whom I meet in society; and to trace the hand of a woman in the
formation of a young man's manners。 How could any woman defraud her
children of such a possession? You see what rewards attend the
performance of my tasks!

Armand; I feel certain; will make an admirable judge; the most upright
of public servants; the most devoted of deputies。 And where would you
find a sailor bolder; more adventurous; more astute than my Rene will
be a few years hence? The little rascal has already an iron will;
whatever he wants he manages to get; he will try a thousand circuitous
ways to reach his end; and if not successful then; will devise a
thousand and first。 Where dear Armand quietly resigns himself and
tries to get at the reason of things; Rene will storm; and strive; and
puzzle; chattering all the time; till at last he finds some chink in
the obstacle; if there is room for the blade of a knife to pass; his
little carriage will ride through in triumph。

And Nais? Nais is so completely a second self that I can hardly
realize her as distinct from my own flesh and blood。 What a darling
she is; and how I love to make a little lady of her; to dress her
curly hair; tender thoughts mingling the while with every touch! I
must have her happy; I shall only give her to the man who loves her
and whom she loves。 But; Heavens! when I let her put on her little
ornaments; or pass a cherry…colored ribbon through her hair; or fasten
the shoes on her tiny feet; a sickening thought comes over me。 How can
one order the destiny of a girl? Who can say that she will not love a
scoundrel or some man who is indifferent to her? Tears often spring to
my eyes as I watch her。 This lovely creature; this flower; this
rosebud which has blossomed in one's heart; to be handed over to a man
who will tear it from the stem and leave it bare! Louise; it is you
you; who in two years have not written three words to tell me of your
welfareit is you who have recalled to my mind the terrible
possibilities of marriage; so full of anguish for a mother wrapped up;
as I am; in her child。 Farewell now; for in truth you don't deserve my
friendship; and I hardly know how to write。 Oh! answer me; dear


The Chalet。

So; after a silence of two years; you are pricked by curiosity; and
want to know why I have not written。 My dear Renee; there are no
words; no images; no language to express my happiness。 That we have
strength to bear it sums up all I could say。 It costs us no effort;
for we are in perfect sympathy。 The whole two years have known no note
of discord in the harmony; no jarring word in the interchange of
feeling; no shade of difference in our lightest wish。 Not one in this
long succession of days has failed to bear its own peculiar fruit; not
a moment has passed without being enriched by the play of fancy。 So
far are we from dreading the canker of monotony in our life; that our
only fear is lest it should not be long enough to contain all the
poetic creations of a love as rich and varied in its development as
Nature herself。 Of disappointment not a trace! We find more pleasure
in being together than on the first day; and each hour as it goes by
discloses fresh reason for our love。 Every day as we take our evening
stroll after dinner; we tell each other that we really must go and see
what is doing in Paris; just as one might talk of going to

〃Only think;〃 Gaston will exclaim; 〃such and such a boulevard is being
made; the Madeleine is finished。 We ought to see it。 Let us go

And to…morrow comes; and we are in no hurry to get up; and we
breakfast in our bedroom。 Then midday is on us; and it is too hot; a
siesta seems appropriate。 Then Gaston wishes to look at me; and he
gazes on my face as though it were a picture; losing himself in this
contemplation; which; as you may suppose; is not one…sided。 Tears rise
to the eyes of both as we think of our love and tremble。 I am still
the mistress; pretending; that is; to give less than I receive; and I
revel in this deception。 To a woman what can be sweeter than to see
passion ever held in check by tenderness; and the man who is her
master stayed; like a timid suitor; by a word from her; within the
limits that she chooses?

You asked me to describe him; but; Renee; it is not possible to make a
portrait of the man we love。 How could the heart be kept out of the
work? Besides; to be frank between ourselves; we may admit that one of
the dire effects of civilization on our manners is to make of man in
society a being so utterly different from the natural man of strong
feeling; that sometimes not a single point of likeness can be found
between these two aspects of the same person。 The man who falls into
the most graceful operatic poses; as he pours sweet nothings into your
ear by the fire at night; may be entirely destitute of those more
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