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memoirs of general william t. sherman-1-第79部分

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which had been abandoned; and the whole rebel force had fallen back into and about the fort。  Personally I crept up to a stump so close that I could hear the enemy hard at work; pulling down houses; cutting with axes; and building intrenchments。  I could almost hear their words; and I was thus listening when; about 4 A。 M。 the bugler in the rebel camp sounded as pretty a reveille as I ever listened to。

When daylight broke it revealed to us a new line of parapet straight across the peninsula; connecting Fort Hindman; on the Arkansas River bank; with the impassable swamp about a mile to its left or rear。  This peninsula was divided into two nearly equal parts by a road。  My command had the ground to the right of the road; and Morgan's corps that to the left。  McClernand had his quarters still on the Tigress; back at Notrib's farm; but moved forward that morning (January 11th) to a place in the woods to our rear; where he had a man up a tree; to observe and report the movements。

There was a general understanding with Admiral Porter that he was to attack the fort with his three ironclad gunboats directly by its water…front; while we assaulted by land in the rear。  About 10 a。m。 I got a message from General McClernand; telling me where he could be found; and asking me what we were waiting for。  I answered that we were then in close contact with the enemy; viz。; about five or six hundred yards off; that the next movement must be a direct assault; that this should be simultaneous along the whole line; and that I was waiting to hear from the gunboats; asking him to notify Admiral Porter that we were all ready。  In about half an hour I heard the clear ring of the navy…guns; the fire gradually increasing in rapidity and advancing toward the fort。  I had distributed our field…guns; and; when I judged the time had come; I gave the orders to begin。  The intervening ground between us and the enemy was a dead level; with the exception of one or two small gullies; and our men had no cover but the few standing trees and some logs on the ground。  The troops advanced well under a heavy fire; once or twice falling to the ground for a sort of rest or pause。  Every tree had its group of men; and behind each log was a crowd of sharp…shooters; who kept up so hot a fire that the rebel troops fired wild。  The fire of the fort proper was kept busy by the gunboats and Morgan's corps; so that all my corps had to encounter was the direct fire from the newly…built parapet across the peninsula。  This line had three sections of field…guns; that kept things pretty lively; and several round…shot came so near me that I realized that they were aimed at my staff; so I dismounted; and made them scatter。

As the gunboats got closer up I saw their flags actually over the parapet of Fort Hindman; and the rebel gunners scamper out of the embrasures and run down into the ditch behind。  About the same time a man jumped up on the rebel parapet just where the road entered; waving a large white flag; and numerous smaller white rags appeared above the parapet along the whole line。  I immediately ordered; 〃Cease firing!〃 and sent the same word down the line to General Steele; who had made similar progress on the right; following the border of he swamp。  I ordered my aide; Colonel Dayton; to jump on his horse and ride straight up to the large white flag; and when his horse was on the parapet I followed with the rest of my staff。 All firing had ceased; except an occasional shot away to the right; and one of the captains (Smith) of the Thirteenth Regulars was wounded after the display of the white flag。  On entering the line; I saw that our muskets and guns had done good execution; for there was a horse…battery; and every horse lay dead in the traces。  The fresh…made parapet had been knocked down in many places; and dead men lay around very thick。  I inquired who commanded at that point; and a Colonel Garland stepped up and said that he commanded that brigade。  I ordered him to form his brigade; stack arms; hang the belts on the muskets; and stand waiting for orders。  Stuart's division had been halted outside the parapet。  I then sent Major Hammond down the rebel line to the right; with orders to stop Steele's division outside; and to have the other rebel brigade stack its arms in like manner; and to await further orders。  I inquired of Colonel Garland who commanded in chief; and he said that General Churchill did; and that he was inside the fort。  I then rode into the fort; which was well built; with good parapets; drawbridge; and ditch; and was an inclosed work of four bastions。 I found it full of soldiers and sailors; its parapets toward the river well battered in; and Porter's gunboats in the river; close against the fort; with their bows on shore。  I soon found General Churchill; in conversation with Admiral Porter and General A。 J。 Smith; and about this time my adjutant…general; Major J。 H。 Hammond; came and reported that General Deshler; who commanded the rebel brigade facing and opposed to Steele; had refused to stack arms and surrender; on the ground that he had received no orders from his commanding general; that nothing separated this brigade from Steele's men except the light parapet; and that there might be trouble there at any moment。  I advised General Churchill to send orders at once; because a single shot might bring the whole of Steele's division on Deshler's brigade; and I would not be responsible for the consequences; soon afterward; we both concluded to go in person。  General Churchill had the horses of himself and staff in the ditch; they were brought in; and we rode together to where Garland was standing; and Churchill spoke to him in an angry tone; 〃Why did you display the white flag!〃  Garland replied; 〃I received orders to do so from one of your staff。〃  Churchill denied giving such an order; and angry words passed between them。  I stopped them; saying that it made little difference then; as they were in our power。  We continued to ride down the line to its extreme point; where we found Deshler in person; and his troops were still standing to the parapet with their muskets in hand。 Steele'e men were on the outside。  I asked Deshler: 〃What does this mean ? You are a regular officer; and ought to know better。〃  He answered; snappishly; that 〃he had received no orders to surrender;〃 when General Churchill said: 〃You see; sir; that we are in their power; and you may surrender。〃  Deshler turned to his staff…officers and ordered them to repeat the command to 〃stack arms;〃 etc。; to the colonels of his brigade。  I was on my horse; and he was on foot。  Wishing to soften the blow of defeat; I spoke to him kindly; saying that I knew a family of Deshlers in Columbus; Ohio; and inquired if they were relations of his。  He disclaimed any relation with people living north of the Ohio; in an offensive tone; and I think I gave him a piece of my mind that he did not relish。  He was a West Point graduate; small but very handsome; and was afterward killed in battle。  I never met him again。

Returning to the position where I had first entered the rebel line; I received orders from General McClernand; by one of his staff; to leave General A。 J。 Smith in charge of the fort and prisoners; and with my troops to remain outside。  The officer explained that the general was then on the Tigress; which had moved up from below; to a point in the river just above the fort; and not understanding his orders; I concluded to go and see him in person。  My troops were then in possession of two of the three brigades which composed the army opposed to us; and my troops were also in possession of all the ground of the peninsula outside the 〃fort…proper〃 (Hindman)。  I found General MeClernand on the Tigress; in high spirits。  He said repeatedly: 〃Glorious! glorious! my star is ever in the ascendant!〃 He spoke complimentarily of the troops; but was extremely jealous of the navy。  He said: 〃I'll make a splendid report;〃  〃I had a man up a tree;〃 etc。  I was very hungry and tired; and fear I did not appreciate the honors in reserve for us; and asked for something to eat and drink。  He very kindly ordered something to be brought; and explained to me that by his 〃orders〃 he did not wish to interfere with the actual state of facts; that General A。 J。 Smith would occupy 〃Fort Hindman;〃 which his troops had first entered; and I could hold the lines outside; and go on securing the prisoners and stores as I had begun。  I returned to the position of Garland's brigade and gave the necessary orders for marching all the prisoners; disarmed; to a pocket formed by the river and two deep gullies just above the fort; by which time it had become quite dark。  After dark another rebel regiment arrived from Pine Bluff; marched right in; and was also made prisoners。  There seemed to be a good deal of feeling among the rebel officers against Garland; who asked leave to stay with me that night; to which I of course consented。  Just outside the rebel parapet was a house which had been used for a hospital。  I had a room cleaned out; and occupied it that night。  A cavalry…soldier lent me his battered coffee…pot with some coffee and scraps of hard bread out of his nose…bag; Garland and I made some coffee; ate our bread togethe
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