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memoirs of general william t. sherman-1-第15部分

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。  I remember the proclamation made by Burton and Captain Bailey; in taking possession; which was in the usual florid style。 Bailey signed his name as the senior naval officer at the station; but; as it was necessary to put it into Spanish to reach the inhabitants of the newly…acquired country; it was interpreted; 〃El mas antiguo de todos los oficiales de la marina;〃 etc。; which; literally; is 〃the  most ancient of all the naval officers;〃 etc。; a translation at which we made some fun。

The expedition to Mazatlan was; however; for a different purpose; viz。; to get possession of the ports of Mazatlan and Guaymas; as a part of the war against Mexico; and not for permanent conquest。

Commodore Shubrick commanded this expedition; and took Halleck along as his engineer…officer。  They captured Mazatlan and Guaymas; and then called on Colonel Mason to send soldiers down to hold possession; but he had none to spare; and it was found impossible to raise other volunteers either in California or Oregon; and the navy held these places by detachments of sailors and marines till the end of the war。  Burton also called for reenforcements; and Naglee'a company was sent to him from Monterey; and these three companies occupied Lower California at the end of the Mexican War。 Major Hardie still commanded at San Francisco and above; Company F; Third Artillery; and Shannon's company of volunteers; were at Monterey; Lippett's company at Santa Barbara; Colonel Stevenson; with one company of his regiment; and the company of the First Dragoons; was at Los Angeles; and a company of Mormons; reenlisted out of the Mormon Battalion; garrisoned San Diegoand thus matters went along throughout 1847 into 1848。  I had occasion to make several trips to Yerba Buena and back; and in the spring of 1848 Colonel Mason and I went down to Santa Barbara in the sloop…of…war Dale。

I spent much time in hunting deer and bear in the mountains back of the Carmel Mission; and ducks and geese in the plains of the Salinas。  As soon as the fall rains set in; the young oats would sprout up; and myriads of ducks; brant; and geese; made their appearance。  In a single day; or rather in the evening of one day and the morning of the next; I could load a pack…mule with geese and ducks。  They had grown somewhat wild from the increased number of hunters; yet; by marking well the place where a flock lighted; I could; by taking advantage of gullies or the shape of the ground;; creep up within range; and; giving one barrel on the ground; and the other as they rose; I have secured as many as nine at one discharge。  Colonel Mason on one occasion killed eleven geese by one discharge of small shot。  The seasons in California are well marked。  About October and November the rains begin; and the whole country; plains and mountains; becomes covered with a bright…green grass; with endless flowers。  The intervals between the rains give the finest weather possible。  These rains are less frequent in March; and cease altogether in April and May; when gradually the grass dies and the whole aspect of things changes; first to yellow; then to brown; and by midsummer all is burnt up and dry as an ashheap

When General Kearney first departed we took his office at Larkin's; but shortly afterward we had a broad stairway constructed to lead from the outside to the upper front porch of the barracks。  By cutting a large door through the adobe…wall; we made the upper room in the centre our office; and another side…room; connected with it by a door; was Colonel Mason's private office。

I had a single clerk; a soldier named Baden; and William E。 P。 Hartnell; citizen; also had a table in the same room。  He was the government interpreter; and had charge of the civil archives。 After Halleck's return from Mazatlan; he was; by Colonel Mason; made Secretary of State; and he then had charge of the civil archives; including the land…titles; of which Fremont first had possession; but which had reverted to us when he left the country。

I remember one day; in the spring of 1848; that two men; Americans; came into the office and inquired for the Governor。  I asked their business; and one answered that they had just come down from Captain Sutter on special business; and they wanted to see Governor Mason in person。  I took them in to the colonel; and left them together。  After some time the colonel came to his door and called to me。  I went in; and my attention was directed to a series of papers unfolded on his table; in which lay about half an ounce of placer gold。  Mason said to me; 〃What is that?〃 I touched it and examined one or two of the larger pieces; and asked; 〃Is it gold?〃 Mason asked me if I had ever seen native gold。  I answered that; in 1844; I was in Upper Georgia; and there saw some native gold; but it was much finer than this; and that it was in phials; or in transparent quills; but I said that; if this were gold; it could be easily tested; first; by its malleability; and next by acids。  I took a piece in my teeth; and the metallic lustre was perfect。  I then called to the clerk; Baden; to bring an axe and hatchet from the backyard。  When these were brought; I took the largest piece and beat it out flat; and beyond doubt it was metal; and a pure metal。  Still; we attached little importance to the fact; for gold was known to exist at San Fernando; at the south; and yet was not considered of much value。  Colonel Mason then handed me a letter from Captain Sutter; addressed to him; stating that he (Sutter) was engaged in erecting a saw…mill at Coloma; about forty miles up the American Fork; above his fort at New Helvetia; for the general benefit of the settlers in that vicinity; that he had incurred considerable expense; and wanted a 〃preemption〃 to the quarter… section of land on which the mill was located; embracing the tail…race in which this particular gold had been found。  Mason instructed me to prepare a letter; in answer; for his signature。  I wrote off a letter; reciting that California was yet a Mexican province; simply held by us as a conquest; that no laws of the United States yet applied to it; much less the land laws or preemption laws; which could only apply after a public survey。 Therefore it was impossible for the Governor to promise him (Sutter) a title to the land; yet; as there were no settlements within forty miles; he was not likely to be disturbed by trespassers。  Colonel Mason signed the letter; handed it to one of the gentlemen who had brought the sample of gold; and they departed。  That gold was the first discovered in the Sierra Nevada; which soon revolutionized the whole country; and actually moved the whole civilized world。  About this time (May and June; 1848); far more importance was attached to quicksilver。  One mine; the New Almaden; twelve miles south of San Jose; was well known; and was in possession of the agent of a Scotch gentle man named Forties; who at the time was British consul at Tepic; Mexico。  Mr。 Forties came up from San Blas in a small brig; which proved to be a Mexican vessel; the vessel was seized; condemned; and actually sold; but Forties was wealthy; and bought her in。  His title to the quicksilver…mine was; however; never disputed; as he had bought it regularly; before our conquest of the country; from another British subject; also named Forties; a resident of Santa Clara Mission; who had purchased it of the discoverer; a priest; but the boundaries of the land attached to the mine were even then in dispute。  Other men were in search of quicksilver; and the whole range of mountains near the New Almaden mine was stained with the brilliant red of the snlphuret of mercury (cinnabar)。  A company composed of T。 O。 Larkin; J。 R。 Snyder; and others; among them one John Ricord (who was quite a character); also claimed a valuable mine near by。 Ricord was a lawyer from about Buffalo; and by some means had got to the Sandwich Islands; where he became a great favorite of the king; Kamehameha; was his attorney…general; and got into a difficulty with the Rev。 Mr。 Judd; who was a kind of prime…minister to his majesty。  One or the other had to go; and Ricord left for San Francisco; where he arrived while Colonel Mason and I were there on some business connected with the customs。  Ricord at once made a dead set at Mason with flattery; and all sorts of spurious arguments; to convince him that our military government was too simple in its forms for the new state of facts; and that he was the man to remodel it。  I had heard a good deal to his prejudice; and did all I could to prevent Mason taking him; into his confidence。 We then started back for Monterey。  Ricord was along; and night and day he was harping on his scheme; but he disgusted Colonel Mason with his flattery; and; on reaching Monterey; he opened what he called a law…office; but there were neither courts nor clients; so necessity forced him to turn his thoughts to something else; and quicksilver became his hobby。  In the spring of 1848 an appeal came to our office from San Jose; which compelled the Governor to go up in person。  Lieutenant Loeser and I; with a couple of soldiers; went along。  At San Jose the Governor held some kind of a court; in which Ricord and the alcalde had a warm dispute about a certain mine which Ricord; 
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