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the discovery of guiana-第17部分

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overflow very fearfully; and the rains came down in terrible showers;
and gusts in great abundance; and withal our men began to cry out for
want of shift; for no man had place to bestow any other apparel than
that which he ware on his back; and that was throughly washed on his
body for the most part ten times in one day; and we had now been well…
near a month every day passing to the westward farther and farther
from our ships。 We therefore turned towards the east; and spent the
rest of the time in discovering the river towards the sea; which we
had not viewed; and which was most material。

The next day following we left the mouth of Caroli; and arrived again
at the port of Morequito where we were before; for passing down the
stream we went without labour; and against the wind; little less than
a hundred miles a day。 As soon as I came to anchor; I sent away one
for old Topiawari; with whom I much desired to have further
conference; and also to deal with him for some one of his country to
bring with us into England; as well to learn the language; as to
confer withal by the way; the time being now spent of any longer stay
there。 Within three hours after my messenger came to him; he arrived
also; and with him such a rabble of all sorts of people; and every one
loaden with somewhat; as if it had been a great market or fair in
England; and our hungry companies clustered thick and threefold among
their baskets; every one laying hand on what he liked。 After he had
rested awhile in my tent; I shut out all but ourselves and my
interpreter; and told him that I knew that both the Epuremei and the
Spaniards were enemies to him; his country and nations: that the one
had conquered Guiana already; and the other sought to regain the same
from them both; and therefore I desired him to instruct me what he
could; both of the passage into the golden parts of Guiana; and to the
civil towns and apparelled people of Inga。 He gave me an answer to
this effect: first; that he could not perceive that I meant to go
onward towards the city of Manoa; for neither the time of the year
served; neither could he perceive any sufficient numbers for such an
enterprise。 And if I did; I was sure with all my company to be buried
there; for the emperor was of that strength; as that many times so
many men more were too few。 Besides; he gave me this good counsel and
advised me to hold it in mind (as for himself; he knew he could not
live till my return); that I should not offer by any means hereafter
to invade the strong parts of Guiana without the help of all those
nations which were also their enemies; for that it was impossible
without those; either to be conducted; to be victualled; or to have
aught carried with us; our people not being able to endure the march
in so great heat and travail; unless the borderers gave them help; to
cart with them both their meat and furniture。 For he remembered that
in the plains of Macureguarai three hundred Spaniards were overthrown;
who were tired out; and had none of the borderers to their friends;
but meeting their enemies as they passed the frontier; were environed
on all sides; and the people setting the long dry grass on fire;
smothered them; so as they had no breath to fight; nor could discern
their enemies for the great smoke。 He told me further that four days'
journey from his town was Macureguarai; and that those were the next
and nearest of the subjects of Inga; and of the Epuremei; and the
first town of apparelled and rich people; and that all those plates of
gold which were scattered among the borderers and carried to other
nations far and near; came from the said Macureguarai and were there
made; but that those of the land within were far finer; and were
fashioned after the images of men; beasts; birds; and fishes。 I asked
him whether he thought that those companies that I had there with me
were sufficient to take that town or no; he told me that he thought
they were。 I then asked him whether he would assist me with guides;
and some companies of his people to join with us; he answered that he
would go himself with all the borderers; if the rivers did remain
fordable; upon this condition; that I would leave with him till my
return again fifty soldiers; which he undertook to victual。 I answered
that I had not above fifty good men in all there; the rest were
labourers and rowers; and that I had no provision to leave with them
of powder; shot; apparel; or aught else; and that without those things
necessary for their defence; they should be in danger of the Spaniards
in my absence; who I knew would use the same measures towards mine
that I offered them at Trinidad。 And although upon the motion Captain
Caulfield; Captain Greenvile; my nephew John Gilbert and divers others
were desirous to stay; yet I was resolved that they must needs have
perished。 For Berreo expected daily a supply out of Spain; and looked
also hourly for his son to come down from Nuevo Reyno de Granada; with
many horse and foot; and had also in Valencia; in the Caracas; two
hundred horse ready to march; and I could not have spared above forty;
and had not any store at all of powder; lead; or match to have left
with them; nor any other provision; either spade; pickaxe; or aught
else to have fortified withal。

When I had given him reason that I could not at this time leave him
such a company; he then desired me to forbear him and his country for
that time; for he assured me that I should be no sooner three days
from the coast but those Epuremei would invade him; and destroy all
the remain of his people and friends; if he should any way either
guide us or assist us against them。 He further alleged that the
Spaniards sought his death; and as they had already murdered his
nephew Morequito; lord of that province; so they had him seventeen
days in a chain before he was king of the country; and led him like a
dog from place to place until he had paid an hundred plates of gold
and divers chains of spleen…stones for his ransom。 And now; since he
became owner of that province; that they had many times laid wait to
take him; and that they would be now more vehement when they should
understand of his conference with the English。 /And because/; said he;
/they would the better displant me; if they cannot lay hands on me;
they have gotten a nephew of mine called Eparacano; whom they have
christened Don Juan; and his son Don Pedro; whom they have also
apparelled and armed; by whom they seek to make a party against me in
mine own country。 He also hath taken to wife one Louiana; of a strong
family; which are borderers and neighbours; and myself now being old
and in the hands of death am not able to travel nor to shift as when I
was of younger years。/ He therefore prayed us to defer it till the
next year; when he would undertake to draw in all the borderers to
serve us; and then; also; it would be more seasonable to travel; for
at this time of the year we should not be able to pass any river; the
waters were and would be so grown ere our return。

He farther told me that I could not desire so much to invade
Macureguarai and the rest of Guiana but that the borderers would be
more vehement than I。 For he yielded for a chief cause that in the
wars with the Epuremei they were spoiled of their women; and that
their wives and daughters were taken from them; so as for their own
parts they desired nothing of the gold or treasure for their labours;
but only to recover women from the Epuremei。 For he farther complained
very sadly; as it had been a matter of great consequence; that whereas
they were wont to have ten or twelve wives; they were now enforced to
content themselves with three or four; and that the lords of the
Epuremei had fifty or a hundred。 And in truth they war more for women
than either for gold or dominion。 For the lords of countries desire
many children of their own bodies to increase their races and
kindreds; for in those consist their greatest trust and strength。
Divers of his followers afterwards desired me to make haste again;
that they might sack the Epuremei; and I asked them; of what? They
answered; Of their women for us; and their gold for you。 For the hope
of those many of women they more desire the war than either for gold
or for the recovery of their ancient territories。 For what between the
subjects of Inga and the Spaniards; those frontiers are grown thin of
people; and also great numbers are fled to other nations farther off
for fear of the Spaniards。

After I received this answer of the old man; we fell into
consideration whether it had been of better advice to have entered
Macureguarai; and to have begun a war upon Inga at this time; yea; or
no; if the time of the year and all things else had sorted。 For mine
own part; as we were not able to march it for the rivers; neither had
any such strength as was requisite; and durst not abide the coming of
the winter; or to tarry any longer from our ships; I thought it were
evil counsel to have attempted it at that time; although the desire
for gold will answer many objections。 But it would have been; in mine
opinion; an utter overthrow to the enterprise; if the same should be
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