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the saucy boy-第1部分

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                                 THE SAUCY BOY

                           by Hans Christian Andersen

    ONCE upon a time there was an old poet; one of those right good

old poets。

    One evening; as he was sitting at home; there was a terrible storm

going on outside; the rain was pouring down; but the old poet sat

comfortably in his chimney…corner; where the fire was burning and

the apples were roasting。

    〃There will not be a dry thread left on the poor people who are

out in this weather;〃 he said。

    〃Oh; open the door! I am so cold and wet through;〃 called a little

child outside。 It was crying and knocking at the door; whilst the rain

was pouring down and the wind was rattling all the windows。

    〃Poor creature!〃 said the poet; and got up and opened the door。

Before him stood a little boy; he was naked; and the water flowed from

his long fair locks。 He was shivering with cold; if he had not been

let in; he would certainly have perished in the storm。

    〃Poor little thing!〃 said the poet; and took him by the hand。

〃Come to me; I will soon warm you。 You shall have some wine and an

apple; for you are such a pretty boy。〃

    And he was; too。 His eyes sparkled like two bright stars; and

although the water flowed down from his fair locks; they still

curled quite beautifully。

    He looked like a little angel; but was pale with cold; and

trembling all over。 In his hand he held a splendid bow; but it had

been entirely spoilt by the rain; and the colours of the pretty arrows

had run into one another by getting wet。

    The old man sat down by the fire; and taking the little boy on his

knee; wrung the water out of his locks and warmed his hands in his


    He then made him some hot spiced wine; which quickly revived

him; so that with reddening cheeks; he sprang upon the floor and

danced around the old man。

    〃You are a merry boy;〃 said the latter。 〃What is your name?〃

    〃My name is Cupid;〃 he answered。 〃Don't you know me? There lies my

bow。 I shoot with that; you know。 Look; the weather is getting fine

again… the moon is shining。〃

    〃But your bow is spoilt;〃 said the old poet。

    〃That would be unfortunate;〃 said the little boy; taking it up and

looking at it。 〃Oh; it's quite dry and isn't damaged at all。 The

string is quite tight; I'll try it。〃 So; drawing it back; he took an

arrow; aimed; and shot the good old poet right in the heart。 〃Do you

see now that my bow was not spoilt?〃 he said; and; loudly laughing;

ran away。 What a naughty boy to shoot the old poet like that; who

had taken him into his warm room; had been so good to him; and had

given him the nicest wine and the best apple!

    The good old man lay upon the floor crying; he was really shot

in the heart。 〃Oh!〃 he cried; 〃what a naughty boy this Cupid is! I

shall tell all the good children about this; so that they take care

never to play with him; lest he hurt them。〃

    And all good children; both girls and boys; whom he told about

this; were on their guard against wicked Cupid; but he deceives them

all the same; for he is very deep。 When the students come out of

class; he walks beside them with a book under his arm; and wearing a

black coat。 They cannot recognize him。 And then; if they take him by

the arm; believing him to be a student too; he sticks an arrow into

their chest。 And when the girls go to church to be confirmed; he is

amongst them too。 In fact; he is always after people。 He sits in the

large chandelier in the theatre and blazes away; so that people

think it is a lamp; but they soon find out their mistake。 He walks

about in the castle garden and on the promenades。 Yes; once he shot

your father and your mother in the heart too。 Just ask them; and you

will hear what they say。 Oh! he is a bad boy; this Cupid; and you must

never have anything to do with him; for he is after every one。 Just

think; he even shot an arrow at old grandmother; but that was a long

time ago。 The wound has long been healed; but such things are never


    Now you know what a bad boy this wicked Cupid is。

                            THE END

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