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a journey in other worlds-第58部分

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〃The spirit!〃 ejaculated Cortlandt。  〃Dick may be in a trance; in
which case he can help us。  Let us will hard and long。〃
Accordingly; they threw themselves on their faces; closing their
eyes; that nothing might distract their concentration。  Minutes;
which seemed like ages; passed; and there was no response。
〃Now;〃 said Bearwarden; 〃will together; hard。〃
Suddenly the stillness was broken by the spirit's voice; which
〃I felt more than one mind calling; but the effect was so slight
I thought first I was mistaken。  I will help you in what you
want; for the young man is not dead; neither is he injured。〃
Saying which; he stretched himself upon Ayrault; worked his lungs
artificially; and willed with an intensity the observers could
feel where they stood。  Quickly the colour returned to Ayrault's
cheeks; and with the spirit's assistance he sat up and leaned
against the tree that had protected him from the storm。
〃Your promise was realized;〃 he said; addressing the spirit。  〃I
have seen what I shall never forget; and lest the anguishthe
vision of which I sawcome true; let us return to the earth; and
not leave it till I have tasted in reality the joys that in the
spirit I seemed to have missed。  I have often longed in this life
to be in the spirit; but never knew what longing was; till I
experienced it as a spirit; to be once more in the flesh。〃
〃You see the mercy of God;〃 said the spirit; 〃in not ordinarily
allowing the spirits of the departed to revisit earth until they
are preparedthat is; until they are sufficiently advanced to go
there unaidedby which time they have come to understand the
wisdom of God's laws。  In your case the limiting laws were
partially suspended; so that you were able to return at once;
with many of the faculties and senses of spirits; but without
their accumulated experience。  It speaks well for your state of
preparation that; without having had those disguised blessings;
illness or misfortune; you were not utterly crushed by what you
saw when temporarily released。  While in the trance you were not
in hell; but experienced the feelings that all mortals would if
allowed to return immediately。  Thus no lover can return to earth
till his fiancee has joined him here; or till; perceiving the
benevolence of God's ways; he is not distressed at what he sees;
and has the companionship of a host of kindred spirits。
〃The spirits you saw in the cemetery were indeed in hell; but had
become sufficiently developed to revisit the earth; though doing
so did not relieve their distress; for neither the development of
their senses; which intensifies their capacity for remorse and
regret; nor their investigations into God's boundless mercies;
which they have deliberately thrown away; can comfort them。
〃Some of your ancestors are on Cassandra; and others are in
purgatory here。  Though a few faintly felt your prayer; none were
able to return and answer beside their graves。  It was at your
request and prayer that He freed your spirit; but you see how
unhappy it made you。〃
〃I see;〃 replied Ayrault; 〃that no man should wish to anticipate
the workings of the Almighty; although I have been unspeakably
blessed in that He made an exceptionif I may so call itin my
favour; since; in addition to revealing the responsibilities of
life; it has shown me the inestimable value and loyalty of
woman's love。  I fear; however; that my return to earth greatly
distressed the waterer of the flowers you showed me。〃
〃She already sleeps;〃 replied the spirit; 〃and I have comforted
her by a dream in which she sees that you are well。〃
〃When shall we start?〃 asked Bearwarden。
〃As soon as you can get ready;〃 replied Ayrault。  〃I would not
risk running short of enough current to generate the apergy
needed to get us back。  I dare say when I have been on earth a
few years; and have done something for the good of my
soulwhich; as I take it; can be accomplished as well by
advancing science as in any other wayI shall pine for another
journey in space as I now do to return。〃
〃How I wish I were engaged;〃 said Bearwarden; glancing at
Cortlandt; and overjoyed at Ayrault's recovery。
Accordingly; they resumed their march in the direction in which
they had been going when they found Ayrault; and were soon beside
the Callisto。  Cortlandt worked the combination lock of the lower
entrance; through which they crawled。  Going to the second story;
they opened a large window and let down a ladder; on which the
spirit ascended at their invitation。
Bearwarden and Ayrault immediately set about combining the
chemicals that were to produce the force necessary to repel them
from Saturn。  Bubbles of hydrogen were given off from the lead
and zinc plates; and the viscous primary batteries quickly had
the wires passing through a vacuum at a white heat。
〃I see you are nearly ready to start;〃 said the spirit; 〃so I
must say farewell。〃
〃Will you not come with us?〃 asked Ayrault。
〃No;〃 replied the spirit。  〃I do not wish to be away as long as
it will take you to reach the earth。  The Callisto's atmosphere
could not absorb my body; so that; should I leave you before your
arrival; you would be burdened with a corpse。  I may visit you in
the spirit; though the desire and effort for communion with
spirits; to be of most good; must needs come from the earth。  Ere
long; my intuition tells me; we shall meet again。
〃The vision of your own grave;〃 he continued; addressing
Cortlandt; 〃may not come true for many years; but however long
your lives may be; according to earthly reckoning; remember that
when they are past they will seem to have been hardly more than a
moment; for they are the personification of frailty and
He held up his hands and blessed them; and then repeating;
〃Farewell and a happy return!〃 descended as he had come up。
The air was filled with misty shadows; and the pulsating hearts;
luminous brains; and centres of spiritual activity quivered with
motion。  They surrounded the incarnate spirit of the bishop and
set up the soft; musical hum the travellers had heard so often
since their arrival on Saturn。
〃I now understand;〃 thought Ayrault; 〃why the spirits I met kept
repeating that I should be happy。  They perceived I was to be
translated; and though they doubtless knew what suffering it
would cause; they also knew I should be awakened to a sense of
great realities; of which I understood but little。〃
They drew up the ladder and turned on the current; and the
Callisto slowly began to rise; while the three friends crowded
the window。
〃Good…bye!〃 called the spirit's pleasant voice; to which the men
replied in chorus。
The sun had set on the surface of the planet while they made
their preparations; but as the Callisto rose higher; it seemed to
rise again; making the sides of their car shine like silver; and;
carefully closing the two open windows; they watched the
fast…receding world; so many times larger and more magnificent
than their own。

                           CHAPTER XV。

                          MOTHER EARTH。

〃There is something sad;〃 said Cortlandt; 〃about the end of
everything; but I am more sorry to leave Saturn than I have ever
been in taking leave of any other place。〃
When beyond the limits of the atmosphere they applied the full
current; and were soon once more cleaving the ether at cometary
speed; their motion towards the sun being aided by that great
body itself。
They quickly passed beyond the outer edge of the vast silvery
rings; and then crossed one after another the orbits of the
moons; from the last of which; Iapetus; they obtained their final
course in the direction of the earth。  They had an acute feeling
of homesickness for the mysterious planet on which; while yet
mortal; they had found paradise; and had communed with spirits as
no modern men ever did。
Without deviating from their almost straight line; they passed
within a million miles of Jupiter; which had gained in its
smaller orbit on Saturn; and a few days later crossed the track
of Mars。
As the earth had completed nearly half a revolution in its orbit
since their departure; they here turned somewhat to the right by
attracting the ruddy planet; in order to avoid passing too near
the sun。
〃On some future expedition;〃 said Ayrault; 〃and when we have a
supply of blue glasses; we can take a trip to Venus; if we can
find a possible season in her year。  Compared with this journey;
it would be only like going round the block。〃
Two days later they had rounded the sun; and laid their course in
pursuit of the earth。
That the astronomers in the dark hemisphere were at their posts
and saw them; was evident; for a brilliant beam of light again
flashed forth; this time from a point a little south of the
arctic circle; and after shining one minute; telegraphed this
message:  〃Rejoiced to see you again。  Hope all are well。〃
Since they were not sufficiently near the moon's shadow; they
directed their light…beam into their own; which trailed off on
one side; and answered:  〃All well; thank yo
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