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a journey in other worlds-第5部分

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perpendicular and swing the other way。  When this motion is
completely arrested; I suggest that we blow up the Aleutian Isles
and enlarge Bering Strait; so as to allow what corresponds to the
Atlantic Gulf Stream in the Pacific to enter the Arctic
Archipelago; which I have calculated will raise the average
temperature of that entire region about thirty degrees; thereby
still further increasing the amount of available land。 
〃Ocean currents; being the result of the prevailing winds; which
will be more regular than at present; can be counted upon to
continue practically as they are。  It may not be plain to you why
the trade winds do not blow towards the equator due south and
north; since the equator has much the same effect on air that a
stove has in the centre of a room; causing an ascending current
towards the ceiling; which moves off in straight lines in all
directions on reaching it; its place being taken by cold currents
moving in opposite directions along the floor。  Picture to
yourselves the ascending currents at the equator moving off to
the poles from which they came。  As they move north they are
continually coming to parts of the globe having smaller circles
of latitude than those they have left; and therefore not moved
forward as rapidly by the earth's daily rotation as the latitudes
nearer the equator。  The winds consequently run ahead of the
surface; and so move east of norththe earth turning towards the
eastwhile the heavier colder surface currents; rushing towards
the equator to take the place of the ascending column; coming
from regions where the surface whirls comparatively slowly to
those where it is rotating faster; are continually left behind;
and so move southwest; while south of the equator a corresponding
motion results。  Though this is not the most exact explanation;
it may serve to make the action clear。  I will add; that if any
one prefers a colder or a warmer climate than that of the place
in which he lives; he need only go north or south for an hour;
or; if he prefers his own latitude; he can rise a few thousand
feet in the air; or descend to one of the worked…out coal…mines
which are now used as sanitariums; and secure his object by a
slight change of altitude。  Let us speed the departure of racking
changes and extremes of climate; and prepare to welcome what we
believe prevails in paradisenamely; everlasting spring。〃
Appended to the address was the report of the Government
Examining Committee; which ran:  〃We have critically examined the
Terrestrial Axis Straightening Company's figures and
calculations; also its statements involving natural philosophy;
physics; and astronomy; all of which we find correct; and hereby
'Signed'        〃For the Committee:



The Board of Directors having ratified the acts of its officers;
and passed congratulatory resolutions; the meeting adjourned sine

                           CHAPTER IV。


               IN A。 D。 2000。

Prof。 Cortlandt; preparing a history of the times at the
beginning of the great terrestrial and astronomical change; wrote
as follows:  〃This periodA。D。 2000is by far the most
wonderful the world has as yet seen。  The advance in scientific
knowledge and attainment within the memory; of the present
generation has been so stupendous that it completely overshadows
all that has preceded。  All times in history and all periods of
the world have been remarkable for some distinctive or
characteristic trait。  The feature of the period of Louis XIV was
the splendour of the court and the centralization of power in
Paris。  The year 1789 marked the decline of the power of courts
and the evolution of government by the people。  So; by the spread
of republican ideas and the great advance in science; education
has become universal; for women as well as for men; and this is
more than ever a mechanical age。
〃With increased knowledge we are constantly coming to realize how
little we really know; and are also continually finding
manifestations of forces that at first seem like exceptions to
established laws。  This is; of course; brought about by the
modifying influence of some other natural law; though many of
these we have not yet discovered。
〃Electricity in its varied forms does all work; having superseded
animal and manual labour in everything; and man has only to
direct。  The greatest ingenuity next to finding new uses for this
almost omnipotent fluid has been displayed in inducing the forces
of Nature; and even the sun; to produce it。  Before describing
the features of this perfection of civilization; let us review
the steps by which society and the political world reached their
present state。
〃At the close of the Franco…Prussian War; in 1871; Continental
Europe entered upon the condition of an armed camp; which lasted
for nearly half a century。  The primary cause of this was the
mutual dislike and jealousy of France and Germany; each of which
strove to have a larger and better equipped national defence than
the other。  There were also many other causes; as the ambition of
the Russian Czar; supported by his country's vast though
imperfectly developed resources and practically unlimited supply
of men; one phase of which was the constant ferment in the Balkan
Peninsula; and another Russia's schemes for extension in Asia;
another was the general desire for colonies in Africa; in which
one Continental power pretty effectually blocked another; and the
latent distrust inside the Triple Alliance。  England; meanwhile;
preserved a wise and profitable neutrality。
〃These tremendous sacrifices for armaments; both on land and
water; had far…reaching results; and; as we see it now; were
clouds with silver linings。  The demand for hardened steel
projectiles; nickel…steel plates; and light and almost
unbreakable machinery; was a great incentive to improvement in
metallurgy while the necessity for compact and safely carried
ammunition greatly stimulated chemical research; and led to the
discovery of explosives whose powers no obstacle can resist; and
incidentally to other more useful things。
〃Further mechanical and scientific progress; however; such as
flying machines provided with these high explosives; and
asphyxiating bombs containing compressed gas that could be fired
from guns or dropped from the air; intervened。  The former would
have laid every city in the dust; and the latter might have
almost exterminated the race。  These discoveries providentially
prevented hostilities; so that the 'Great War;' so long expected;
never came; and the rival nations had their pains for nothing;
or; rather; for others than themselves。
〃Let us now  examine the political and ethnological results。 
Hundreds of thousands; of the flower of Continental Europe were
killed by overwork and short rations; and millions of desirable
and oftenunfortunately for usundesirable people were driven
to emigration; nearly all of whom came to English…speaking
territory; greatly increasing our productiveness and power。  As;
we have seen; the jealousy of the Continental powers for one
another effectually prevented their extending their influence or
protectorates to other continents; which jealousy was
considerably aided by the small but destructive wars that did
take place。  High taxes also made it more difficult for the
moneyed men to invest in colonizing or development companies;
which are so often the forerunners of absorption; while the
United States; with her coalof which the Mediterranean states
have scarcely anyother resources; and low taxes; which; though
necessary; can be nothing but an evil; has been able to expand
naturally as no other nation ever has before。
〃This has given the English…speakers; especially the United
States; a free hand; rendering enforcement of the Monroe doctrine
easy; and started English a long way towards becoming the
universal language; while all formerly unoccupied land is now
owned by those speaking it。
〃At the close of our civil war; in 1865; we had but 3;000;000
square miles; and a population of 34;000;000。  The country
staggered beneath a colossal debt of over  4;000;000;000; had an
expensive but essentially perishable navy; and there was an
ominous feeling between the sections。  The purchase of Alaska in
1867; by which we added over half a million square miles to our
territory; marked the resumption of the forward march of the
United States。  Twenty…five years later; at the presidential
campaign of 1892; the debt had been reduced to 900;000;000;
deducting the sinking fund; and the charge for pensions had about
reached its maximum and soon began to decrease; though no one
objected to any amount of reward for bona fide soldiers who had
helped to save the country。  The country's wealth had also
enormously increased; while the population had grown to
65;000;000。  Our ancestors had; completed or in building; a navy
of which no nation need be ashamed; and; though occasionally
marred by hard times; there was general prosperity。
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