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memoirs of general william t. sherman-1-第96部分

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e must return to Chattanooga to push him。 By reason of the scarcity of food; especially of forage; he consented that; instead of going back; I might keep out in the country; for in motion I could pick up some forage and food; especially on the Hiawassee River; whereas none remained in Chattanooga。

Accordingly; on the 29th of November; my several columns marched to Cleveland; and the next day we reached the Hiawassee at Charleston; where the Chattanooga & Knoxville Railroad crosses it。  The railroad…bridge was partially damaged by the enemy in retreating; but we found some abandoned stores。  There and thereabouts I expected some rest for my weary troops and horses; but; as I rode into town; I met Colonel J。 H。 Wilson and C。 A。 Dana (Assistant Secretary of War); who had ridden out from Chattanooga to find me; with the following letter from General Grant; and copies of several dispatches from General Burnside; the last which had been received from him by way of Cumberland Gap:


Major…General W。 T。 SHERMAN

News are received from Knoxville to the morning of the 27th。  At that time the place was still invested; but the attack on it was not vigorous。  Longstreet evidently determined to starve the garrison out。  Granger is on the way to Burnside's relief; but I have lost all faith in his energy or capacity to manage an expedition of the importance of this one。  I am inclined to think; therefore; I shall have to send you。  Push as rapidly as you can to the Hiawassee; and determine for yourself what force to take with you from that point。  Granger has his corps with him; from which you will select in conjunction with the force now with you。  In plain words; you will assume command of all the forces now moving up the Tennessee; including the garrison at Kingston; and from that force; organize what you deem proper to relieve Burnside。  The balance send back to Chattanooga。  Granger has a boat loaded with provisions; which you can issue; and return the boat。  I will have another loaded; to follow you。  Use; of course; as sparingly as possible from the rations taken with you; and subsist off the country all you can。

It is expected that Foster is moving; by this time; from Cumberland Gap on Knoxville。  I do not know what force he will have with him; but presume it will range from three thousand five hundred to five thousand I leave this matter to you; knowing that you will do better acting upon your discretion than you could trammeled with instructions。  I will only add; that the last advices from Burnside himself indicated his ability to hold out with rations only to about the 3d of December。  Very respectfully;

U。 S。 GRANT; Major…General commanding;

This showed that; on the 27th of November; General Burnside was in Knoxville; closely besieged by the rebel General Longstreet; that his provisions were short; and that; unless relieved by December 3d; he might have to surrender。  General Grant further wrote that General Granger; instead of moving with great rapidity as ordered; seemed to move  〃slowly; and with reluctance;〃 and; although he (General Grant) hated to call on me and on my tired troops; there was no alternative。  He wanted me to take command of every thing within reach; and to hurry forward to Knoxville。

All the details of our march to Knoxville are also given in my official report。  By extraordinary efforts Long's small brigade of cavalry reached Knoxville during the night of the 3d; purposely to let Burnside know that I was rapidly approaching with an adequate force to raise the siege。

With the head of my infantry column I reached Marysville; about fifteen miles short of Knoxville; on the 5th of December; when I received official notice from Burnside that Longstreet had raised the siege; and had started in retreat up the valley toward Virginia。  Halting all the army; except Granger's two divisions; on the morning of the 6th; with General Granger and some of my staff I rode into Knoxville。  Approaching from the south and west; we crossed the Holston on a pontoon bridge; and in a large pen on the Knoxville aide I saw a fine lot of cattle; which did not look much like starvation。  I found General Burnside and staff domiciled in a large; fine mansion; looking very comfortable; and in; a few words he described to me the leading events; of the previous few days; and said he had already given orders looking to the pursuit of Longstreet。  I offered to join in the pursuit; though in fact my men were worn out; and suffering in that cold season and climate。

Indeed; on our way up I personally was almost frozen; and had to beg leave to sleep in the house of a family at Athens。

Burnside explained to me that; reenforced by Granger's two divisions of ten thousand men; he would be able to push Longstreet out of East Tennessee; and he hoped to capture much of his artillery and trains。  Granger was present at our conversation; and most unreasonably; I thought; remonstrated against being left; complaining bitterly of what he thought was hard treatment to his men and himself。  I know that his language and manner at that time produced on my mind a bad impression; and it was one of the causes which led me to relieve him as a corps commander in the campaign of the next spring。  I asked General Burnside to reduce his wishes to writing; which he did in the letter of December 7th; embodied in my official report。  General Burnside and I then walked along his lines and examined the salient; known as Fort Sanders; where; some days before; Longstreet had made his assault; and had sustained ; a bloody repulse。

Returning to Burnside's quarters; we all sat down to a good dinner; embracing roast…turkey。  There was a regular dining table; with clean tablecloth; dishes; knives; forks; spoons; etc。; etc。  I had seen nothing of this kind in my field experience; and could not help exclaiming that I thought 〃they were starving;〃 etc。; but Burnside explained that Longstreet had at no time completely invested the place; and that he had kept open communication with the country on the south side of the river Holston; more especially with the French Broad settlements; from whose Union inhabitants he had received a good supply of beef; bacon; and corn meal。  Had I known of this; I should not have hurried my men so fast; but until I reached Knoxville I thought his troops there were actually in danger of starvation。  Having supplied General Burnside all the help he wanted; we began our leisurely return to Chattanooga; which we reached on the 16th; when General Grant in person ordered me to restore to General Thomas the divisions of Howard and Davis; which belonged to his army; and to conduct my own corps (the Fifteenth) to North Alabama for winter…quarters。


Brigadier…General John A。 RAWLINS; Chief of Staff to General GRANT; Chattanooga。

GENERAL: For the first time; I am now at leisure to make an official record of events with which the troops under my command have been connected daring the eventful campaign which has just closed。  Dating the month of September last; the Fifteenth Army Corps; which I had the honor to command; lay in camps along the Big Black; about twenty miles east of Vicksburg; Mississippi。  It consisted of four divisions:

The First; commanded by Brigadier…General P。 J。 Osterhaus; was composed of two brigades; led by Brigadier…General C。 R。 Woods and Colonel J。 A。 Williamson (of the Fourth Iowa)。

The Second; commanded by Brigadier…General Morgan L。 Smith; was composed of two brigades; led by Brigadier…Generals Giles A。 Smith and J。 A。 J。 Lightburn。

The Third; commanded by Brigadier…General J。 M。 Tuttle; was composed of three brigades; led by Brigadier…Generals J。 A。 Mower and R。 P。 Buckland; and Colonel J。 J。 Wood (of the Twelfth Iowa)。

The Fourth; commanded by Brigadier…General Hugh Ewing; was composed of three brigades; led by Brigadier…General J。 M。 Corse; Colonel Loomis (Twenty…sixth Illinois); and Colonel J。 R。 Cockerill (of the Seventieth Ohio)。

On the 22d day of September I received a telegraphic dispatch from General Grant; then at Vicksburg; commanding the Department of the Tennessee; requiring me to detach one of my divisions to march to Vicksburg; there to embark for Memphis; where it was to form a part of an army to be sent to Chattanooga; to resnforce General Rosecrans。  I designated the First Division; and at 4 r。  as。  the same day it marched for Vicksburg; and embarked the neat day。

On the 23d of September I was summoned to Vicksburg by the general commanding; who showed me several dispatches from the general…in… chief; which led him to suppose he would have to send me and my whole corps to Memphis and eastward; and I was instructed to prepare for such orders。  It was explained to me that; in consequence of the low stage of water in the Mississippi; boats had arrived irregularly; and had brought dispatches that seemed to conflict in their meaning; and that General John E。 Smith's division (of General McPherson's corps) had been ordered up to Memphis; and that I should take that division and leave one of my own in it
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