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memoirs of general william t. sherman-1-第75部分

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OXFORD; December 8; 1862。

Major…General H。 W。 HALLECK; Washington; D。 C。:

General Sherman will command the expedition down the Mississippi。 He will have a force of about forty thousand men; will land above Vicksbnrg (up the Yazoo; if practicable); and out the Mississippi Central road and the road running east from Vicksburg; where they cross Black River。  I will cooperate from here; my movements depending on those of the enemy。  With the large cavalry force now at my command; I will be able to have them show themselves at different points on the Tallahatchie and Yalabusha; and; when an opportunity occurs; make a real attack。  After cutting the two roads; General Sherman's movements to secure the end desired will necessarily be left to his judgment。

I will occupy this road to Coffeeville。

U。 S。 GRANT; Major…General。

I was shown this dispatch before it was sent; and afterward the general drew up for me the following letter of instructions in his own handwriting; which I now possess:


Major…General W。 T。 SHERMAN; commanding Right Wing Army In the Field; present。

GENERAL: You will proceed with as little delay as practicable to Memphis; Tennessee; taking with you one division of your present command。  On your arrival at Memphis you will assume command of all the troops there; and that portion of General Curtis's forces at present east of the Mississippi River; and organize them into brigades and divisions in your own way。

As soon as possible move with them down the river to the vicinity of Vicksburg; and; with the cooperation of the gunboat fleet under command of Flag…Officer Porter; proceed to the reduction of that place in such manner as circumstances and your own judgment may dictate。

The amount of rations; forage; land transportation; etc。; necessary to take; will be left entirely to yourself。

The quartermaster in St。 Louis will be instructed to send you transportation for thirty thousand men。  Should you still find yourself deficient; your quartermaster will be authorized to make up the deficiency from such transports as may come into the port of Memphis。

On arriving in Memphis put yourself in communication with Admiral Porter; and arrange with him for his cooperation。

Inform me at the earliest practicable day of the time when you will embark; and such plans as may then be matured。  I will hold the forces here in readiness to cobperate with you in such manner as the movements of the enemy may make necessary。

Leave the District of Memphis in the command of an efficient officer and with a garrison of four regiments of infantry; the siege…guns; and what  ever cavalry force may be there。

One regiment of infantry and at least a section of artillery will also be left at Friar's Point or Delta; to protect the stores of the cavalry post that will be left there。  Yours truly;

U。 S。 GRANT; Major…General。

I also insert here another letter; dated the 14th instant; sent afterward to me at Memphis; which completes all instructions received by me governing the first movement against Vicksburg :


Major…General SHERMAN; commanding; etc。; Memphis; Tennessee

I have not had one word from Grierson since he left; and am getting uneasy about him。  I hope General Gorman will give you no difficulty about retaining the troops on this side the river; and Steele to command them。  The twenty…one thousand men you have; with the twelve thousand from Helena; will make a good force。  The enemy are as yet on the Yalabusha。  I am pushing down on them slowly; but so as to keep up the impression of a continuous move。  I feel particularly anxious to have the Helena cavalry on this side of the river; if not now; at least after you start。  If Gorman will send them; instruct them where to go and how to communicate with me。  My headquarters will probably be in Coffeeville one week hence。。。。  In the mean time I will order transportation; etc。。。。 It would be well if you could have two or three small boats suitable for navigating the Yazoo。  It may become necessary for me to look to that base for supplies before we get through。。。。

U。 S。 GRANT; Major…General。

When we rode to Oxford from College Hill; there happened a little circumstance which seems worthy of record。  While General Van Dorn had his headquarters in Holly Springs; viz。; in October; 1862; he was very short of the comforts and luxuries of life; and resorted to every possible device to draw from the abundant supplies in Memphis。  He had no difficulty whatever in getting spies into the town for information; but he had trouble in getting bulky supplies out through our guards; though sometimes I connived at his supplies of cigars; liquors; boots; gloves; etc。; for his individual use; but medicines and large supplies of all kinds were confiscated; if attempted to be passed out。  As we rode that morning toward Oxford; I observed in a farmer's barn…yard a wagon that looked like a city furniture…wagon with springs。  We were always short of wagons; so I called the attention of the quartermaster; Colonel J。 Condit Smith; saying; 〃There is a good wagon; go for it。〃  He dropped out of the retinue with an orderly; and after we had ridden a mile or so he overtook us; and I asked him; 〃What luck?〃  He answered; 〃All right; I have secured that wagon; and I also got another;〃 and explained that he had gone to the farmer's house to inquire about the furniture…wagon; when the farmer said it did not belong to him; but to some party in Memphis; adding that in his barn was another belonging to the same party。  They went to the barn; and there found a handsome city hearse; with pall and plumes。  The farmer said they had had a big funeral out of Memphis; but when it reached his house; the coffin was found to contain a fine assortment of medicines for the use of Van Dorn's army。  Thus under the pretense of a first…class funeral; they had carried through our guards the very things we had tried to prevent。  It was a good trick; but diminished our respect for such pageants afterward。

As soon as I was in possession of General Grant's instructions of December 8th; with a further request that I should dispatch Colonel Grierson; with his cavalry; across by land to Helena; to notify General Steele of the general plan; I returned to College Hill; selected the division of Brigadier…General Morgan L。 Smith to return with me to Memphis; started Grierson on his errand to Helena; and ordered Generals Denver and Lauman to report to General Grant for further orders。  We started back by the most direct route; reached Memphis by noon of December 12th; and began immediately the preparations for the Vicksburg movement。  There I found two irregular divisions which had arrived at Memphis in my absence; commanded respectively by Brigadier…General A。 J。 Smith and Brigadier…General George W。 Morgan。  These were designated the First and Third Divisions; leaving the Second Division of Morgan Z。 Smith to retain its original name and number。

I also sent orders; in the name of General Grant; to General Gorman; who meantime had replaced General Steele in command of Helena; in lieu of the troops which had been east of the Mississippi and had returned; to make up a strong division to report to me on my way down。  This division was accordingly organized; and was commanded by Brigadier…General Frederick Steele; constituting my Fourth Division。

Meantime a large fleet of steamboats was assembling from St。 Louis and Cairo; and Admiral Porter dropped down to Memphis with his whole gunboat fleet; ready to cooperate in the movement。  The preparations were necessarily hasty in the extreme; but this was the essence of the whole plan; viz。; to reach Vicksburg as it were by surprise; while General Grant held in check Pemberton's army about Grenada; leaving me to contend only with the smaller garrison of Vicksburg and its well…known strong batteries and defenses。  On the 19th the Memphis troops were embarked; and steamed down to Helena; where on the 21st General Steele's division was also embarked; and on the 22d we were all rendezvoused at Friar's Point; in the following order; viz。:

Steamer Forest Queen; general headquarters; and battalion Thirteenth United States Infantry。

First Division; Brigadier…General A。 J。 SMITH。… Steamers Des Arc; division headquarters and escort; Metropolitan; Sixth Indiana; J。 H。 Dickey; Twenty…third Wisconsin; J。 C。 Snow; Sixteenth Indiana; Hiawatha; Ninety…sixth Ohio; J。 S。 Pringle; Sixty…seventh Indiana; J。 W。 Cheeseman; Ninth Kentucky; R。 Campbell; Ninety…seventh Indiana; Duke of Argyle; Seventy…seventh Illinois; City of Alton; One Hundred and Eighth and Forty…eighth Ohio; City of Louisiana; Mercantile Battery; Ohio Belle; Seventeenth Ohio Battery; Citizen; Eighty…third Ohio; Champion; commissary…boat; General Anderson; Ordnance。

Second Division;; Brigadier…General M。 L。 SMITH。…Steamers Chancellor; headquarters; and Thielman's cavalry; Planet; One Hundred and Sixteenth Illinois; City of Memphis; Batteries A and B (Missouri Artillery); Eighth Missouri; and section of Parrott guns; Omaha; Fift
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