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a journey in other worlds-第14部分

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was the old post…roadthough its builders would not have
recognized it with its asphalt surface; straightened curves; and
easy gradesto ask his idol to christen the Callisto when it
should be finished。
Starting from the upper end of Central Park; he stopped to buy
her a bunch of violets; and then ran to Poughkeepsie in two
Sylvia Preston was a lovely girl; with blue eyes; brown hair; and
perfect figure; clear white skin; and just twenty。  She was
delighted to see him; and said she would love to christen the 
Callisto or do anything else that he wished。  〃But I am so sorry
you are going away;〃 she went on。  〃I hate to lose you for so
long; and we shall not even be able to write。〃
〃Why couldn't we be married now;〃 he asked; 〃and go to Jupiter
for our honeymoon?〃
〃I'm afraid; dear;〃 she answered; 〃you would be sorry a few years
hence if I didn't take my degree; and; besides; as you have asked
those other men; there wouldn't be room for me。〃
〃We could have made other arrangements;〃 he replied; 〃had I been
able to persuade you to go。〃
〃Won't you dine with us at Delmonico's this evening; and go to
the play?〃 she asked。  〃Papa has taken a box。〃
〃Of course I will;〃 he said; brightening up。  〃What are you going
to wear?〃
〃Oh; I suppose something light and cool; for it's so hot;〃 she
〃I'll go now; so as to be ready;〃 he said; getting up and going
towards the door to which Sylvia followed him。
A man in livery stood at the step of the phaeton。  Ayrault got in
and turned on the current; and his man climbed up behind。
On turning into the main road Ayrault was about to increase his
speed; when Sylvia; who had taken a short cut appeared at the
wayside carrying her hat in one hand and her gloves in the other。
〃I couldn't let you go all by yourself;〃 she said。  〃The fact is;
I wanted to be with you。〃
〃You are the sweetest thing that ever lived; and I'll love you
all my days;〃 he said; getting down and helping Sylvia to the
seat beside him。  〃What a nuisance this fellow behind is!〃 he
continuedreferring to the groom 〃for; though he is a Russian;
and speaks but little English; it is unpleasant to feel he is
〃You'll have to write your sweet nothings; instead of saying
them;〃 Sylvia replied。
〃For you to leave around for other girls to see;〃 answered
Ayrault with a smile。
〃I don't know what your other girls do;〃 she returned; 〃but with
me you are safe。〃
Ayrault fairly made his phaeton spin; going up the grades like a
shot and down like a bird。  On reaching New York; he left Sylvia
at her house; then ran his machine to a florist's; where he
ordered some lilies and roses; and then steered his way to his
club; where he dressed for dinner。  Shortly before the time he
repaired to Delmonico'swhich name had become historical; though
the founders themselves were long deadand sat guard at a table
till Sylvia; wearing his flowers and looking more beautiful than
any of them; arrived with her mother and father; and Bearwarden;
whom they knew very well。
〃How are the exams getting on; Miss Preston?〃 Bearwarden asked。
〃Pretty well;〃 she replied; with a smile。  〃We had English
literature yesterday; and natural history the day before。  Next
week we have chemistry and philosophy。〃
〃What are you taking in natural history?〃 asked Bearwarden; with
〃Oh; principally physical geography; geology; and meteorology;〃
she replied。  〃I think them entrancing。〃
〃It must be a consolation;〃 said Ayrault; 〃when your best hat is
spoiled by rain; to know the reason why。  Your average;〃 he
continued; addressing Sylvia; 〃was ninety in the semi…annuals;
and I haven't a doubt that the finals will maintain your record
for the year。〃
〃Don't be too sure;〃 she replied。  〃I have been loafing awfully;
and had to engage a 'grind' as a coach。〃
After dinner they went to the play; where they saw a presentation
of Society at the Close of the Twentieth Century; which Sylvia
and Ayrault enjoyed immensely。
A few days after the Delmonico dinner; while Bearwarden;
Cortlandt; and Ayrault sat together discussing their plans; the
servant announced Ayrault's family physician; Dr。 Tubercle
Germiny; who had been requested to call。
〃Delighted to see you; doctor;〃 said Ayrault; shaking hands。 
〃You know Col。 Bearwarden; our President; and Dr。 Cortlandtan
LL。 D。; however; and not a medico。〃
〃I have had the pleasure;〃 replied Dr。 Germiny; shaking hands
with both。
〃As you may be aware; doctor;〃 said Ayrault; when they were
seated; 〃we are about to take a short trip to Jupiter; and; if
time allows; to Saturn。  We have come to you; as one familiar
with every known germ; for a few precautionary suggestions and
advice concerning our medicine…chest。〃
〃Indeed!〃 replied Dr。 Germiny; 〃a thorough knowledge of
bacteriology is the groundwork of therapeutics。  It is
practically admitted that every ailment; with the exception of
mechanical injuries; is the direct result of a specific germ; and
even in accidents and simple fractures; no matter what may be the
nature of the bruise; a micro…organism soon announces its
presence; so that if not the parent; it is the inseparable
companion; in fact the shadow; of disease。  Now; though not the
first cause in this instance; it has been indubitably proved;
that much of the effect; the fever and pain; are produced and
continued by the active; omnipresent; sleepless sperm。  Either
kill the micrococcus or heal the wound; and you are free from
both。  It being; therefore; granted that the ills of life are in
the air; we have but to find the peculiar nature of the case in
hand; its habits; tastes; and constitution; in order to destroy
it。  Impoverish the soil on which it thrives; before its arrival;
if you can foresee the nature of the inoculation to which you
will be exposed; by a dilute solution of itself; and supply it
only with what it particularly dislikes。  For an already
established tubercle requiring rapid action of the blood; such as
may well exist among the birds and vertebrates of Jupiter and
Saturn; I suggest a hypodermic rattlesnake injection; while
hydrocyanic acid and tarantula saliva may also come in well。  The
combinations that so long destroyed us have already become our
〃I see you have these poisons at your fingers' ends;〃 said
Ayrault; 〃and we shall feel the utmost confidence in the remedies
and directions you prescribe。〃
They found that; in addition to their medicine…chest; they would
have to make room for the following articles; and also many more:
six shot…guns (three double…barrel 12…bores; three magazine
10…bores;) three rifles; three revolvers; a large supply of
ammunition (explosive and solid balls); hunting…knives;
fishing…tackle; compass; sextant; geometrical instruments; canned
food for forty days; appliance for renewing air; clothing; rubber
boots; apergetic apparatus; protection…wires; aneroid barometer;
and kodaks。

                          CHAPTER VIII。

At last the preparations were completed; and it was arranged that
the Callisto should begin its journey at eleven o'clock A。 M。;
December 21stthe northern hemisphere's shortest day。
Though six months' operations could hardly be expected to have
produced much change in the inclination of the earth's axis; the
autumn held on wonderfully; and December was pronounced very
mild。  Fully a million people were in and about Van Cortlandt
Park hours before the time announced for the start; and those
near looked inquiringly at the trim little air…ship; that; having
done well on the trial trip; rested on her longitudinal and
transverse keels; with a battery of chemicals alongside; to make
sure of a full power supply。
The President and his Cabinetincluding; of course; the shining
lights of the State and Navy Departmentscame from Washington。 
These; together with Mr。 and Mrs。 Preston; and a number of people
with passes; occupied seats arranged at the sides of the
platform; while sightseers and scientists assembled from every
part of the world。
〃There's a ship for you!〃 said Secretary Stillman to the
Secretary of the Navy。  〃She'll not have to be dry…docked for
barnacles; neither will the least breeze make the passengers
〃That's all you landlubbers think of;〃 replied Deepwaters。  〃I
remember one of the kings over in Europe said to me; as he
introduced me to the queen:  'Your Secretary of State is a great
man; but why does he always part his hair in the middle?'
〃'So that it shall not turn his head;' I replied。
〃'But with so gallant and handsome an officer as you to lean
upon;' he answered; 'I should think he could look down on all the
world。'  Whereupon I asked him what he'd take to drink。〃
〃Your apology is accepted;〃 replied Secretary Stillman。
Cortlandt also came from Washington; where; as chief of the
Government's Expert Examiners Board; he had temporary quarters。 
Bearwarden sailed over the spectators' heads in one of the
Terrestrial Axis Straightening Company's flying machines; while
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