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memoirs of general william t. sherman-1-第71部分

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l the German states must be our ardent friends; and; in case of European intervention; they could not be kept down。

With great respect; your obedient servant;

W。 T。 SHERMAN; Major…General。


Dr。 E。 S。 PLUMMER and others; Physician  in Memphis; Signers to a Petition。

GENTLEMEN : I have this moment received your communication; and assure you that it grieves my heart thus to be the instrument of adding to the seeming cruelty and hardship of this unnatural war。

On my arrival here; I found my predecessor (General Hovey) had issued an order permitting the departure south of all persons subject to the conscript law of the Southern Confederacy。  Many applications have been made to me to modify this order; but I regarded it as a condition precedent by which I was bound in honor; and therefore I have made no changes or modifications; nor shall I determine what action I shall adopt in relation to persons unfriendly to our cause who remain after the time limited by General Hovey's order had expired。  It is now sunset; and all who have not availed themselves of General Hovey's authority; and who remain in Memphis; are supposed to be loyal and true men。

I will only say that I cannot allow the personal convenience of even a large class of ladies to influence me in my determination to make Memphis a safe place of operations for an army; and all people who are unfriendly should forthwith prepare to depart in such direction as I may hereafter indicate。

Surgeons are not liable to be made prisoners of war; but they should not reside within the lines of an army which they regard as hostile。  The situation would be too delicate。

I am; with great respect; your obedient servant;

W。 T。 SHERMAN; Major…General。


SAMUEL SAWYER; Esq。; Editor Union Appeal; Memphis。

DEAR SIR : It is well I should come to an understanding at once with the press as well as the people of Memphis; which I am ordered to command; which means; to control for the interest; welfare; and glory of the whole Government of the United States。

Personalities in a newspaper are wrong and criminal。  Thus; though you meant to be complimentary in your sketch of my career; you make more than a dozen mistakes of fact; which I need not correct; as I don't desire my biography to be written till I am dead。  It is enough for the world to know that I live and am a soldier; bound to obey the orders of my superiors; the laws of my country; and to venerate its Constitution; and that; when discretion is given me; I shall exercise it wisely and account to my superiors。

I regard your article headed 〃City CouncilGeneral Sherman and Colonel Slack;〃 as highly indiscreet。  Of course; no person who can jeopardize the safety of Memphis can remain here; much less exercise public authority; but I must take time; and be satisfied that injustice be not done。

If the parties named be the men you describe; the fact should not be published; to put them on their guard and thus to encourage their escape。  The evidence should be carefully collected; authenticated; and then placed in my hands。  But your statement of facts is entirely qualified; in my mind; and loses its force by your negligence of the very simple facts within your reach as to myself: I had been in the army six years in 1846; am not related by blood to any member of Lucas; Turner & Co。; was associated with them in business six years (instead of two); am not colonel of the Fifteenth Infantry; but of the Thirteenth。  Your correction; this morning; of the acknowledged error as to General Denver and others; is still erroneous。  General Morgan L。 Smith did not belong to my command at the battle of Shiloh at all; but he was transferred to my division just before reaching Corinth。  I mention these facts in kindness; to show you how wrong it is to speak of persons。

I will attend to the judge; mayor; Boards of Aldermen; and policemen; all in good time。

Use your influence to reestablish system; order; government。  You may rest easy that no military commander is going to neglect internal safety; or to guard against external danger; but to do right requires time; and more patience than I usually possess。  If I find the press of Memphis actuated by high principle and a sole devotion to their country; I will be their best friend; but; if I find them personal; abusive; dealing in innuendoes and hints at a blind venture; and looking to their own selfish aggrandizement and fame; then they had better look out; for I regard such persons as greater enemies to their country and to mankind than the men who; from a mistaken sense of State pride; have taken up muskets; and fight us about as hard as we care about。  In haste; but in kindness; yours; etc。;

W。 T。 SHERMAN; Major…General。


JOHN PARK; Mayor of Memphis; present。

Sir: Yours of July 24th is before me; and has received; as all similar papers ever will; my careful and most respectful consideration。  I have the most unbounded respect for the civil law; courts; and authorities; and shall do all in my power to restore them to their proper use; viz。; the protection of life; liberty; and property。

Unfortunately; at this time; civil war prevails in the land; and necessarily the military; for the time being; must be superior to the civil authority; but it does not therefore destroy it。  Civil courts and executive officers should still exist and perform duties; without which civil or municipal bodies would soon pass into disrespectan end to be avoided。  I am glad to find in Memphis a mayor and municipal authorities not only in existence; but in the co…exercise of important functions; and I shall endeavor to restore one or more civil tribunals for the arbitration of contracts and punishment of crimes; which the military have neither time nor inclination to interfere with。  Among these; first in importance is the maintenance of order; peace; and quiet; within the jurisdiction of Memphis。  To insure this; I will keep a strong provost guard in the city; but will limit their duty to guarding public property held or claimed by the United States; and for the arrest and confinement of State prisoners and soldiers who are disorderly or improperly away from their regiments。  This guard ought not to arrest citizens for disorder or minor crimes。  This should be done by the city police。  I understand that the city police is too weak in numbers to accomplish this perfectly; and I therefore recommend that the City Council at once take steps to increase this force to a number which; in their judgment; day and night can enforce your ordinances as to peace; quiet; and order; so that any change in our military dispositions will not have a tendency to leave your people unguarded。  I am willing to instruct the provost guard to assist the police force when any combination is made too strong for them to overcome; but the city police should be strong enough for any probable contingency。  The cost of maintaining this police force must necessarily fall upon all citizens equitably。  I am not wilting; nor do I think it good policy; for the city authorities to collect the taxes belonging to the State and County; as you recommend; for these would have to be refunded。  Better meet the expenses at once by a new tax on all interested。  Therefore; if you; on consultation with the proper municipal body; will frame a good bill for the increase of your police force; and for raising the necessary means for their support and maintenance; I will approve it and aid you in the collection of the tax。  Of course; I cannot suggest how this tax should be laid; but I think that it should be made uniform on all interests; real estate; and personal property; including money; and merchandise。

All who are protected should share the expenses in proportion to the interests involved。  I am; with respect; your obedient servant;

W。 T。 SHERMAN; Major…General commanding。


Captain FITCH; Assistant Quartermaster; Memphis; Tennessee。

SIR : The duties devolving on the quartermaster of this post; in addition to his legitimate functions; are very important and onerous; and I am fully aware that the task is more than should devolve on one man。  I will endeavor to get you help in the person of some commissioned officer; and; if possible; one under bond; as he must handle large amounts of money in trust; but; for the present; we most execute the duties falling to our share as well as possible。  On the subject of vacant houses; General Grant's orders are: 〃Take possession of all vacant stores and houses in the city; and have them rented at reasonable rates; rent to be paid monthly in advance。  These buildings; with their tenants; can be turned over to proprietors on proof of loyalty; also take charge of such as have been leased out by disloyal owners。〃

I understand that General Grant takes the rents and profits of this class of real property under the rules and laws of war; and not under the confiscation act of Congress; therefore the question of title is not involved simply the possession; 
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