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abraham lincoln and the union-第25部分

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。  The news from America; possibly; and Gladstone's rashness; certainly; roused it to increased activity。  Palmerston; whose tenure of power was none too secure; dared not risk a break that might carry the disaffected into the ranks of the Opposition。

From this time forward the North rapidly grew in favor in British public opinion; and its influence upon the Government speedily increased。

Says Lord Charnwood in his recent life of Lincoln: 〃The battle of Antietam was followed within five days by an event which made it impossible for any government of this country to take action unfriendly to the North。〃  He refers of course to the Emancipation Proclamation; which was issued on September 23; 1862。  Lord Charnwood's remark may be too dramatic。  But there can be no doubt that the Emancipation Proclamation was the turning…point in Lincoln's foreign policy; and because of it; his friends in England eventually forced the Government to play into his hands; and so frustrated Napoleon's scheme for intervention。 Consequently Lincoln was able to maintain the blockade by means of which the South was strangled。  Thus; at bottom; the crucial matter was Emancipation。

Lincoln's policy with regard to slavery passed through three distinct stages。  As we have seen; he proposed; at first; to pledge the Government not to interfere with slavery in the States where it then existed。  This was his maximum of compromise。  He would not agree to permitting its extension into new territory。 He maintained this position through 1861; when it was made an accusation against him by the Abolitionists and contributed to the ebb of his popularity。  It also played a great part in the episode of Fremont。  At a crucial moment in Fremont's career; when his hold upon popularity seemed precarious; he set at naught the policy of the President and issued an order (August 30; 1861); which confiscated all property and slaves of those who were in arms against the United States or actively aiding the enemy; and which created a 〃bureau of abolition。〃  Whether Fremont was acting from conviction or 〃playing politics〃 may be left to his biographers。  In a most tactful letter Lincoln asked him to modify the order so as to conform to the Confiscation Act of Congress; and when Fremont proved obdurate; Lincoln ordered him to do so。 In the outcry against Lincoln when Fremont was at last removed; the Abolitionists rang the changes on this reversal of his policy of military abolition。

Another Federal General; Benjamin F。 Butler; in the course of 1861; also raised the issue; though not in the bold fashion of Fremont。 Runaway slaves came to his camp on the Virginia coast; and he refused to surrender them to the owners。  He took the ground that; as they had probably been used in building Confederate fortifications; they might be considered contraband of war。 He was sustained by Congress; which passed what is commonly called the First Confiscation Act providing that slaves used by Confederate armies in military labor should; if captured; be 〃forfeited〃which of course meant that they should be set free。  But this did not settle what should be done with runaways whose masters; though residents of seceded States; were loyal to the Union。  The War Department decided that they should be held until the end of the war; when probably there would be made 〃just compensation to loyal masters。〃

This first stage of Lincoln's policy rested upon the hope that the Union might be restored without prolonged war。  He abandoned this hope about the end of the year。  Thereupon; his policy entered its second stage。  In the spring of 1862 he formulated a plan for gradual emancipation with compensation。  The slaves of Maryland; Delaware; Kentucky; Missouri; and the District of Columbia were to be purchased at the rate of 400 each; thus involving a total expenditure of 173;000;000。  Although Congress adopted the joint resolution recommended by the President; the 〃border States〃 would not accept the plan。  But Congress; by virtue of its plenary power; freed the slaves by purchase in the District of Columbia; and prohibited slavery in all the territories of the United States。

During the second stage of his policy Lincoln again had to reverse the action of an unruly general。  The Federal forces operating from their base at Port Royal had occupied a considerable portion of the Carolina coast。  General Hunter issued an order freeing all the slaves in South Carolina; Georgia; and Florida。  In countermanding the order; Lincoln made another futile appeal to the people of the border States to adopt some plan of compensated emancipation。

〃I do not argue;〃 he said; 〃I beseech you to make arguments for yourselves。  You cannot; if you would be blind to the signs of the times。  I beg of you a calm and enlarged consideration of them; ranging; if it may be; far above personal and partisan politics。 This proposal makes common cause for a common object; casting no reproaches upon any。  It acts not the Pharisee。  The change it contemplates would come gently as the dews of heaven; not rending or wrecking anything。  Will you not embrace it?  So much good has not been done by one effort in all past time; as in the providence of God it is now your high privilege to do。  May the vast future not have to lament that you neglected it。 〃

This persuasive attitude and reluctance to force the issue had greatly displeased the Abolitionists。  Their most gifted orator; Wendell Phillips; reviled Lincoln with all the power of his literary genius; and with a fury that might be called malevolent。 Meanwhile; a Second Confiscation Act proclaimed freedom for the slaves of all those who supported the Confederate Government。 Horace Greeley now published in the 〃New York Tribune〃 an editorial entitled; 〃The Prayer of Twenty Millions。〃  He denounced Lincoln's treatment of Fremont and Hunter and demanded radical action。 Lincoln replied in a letter now famous。  〃I would save the Union;〃 said he; 〃I would save it the shortest way under the Constitution。。。。  If I could save the Union without freeing any slave; I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone; I would also do that。  What I do about slavery and the colored race; I do because I believe it helps to save the Union; and what I forbear; I forbear because I do not believe it would help to save the Union。〃

However; at the very time when he wrote this remarkable letter; he had in his own mind entered upon the third stage of his policy。 He had even then discussed with his Cabinet an announcement favoring general emancipation。  The time did not seem to them ripe。  It was decided to wait until a Federal victory should save the announcement from appearing to be a cry of desperation。  Antietam; which the North interpreted as a victory; gave Lincoln his opportunity。

The Emancipation Proclamation applied only to the States in arms against the Federal Government。  Such States were given three months in which to return to the Union。  Thereafter; if they did not return; their slaves would be regarded by that Government as free。  No distinction was made between slaves owned by supporters of the Confederacy and those whose owners were in opposition to it。  The Proclamation had no bearing on those slave States which had not seceded。  Needless to add; no seceded State returned; and a second Proclamation making their slaves theoretically free was in due time issued on the first of January; 1863。

It must not be forgotten that this radical change of policy was made in September; 1862。  We have already heard of the elections which took place soon afterthose elections which mark perhaps the lowest ebb of Lincoln's popularity; when Seymour was elected Governor of New York; and the peace party gained over thirty seats in Congress。  It is a question whether; as a purely domestic measure; the Emancipation Proclamation was not; for the time; an injury to the Lincoln Government。  And yet it was the real turningpoint in the fortunes of the North。  It was the central fact in the maintenance of the blockade。

In England at this time the cotton famine was at its height。 Nearly a million people in the manufacturing districts were wholly dependent upon charity。  This result of the blockade had been foreseen by the Confederate Government which was confident that the distress of England's working people would compel the English ministry to intervene and break the blockade。  The employers in England whose loss was wholly financial; did as the Confederates hoped they would do。  The workmen; however; took a different course。  Schooled by a number of able debaters; they fell into line with that third group of political leaders who saw in the victory of the North; whatever its motives; the eventual extinction of slavery。  To these people; the Emancipation Proclamation gave a definite programme。  It was now; the leaders argued; no longer a question of eventual effect; the North had proclaimed a motive and that motive was the extinction of slavery。 Great numbers of Englishmen of all classes who had hitherto held back from supporting Cobden and Bright now ranged themselves on their side。  Addresses of praise and sympathy 〃began to pour into the Legation of the United States in a steady and eve
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