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the greek interpreter-第4部分

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give us time we must have them。〃

  〃But how can we find where this house lies?〃

  〃Well; if our conjecture is correct and the girl's name is or was

Sophy Kratides; we should have no difficulty in tracing her。 That must

be our main hope; for the brother is; of course; a complete

stranger。 It is clear that some time has elapsed since this Harold

established these relations with the girl…some weeks; at any

rate…since the brother in Greece has had time to hear of it and come

across。 If they have been living in the same place during this time;

it is probable that we shall have some answer to Mycroft's


  We had reached our house in Baker Street while we had been

talking。 Holmes ascended the stair first; and as he opened the door of

our room he gave a start of surprise。 Looking over his shoulder; I was

equally astonished。 His brother Mycroft was sitting smoking in the


  〃Come in; Sherlock! Come in; sir;〃 said he blandly; smiling at our

surprised faces。 〃You don't expect such energy from me; do you;

Sherlock? But somehow this can attracts me。〃

  〃How did you get here?〃

  〃I passed you in a hansom。〃

  〃There has been some new development?〃

  〃I had an answer to my advertisement。〃


  〃Yes; it came within a few minutes of your leaving。〃

  〃And to what effect?〃

  Mycroft Holmes took out a sheet of paper。

  〃Here it is;〃 said he; 〃Written with a J pen on royal cream paper by

a middle…aged man with a weak constitution。

  〃SIR 'he says':

    〃In answer to your advertisement of to…day's date; I beg to inform

you that I know the young lady in question very well。 If you should

care to call upon me I could give you some particulars as to her

painful history。 She is living at present at The Myrtles; Beckenham。

                                 〃Yours faithfully;

                                    〃J。 DAVENPORT。

  〃He writes from Lower Brixton;〃 said Mycroft Holmes。 〃Do you not

think that we might drive to him now; Sherlock; and learn these


  〃My dear Mycroft; the brother's life is more valuable than the

sister's story。 I think we should call at Scotland Yard for

Inspector Gregson and go straight out to Beckenham。 We know that a man

is being done to death; and every hour may be vital。〃

  〃Better pick up Mr。 Melas on our way;〃 I suggested。 〃We may need

an interpreter。〃

  〃Excellent;〃 said Sherlock Holmes。 〃Send the boy for a four…wheeler;

and we shall be off at once。〃 He opened the table…drawer as he

spoke; and I noticed that he slipped his revolver into his pocket。

〃Yes;〃 said he in answer to my glance; 〃I should say; from what we

have heard; that we are dealing with a particularly dangerous gang。〃

  It was almost dark before we found ourselves in Pall Mall; at the

rooms of Mr。 Melas。 A gentleman had just called for him; and he was


  〃Can you tell me where?〃 asked Mycroft Holmes。

  〃I don't know; sir;〃 answered the woman who had opened the door;

〃I only know that he drove away with the gentleman in a carriage。〃

  〃Did the gentleman give a name?〃

  〃No; sir。〃

  〃He wasn't a tall; handsome。 dark young man?〃

  〃Oh; no; sir。 He was a little gentleman; with glasses; thin in the

face; but very pleasant in his ways; for he was laughing all the

time that he was talking。〃

  〃Come along!〃 cried Sherlock Holmes abruptly。 〃This grows

serious;〃 he observed as we drove to Scotland Yard。 〃These men have

got hold of Melas again。 He is a man of no physical courage; as they

are well aware from their experience the other night。 This villain was

able to terrorize him the instant that he got into his presence。 No

doubt they want his professional services; but; having used him;

they may be inclined to punish him for what they will regard as his


  Our hope was that; by taking train; we might get to Beckenham as

soon as or sooner than the carriage。 On reaching Scotland Yard;

however; it was more than an hour before we could get Inspector

Gregson and comply with the legal formalities which would enable us to

enter the house。 It was a quarter to ten before we reached London

Bridge; and half past before the four of us alighted on the

Beckenham platform。 A drive of half a mile brought us to The Myrtles…a

large; dark house standing back from the road in its own grounds。 Here

we dismissed our cab and made our way up the drive together。

  〃The windows are all dark;〃 remarked the inspector。 〃The house seems


  〃Our birds are flown and the nest empty;〃 said Holmes。

  〃Why do you say so?〃

  〃A carriage heavily loaded with luggage has passed out during the

last hour。〃

  The inspector laughed。 〃I saw the wheel…tracks in the light of the

gate…lamp; but where does the luggage come in?〃

  〃You may have observed the same wheel…tracks going the other way。

But the outward…bound ones were very much deeper…so much so that we

can say for a certainty that there was a very considerable weight on

the carriage。〃

  〃You get a trifle beyond me there;〃 said the inspector; shrugging

his shoulders。 〃It will not be an easy door to force; but we will

try if we cannot make someone hear us。〃

  He hammered loudly at the knocker and pulled at the bell; but

without any success。 Holmes had slipped away; but he came back in a

few minutes。

  〃I have a window open;〃 said he。

  〃It is a mercy that you are on the side of the force; and not

against it; Mr。 Holmes;〃 remarked the inspector as he noted the clever

way in which my friend had forced back the catch。 〃Well; I think

that under the circumstances we may enter without an invitation。〃

  One after the other we made our way into a large apartment; which

was evidently that in which Mr。 Melas had found himself。 The inspector

had lit his lantern; and by its light we could see the two doors;

the curtain; the lamp; and the suit of Japanese mail as he had

described them。 On the table lay two glasses; an empty

brandy…bottle; and the remains of a meal。

  〃What is that?〃 asked Holmes suddenly。

  We all stood still and listened。 A low moaning sound was coming from

somewhere over our heads。 Holmes rushed to the door and out into the

hall。 The dismal noise came from upstairs。 He dashed up; the inspector

and I at his heels; while his brother Mycroft followed as quickly as

his great bulk would permit。

  Three doors faced us upon the second floor; and it was from the

central of these that the sinister sounds were issuing; sinking

sometimes into a dull mumble and rising again into a shrill whine。

It was locked; but the key had been left on the outside。 Holmes

flung open the door and rushed in; but he was out again in an instant;

with his hand to his throat。

  〃It's charcoal;〃 he cried。 〃Give it time。 It will clear。〃

  Peering in; we could see that the only light in the room came from a

dull blue flame which flickered from a small brass tripod in the

centre。 It threw a livid; unnatural circle upon the floor; while in

the shadows beyond we saw the vague loom of two figures which crouched

against the wall。 From the open door there reeked a horrible poisonous

exhalation which set us gasping and coughing。 Holmes rushed to the top

of the stairs to draw in the fresh air; and then; dashing into the

room; he threw up the window and hurled the brazen tripod out into the


  〃We can enter in a minute;〃 he gasped; darting out again。 〃Where

is a candle? I doubt if we could strike a match in that atmosphere。

Hold the light at the door and we shall get them out; Mycroft; now!〃

  With a rush we got to the poisoned men and dragged them out into the

well lit hall。 Both of them were blue…lipped and insensible; with

swollen; congested faces and protruding eyes。 Indeed; so distorted

were their features that; save for his black beard and stout figure;

we might have failed to recognize in one of them the Greek interpreter

who had parted from us only a few hours before at the Diogenes Club。

His hands and feet were securely strapped together; and he bore over

one eye the marks of a violent blow。 The other; who was secured in a

similar fashion; was a tall man in the last stage of emaciation;

with several strips of stickingplaster arranged in a grotesque pattern

over his face。 He had ceased to moan as we laid him down; and a glance

showed me that for him at least our aid had come too late。 Mr。

Melas; however; still lived; and in less than an hour; with the aid of

ammonia and brandy; I had the satisfaction of seeing him open his

eyes; and of knowing that my hand had drawn him back from that dark

valley in which all paths meet。

  It was a simple story which he had to tell; and one which did but

confirm our own deductions。 His visitor; on entering his rooms; had

drawn a life…preserver from his sleeve; and had so impressed him

with the fear of instant and inevitable death that he had kidnapped

him for the second time。 Indeed; it was almost mesmeric; the effect

which this giggling ruffian had produced upon the unfortunate

linguist; for he could not speak of him save with trembling hands

and a blanched cheek。 He had been taken swi
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