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memoirs of general william t. sherman-1-第109部分

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lost its direction and filed off to the right。  Remembering the masked battery; I suspected that had something to do with the matter; and; on following it up; I learned that the Kentucky colonel before mentioned had appealed for aid against the masked battery and invisible force of rebels; and that a regiment had been ordered to him。  This regiment; filing off into the timber; had been followed by Thayer's brigade; supposing it to be advancing to the front; and thus left a single brigade to attack a superior force of the enemy in an intrenched and naturally strong position。  By the time the mistake could be rectified; it was too late。  Our loss was from one hundred and fifty to two hundred killed; and about eleven hundred prisoners and wounded。  During the afternoon I went with a flag of truce; with reference to burying the dead。  I saw between eighty and one hundred of our men dead; all stripped。  There were others closer into the enemy's works than I was allowed to go。  On going later to where the Sixth Missouri crossed; I found that they were under the bank; and had dug in with their hands and bayonets; or anything in reach; to protect themselves from a vertical fire from the enemy overhead; who had a heavy force there。  With great difficulty they were withdrawn at night。  Next day arrangements were made to attempt a lodgment below Haines's Bluff: This was to be done by Steele's command; while the rest of the force attacked again where we had already tried。  During the day locomotives whistled; and a great noise and fuss went on in our front; and we supposed that Grant was driving in Pemberton; and expected firing any moment up the Yazoo or in the rear of Vicksburg。  Not hearing this; we concluded that Pemberton was throwing his forces into Vicksburg。  A heavy fog prevented Steele from making his movement。 Rain began to fall; and our location was not good to be in after a heavy rain; or with the river rising。  During the night (I think) of January; 1; 1863; our troops were embarked; material and provisions having been loaded during the day。  A short time before daylight of the 2d; I went by order of the general commanding; to our picket lines and carefully examined the enemy's lines; wherever a camp…fire indicated their presence。  They were not very vigilant; and I once got close enough to hear them talk; but could understand nothing。  Early in the morning I came in with the rear…guard; the enemy advancing his pickets and main guards only; and making no effort at all to press us。  Once I couldn't resist the temptation to fire into a squad that came bolder than the rest; and the two shots were good ones。  We received a volley in return that did come very close among us; but hurt none of my party。  Very soon after our rear…guard was aboard; General Sherman learned from Admiral Porter that McClernand had arrived at the month of the Yazoo。  He went; taking me and one other staff…officer; to see McClernand; and found that; under an order from the President; he had taken command of the Army of the Mississippi。  He and his staff; of whom I only remember two…Colonels Scates and Braham; assistant adjutant…general and aide…de…campseemed to think they had a big thing; and; so far as I could judge; they had just that。  All hands thought the country expected them to cut their way to the Gulf; and to us; who had just come out of the swamp; the cutting didn't seem such an easy job as to the new…comers。  Making due allowance for the elevation they seemed to feel in view of their job; everything passed off pleasantly; and we learned that General Grant's communications had been cut at Holly Springs by the capture of Murphy and his force (at Holly Springs); and that he was either in Memphis by that time or would soon be。  So that; everything considered; it was about as well that we did not get our forces on the bluff's of Walnut Hill。〃

The above statement was sent to General Sherman in a letter dated 〃Chicago; February 5;1876;〃 and signed 〃John H。 Hammond。〃  Hammond was General Sherman's assistant adjutant…general at the Chickasaw Bayou。 J。 E。 TOURTELOTTE; Colonel and Aide…de…Camp。

On 29th December; 1862; at Chickasaw Bayou; I was in command of the Thirty…first Missouri Volunteer Infantry; First Brigade; First Division; Fifteenth Army Corps (Blair's brigade)。  Colonel Wyman; of the Thirteenth Illinois Volunteer Infantry; having been killed; I was the senior colonel of the brigade。  General Blair rode up to where my regiment lay; and said to me:

〃We are to make a charge here; we will charge in two lines; your regiment will be in the first line; and the Twenty…ninth (Cavender's) will support you。  Form here in the timber; and move out across the bayou on a double…quick; and go right on to the top of the heights in your front。〃  He then told me to await a signal。 I then attempted to make a reconnaissance of the ground over which we would have to charge; and rode out to the open ground in my front; and saw that there was water and soft mud in the bayou; and was fired upon by the sharp…shooters of the enemy; and turned and went back into the woods where my command lay。  Soon after that General Blair came near me; and I told him there was water and mud in the bayou; and I doubted if we could get across。  He answered me that General Morgan told him there was no water nor mud to hinder us。  I remarked that I had seen it myself; and General Morgan; or any one else; could see it if he world risk being shot at pretty lively。  I then told General Blair that it was certain destruction to us if we passed over the abatis upon the open ground where there had once been a corn…field; that we could never reach the base of the hill。  He turned to me and said; 〃Can't you take your regiment up there?〃  I told him; 〃Yes; I can take my regiment anywhere; because the men do not know any better than to go;〃 but remarked that old soldiers could not be got to go up there。  General Blair then said;  〃Tom; if we succeed; this will be a grand thing; you will have the glory of leading the assault。〃  He then went on to say that General Morgan's division would support us; and they were heroes of many battles; and pointed to the Fifty…eighth Ohio; then forming in the rear of the Thirteenth Illinois on my right; and said: 〃See these men? They are a part of Morgan's division; and are heroes of many battles。〃  I laughingly said that they might be heroes; but the regiment did not number as many as one of my companies。  He again assured me we would be supported by Morgan's division; and all I had to do was to keep right on and  〃keep going till you get into Vicksburg。〃  I took my position in advance of my regiment and awaited the signal。  When we heard it; we raised a shout; and started at a double…quick; the Thirteenth Illinois on my right。  I saw no troops on my left。  When we emerged from the woods; the enemy opened upon us; crossing the bayou under fire; and many of the men sinking in the mud and water; our line was very much disordered; but we pretty well restored it before reaching the abatis。  Here we were greatly disordered; but somewhat restored the line on reaching the plateau or corn…field。  The Twenty…ninth Missouri came on; gallantly supporting us。  The Thirteenth Illinois came out upon the corn…field; and the Fifty…eighth Ohio followed close upon it。  There was firing to my left; and as I afterward learned was from the Fourth Iowa of Thayer's brigade (and I believe of Steele's division)。  I was struck and fell; and my regiment went back in great disorder。  The fire was terrific。  I saw beyond the Thirteenth Illinois; to my right; a disordered line; and learned afterward it was the Sixteenth Ohio。  When I was taken from the field by the enemy and taken into Vicksburg; I found among the wounded and prisoners men and officers of the Sixteenth and Fifty…eighth Ohio; and of the Twenty…ninth and Thirty…first Missouri; and Thirteenth Illinois。  After I was exchanged and joined my command; General Blair laughingly remarked to me that I had literally obeyed his order and gone 〃straight on to Vicksburg。〃 He lamented the cutting to pieces of our force on that day。  We talked the whole matter over at his headquarters during the siege of Vicksburg。  He said that if the charge had been made along our whole line with the same vigor of attack made by his brigade; and if we had been supported as Morgan promised to do; we might have succeeded。  I dissented from the opinion that we could even then have succeeded。  I asked him what excuse Morgan gave for failing to support us; and he said that Colonel or General De Courcey was in some manner to blame for that; but he said Morgan was mistaken as to the nature of the ground and generally as to the feasibility of the whole thing; and was responsible for the failure to afford us the support he had promised; that he and General Sherman and all of them were misled by the statements and opinions of Morgan as to the situation in our front; and Morgan was; on his part; deceived by the reports of his scouts about other matters as well as the matter of the water in the bayou。



Extracts from Admiral Porter's Journal。

Sherman and I had made arrangements to capture Arkansas Post。

On the 31st of 
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