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memoirs of general william t. sherman-1-第21部分

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r。  He also had along with him quite a retinue of servants; hired with a clear contract to serve him for a whole year after reaching California; every one of whom deserted; except a young black fellow named Isaac。  Mrs。 Smith; a pleasant but delicate Louisiana lady; had a white maid…servant; in whose fidelity she had unbounded confidence; but this girl was married to a perfect stranger; and off before she had even landed in San Francisco。  It was; therefore; finally arranged that; on the California; I was to accompany General Smith to San Francisco as his adjutant…general。  I accordingly sold some of my horses; and arranged for others to go up by land; and from that time I became fairly enlisted in the military family of General Persifer F。 Smith。

I parted with my old commander; Colonel Mason; with sincere regret。 To me he had ever been kind and considerate; and; while stern; honest to a fault; he was the very embodiment of the principle of fidelity to the interests of the General Government。  He possessed a native strong intellect; and far more knowledge of the principles of civil government and law than he got credit for。  In private and public expenditures he was extremely economical; but not penurious。 In cases where the officers had to contribute money for parties and entertainments; he always gave a double share; because of his allowance of double rations。  During our frequent journeys; I was always caterer; and paid all the bills。  In settling with him he required a written statement of the items of account; but never disputed one of them。  During our time; California was; as now; full of a bold; enterprising; and speculative set of men; who were engaged in every sort of game to make money。  I know that Colonel… Mason was beset by them to use his position to make a fortune for himself and his friends; but he never bought land or town…lots; because; he said; it was his place to hold the public estate for the Government as free and unencumbered by claims as possible; and when I wanted him to stop the public…land sales in San Francisco; San Josh; etc。; he would not; for; although he did not believe the titles given by the alcaldes worth a cent; yet they aided to settle the towns and public lands; and he thought; on the whole; the Government would be benefited thereby。  The same thing occurred as to the gold…mines。  He never took a title to a town lot; unless it was one; of no real value; from Alcalde Colton; in Monterey; of which I have never heard since。  He did take a share in the store which Warner; Beator; and I; opened at Coloma; paid his share of the capital; five hundred dollars; and received his share of the profits; fifteen hundred dollars。  I think also he took a share in a venture to China with Larkin and others; but; on leaving California; he was glad to sell out without profit or loss。  In the stern discharge of his duty he made some bitter enemies; among them Henry M。 Naglee; who; in the newspapers of the day; endeavored to damage his fair name。  But; knowing him intimately; I am certain that he is entitled to all praise for having so controlled the affairs of the country that; when his successor arrived; all things were so disposed that a civil form of government was an easy matter of adjustment。  Colonel Mason was relieved by General Riley some time in April; and left California in the steamer of the 1st May for Washington and St。 Louis; where he died of cholera in the summer of 1850; and his body is buried in Bellefontaine Cemetery。 His widow afterward married Major (since General) Don Carlos Buell; and is now living in Kentucky。

In overhauling the hold of the steamer California; as she lay at anchor in Monterey Bay; a considerable amount of coal was found under some heavy duplicate machinery。  With this; and such wood as had been gathered; she was able to renew her voyage。  The usual signal was made; and we all went on board。  About the 1st of March we entered the Heads; and anchored off San Francisco; near the United States line…of…battle…ship Ohio; Commodore T。 Catesby Jones。 As was the universal custom of the day; the crew of the California deserted her; and she lay for months unable to make a trip back to Panama; as was expected of her。  As soon as we reached San Francisco; the first thing was to secure an office and a house to live in。  The weather was rainy and stormy; and snow even lay on the hills back of the Mission。  Captain Folsom; the quartermaster; agreed to surrender for our office the old adobe custom house; on the upper corner of the plaza; as soon as he could remove his papers and effects down to one of his warehouses on the beach; and he also rented for us as quarters the old Hudson Bay Company house on Montgomery Street; which had been used by Howard & Mellua as a store; and at that very time they were moving their goods into a larger brick building just completed for them。  As these changes would take some time; General Smith and Colonel Ogden; with their wives; accepted the hospitality offered by Commodore Jones on board the Ohio。  I opened the office at the custom house; and Gibbs; Fitzgerald; and some others of us; slept in the loft of the Hudson Bay Company house until the lower part was cleared of Howard's store; after which General Smith and the ladies moved in。  There we had a general mess; and the efforts at house…keeping were simply ludicrous。  One servant after another; whom General Smith had brought from New Orleans; with a solemn promise to stand by him for one whole year; deserted without a word of notice or explanation; and in a few days none remained but little Isaac。  The ladies had no maid or attendants; and the general; commanding all the mighty forces of the United States on the Pacific coast; had to scratch to get one good meal a day for his family!  He was a gentleman of fine social qualities; genial and gentle; and joked at every thing。 Poor Mrs。 Smith and Mrs。 Ogden did not bear it so philosophically。 Gibbs; Fitzgerald; and I; could cruise around and find a meal; which cost three dollars; at some of the many restaurants which had sprung up out of red…wood boards and cotton lining; but the general and ladies could not go out; for ladies were rara aves at that day in California。  Isaac was cook; chamber…maid; and every; thing; thoughtless of himself; and struggling; out of the slimmest means; to compound a breakfast for a large and hungry family。  Breakfast would be announced any time between ten and twelve; and dinner according to circumstances。  Many a time have I seen General Smith; with a can of preserved meat in his hands; going toward the house; take off his hat on meeting a negro; and; on being asked the reason of his politeness; he would answer that they were the only real gentlemen in California。  I confess that the fidelity of Colonel Mason's boy 〃Aaron;〃 and of General Smith's boy 〃Isaac;〃 at a time when every white man laughed at promises as something made to be broken; has given me a kindly feeling of respect for the negroes; and makes me hope that they will find an honorable 〃status〃 in the jumble of affairs in which we now live。

That was a dull hard winter in San Francisco; the rains were heavy; and the mud fearful。  I have seen mules stumble in the street; and drown in the liquid mud!  Montgomery Street had been filled up with brush and clay; and I always dreaded to ride on horseback along it; because the mud was so deep that a horse's legs would become entangled in the bushes below; and the rider was likely to be thrown and drowned in the mud。  The only sidewalks were made of stepping…stones of empty boxes; and here and there a few planks with barrel…staves nailed on。  All the town lay along Montgomery Street; from Sacramento to Jackson; and about the plaza。  Gambling was the chief occupation of the people。  While they were waiting for the cessation of the rainy season; and for the beginning of spring; all sorts of houses were being put up; but of the most flimsy kind; and all were stores; restaurants; or gambling …saloons。  Any room twenty by sixty feet would rent for a thousand dollars a month。  I had; as my pay; seventy dollars a month; and no one would even try to hire a servant under three hundred dollars。 Had it not been for the fifteen hundred dollars I had made in the store at Coloma; I could not have lived through the winter。  About the 1st of April arrived the steamer Oregon; but her captain (Pearson) knew what was the state of affairs on shore; and ran his steamer alongside the line…of…battle…ship Ohio at Saucelito; and obtained the privilege of leaving his crew on board as 〃prisoners〃 until he was ready to return to sea。  Then; discharging his passengers and getting coal out of some of the ships which had arrived; he retook his crew out of limbo and carried the first regular mail back to Panama early in April。  In regular order arrived the third steamer; the Panama; and; as the vessels were arriving with coal; The California was enabled to hire a crew and get off。  From that time forward these three ships constituted the regular line of mail…steamers; which has been kept up ever since。 By the steamer Oregon arrived out Major R。 P。 Hammond; J。 M。 Williams; James Blair; and others; also the gentlemen who; with Major Ogden; were to compose a 
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