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memoirs of general william t. sherman-1-第74部分

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ce of war; chargeable on those who caused the war。 So in fortifying a place; dwelling…houses must be taken; materials used; even wasted; and great damage done; which in the end may prove useless。  This; too; is an expense not chargeable to us; but to those who made the war; and generally war is destruction and nothing else。

We must bear this in mind; that however peaceful things look; we are really at war; and much that looks like waste or destruction is only the removal of objects that obstruct our fire; or would afford cover to an enemy。

This class of waste must be distinguished from the wanton waste committed by army…stragglers; which is wrong; and can be punished by the death…penalty if proper testimony can be produced。

Yours; etc。;

W。 T。 SHERMAN; Major…General commanding。

Satisfied that; in the progress of the war; Memphis would become an important depot; I pushed forward the construction of Fort Pickering; kept most of the troops in camps back of the city; and my own headquarters remained in tents on the edge of the city; near Mr。 Moon's house; until; on the approach of winter; Mrs。 Sherman came down with the children to visit me; when I took a house nearer the fort。

All this time battalion and brigade drills were enforced; so that; when the season approached for active operations farther south; I had my division in the best possible order; and about the 1st of November it was composed as follows

First Brigade; Brigadier…General M。 L。 SMITH … Eighth Missouri; Colonel G。 A。 Smith; Sixth Missouri; Colonel Peter E。 Bland; One Hundred and Thirteenth Illinois; Colonel George B。 Hoge; Fifty…fourth Ohio; Colonel T。 Kilby Smith; One Hundred and Twentieth Illinois; Colonel G。 W。 McKeaig。

Second Brigade; Colonel JOHN ADAIR McDOWELL。… Sixth Iowa; Lieutenant…Colonel John M。 Corse; Fortieth Illinois; Colonel J。 W。 Booth; Forty…sixth Ohio; Colonel O。 C。 Walcutt; Thirteenth United States Infantry; First Battalion; Major D。 Chase。

Third Brigade; Brigadier…General J。 W。 DENVER。 … Forty…eighth Ohio; Colonel P。 J。 Sullivan; Fifty…third Ohio; Colonel W。 S。 Jones; Seventieth Ohio; Colonel J。 R。 Cockerill。

Fourth Brigade; Colonel DAVID STUART。… Fifty…fifth Illinois; Colonel O。 Malmburg; Fifty…seventh Ohio; Colonel W。 Mungen; Eighty…third Indiana; Colonel B。 Spooner; One Hundred and Sixteenth Illinois; Colonel Tupper; One Hundred and Twenty…seventh Illinois; Lieutenant…Colonel Eldridge。

Fifth Brigade; Colonel R。 P。 BUCKLAND。… Seventy…second Ohio; Lieutenant…Colonel D。 W。 C。 Loudon; Thirty…second Wisconsin; Colonel J。 W。 Howe; Ninety…third Indiana; Colonel Thomas; Ninety…third Illinois; Major J。 M。 Fisher。

Subsequently; Brigadier…General J。 G。 Lauman arrived at Memphis; and I made up a sixth brigade; and organized these six brigades into three divisions; under Brigadier…Generals M。 L。 Smith; J。 W。 Denver; and J。 G。 Lauman。

About the 17th of November I received an order from General Grant; dated:

LAGRANGE; November 16; 1862。

Meet me at Columbus; Kentucky; on Thursday next。  If you have a good map of the country south of you; take it up with you。

U。 S。 GRANT; Major…General。

I started forthwith by boat; and met General Grant; who had reached Columbus by the railroad from Jackson; Tennessee。  He explained to me that he proposed to move against Pemberton; then intrenched on a line behind the Tallahatchie River below Holly Springs; that he would move on Holly Springs and Abberville; from Grand Junction; that McPherson; with the troops at Corinth; would aim to make junction with him at Holly Springs; and that he wanted me to leave in Memphis a proper garrison; and to aim for the Tallahatchie; so as to come up on his right by a certain date。  He further said that his ultimate object was to capture Vicksburg; to open the navigation of the Mississippi River; and that General Halleck had authorized him to call on the troops in the Department of Arkansas; then commanded by General S。 R。 Curtis; for cooperation。  I suggested to him that if he would request General Curtis to send an expedition from some point on the Mississippi; near Helena; then held in force; toward Grenada; to the rear of Pemberton; it would alarm him for the safety of his communications; and would assist us materially in the proposed attack on his front。  He authorized me to send to the commanding officer at Helena a request to that effect; and; as soon as I reached Memphis; I dispatched my aide; Major McCoy; to Helena; who returned; bringing me a letter from General Frederick Steele; who had just reached Helena with Osterhaus's division; and who was temporarily in command; General Curtis having gone to St。 Louis。  This letter contained the assurance that he 〃would send from Friar's Point a large force under Brigadier…General A。 P。 Hovey in the direction of Grenada; aiming to reach the Tallahatchie at Charleston; on the next Monday; Tuesday; or Wednesday (December 1st) at furthest。〃  My command was appointed to start on Wednesday; November 24th; and meantime MajorGeneral S。 A。 Hurlbut; having reported for duty; was assigned to the command of Memphis; with four regiments of infantry one battery of artillery; two companies of Thielman's cavalry and the certain prospect of soon receiving a number of new regiments; known to be en route。

I marched out of Memphis punctually with three small divisions; taking different roads till we approached the Tallahatchie; when we converged on Wyatt to cross the river; there a bold; deep stream; with a newly…constructed fort behind。  I had Grierson's Sixth Illinois Cavalry with me; and with it opened communication with General Grant when we were abreast of Holly Springs。  We reached Wyatt on the 2d day of December without the least opposition; and there learned that Pemberton's whole army had fallen back to the Yalabusha near Grenada; in a great measure by reason of the exaggerated reports concerning the Helena force; which had reached Charleston; and some of General Hovey's cavalry; under General Washburn; having struck the railroad in the neighborhood of Coffeeville; naturally alarmed General Pemberton for the safety of his communications; and made him let go his Tallahatchie line with all the forts which he had built at great cost in labor。  We had to build a bridge at Wyatt; which consumed a couple of days; and on the 5th of December my whole command was at College Hill; ten miles from Oxford; whence I reported to General Grant in Oxford。

On the 8th I received the following letter:

OXFORD MISSISSIPPI; December 8; 1862Morning

General SHERMAN; College Hill。

DEAR GENERAL: The following is a copy of dispatch just received from Washington:

WASHINGTON; December 7; 186212M

General GRANT:

The capture of Grenada may change our plans in regard to Vicksburg。 You will move your troops as you may deem best to accomplish the great object in view。  You will retain; till further orders; all troops of General Curtis now in your department。  Telegraph to General Allen in St。 Louis for all steamboats you may require。  Ask Porter to cooperate。  Telegraph what are your present plans。

H。 W。 HALLECK; General…in。…Chief。

I wish you world come over this evening and stay to…night; or come in the morning。  I would like to talk with you about this matter。 My notion is to send two divisions back to Memphis; and fix upon a day when they should effect a landing; and press from here with this command at the proper time to cooperate。  If I do not do this I will move our present force to Grenada; including Steele's; repairing road as we proceed; and establish a depot of provisions there。  When a good ready is had; to move immediately on Jackson; Mississippi; cutting loose from the road。  Of the two plans I look most favorably on the former。

Come over and we will talk this matter over。 Yours truly;

U。 S。 GRANT; Major…General。

I repaired at once to Oxford; and found General Grant in a large house with all his staff; and we discussed every possible chance。 He explained to me that large reenforcements had been promised; which would reach Memphis very soon; if not already there; that the entire gunboat fleet; then under the command of Admiral D。 D。 Porter; would cooperate; that we could count on a full division from the troops at Helena; and he believed that; by a prompt movement; I could make a lodgment up the Yazoo and capture Vicksburg from the rear; that its garrison was small; and he; at Oxford; would so handle his troops as to hold Pemberton away from Vicksburg。  I also understood that; if Pemberton should retreat south; he would follow him up; and would expect to find me at the Yazoo River; if not inside of Vicksburg。  I confess; at that moment I did not dream that General McClernand; or anybody else; was scheming for the mere honor of capturing Vicksburg。  We knew at the time that General Butler had been reenforced by General Banks at New Orleans; and the latter was supposed to be working his way up…stream from New Orleans; while we were working down。  That day General Grant dispatched to General Halleck; in Washington; as follows:

OXFORD; December 8; 1862。

Major…General H。 W。 HALLECK; Washington; D。 C。:

General Sherman will command the expedition down the Mississippi。 He will have a fo
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