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ponkapog papers-第1部分

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Ponkapog Papers
by Thomas Bailey Aldrich


THESE miscellaneous notes and
essays are called Ponkapog Papers
not simply because they chanced; for
the most part; to be written within the
limits of the old Indian Reservation;
but; rather; because there is something
typical of their unpretentiousness in the
modesty with which Ponkapog assumes
to being even a village。  The little
Massachusetts settlement; nestled under
the wing of the Blue Hills; has no illu…
sions concerning itself; never mistakes
the cackle of the bourg for the sound
that echoes round the world; and no
more thinks of rivalling great centres of
human activity than these slight papers
dream of inviting comparison between
themselves and important pieces of
literature。  Therefore there seems some…
thing especially appropriate in the geo…
graphical title selected; and if the au…
thor's choice of name need further
excuse; it is to be found in the alluring
alliteration lying ready at his hand。

REDMAN FARM; Ponkapog;






















IN his Memoirs; Kropotkin states the singular fact that the natives of the Malayan Archipel… ago have an idea that something is extracted from them when their likenesses are taken by photo… graphy。  Here is the motive for a fantastic short story; in which the heroan author in vogue or a popular actormight be depicted as having all his good qualities gradually photographed out of him。  This could well be the result of too prolonged indulgence in the effort to 〃look natural。〃  First the man loses his charming sim… plicity; then he begins to pose in intellectual attitudes; with finger on brow; then he becomes morbidly self…conscious; and finally ends in an asylum for incurable egotists。  His death might be brought about by a cold caught in going out bareheaded; there being; for the moment; no hat in the market of sufficient circumference to meet his enlarged requirement。

THE evening we dropped anchor in the Bay of Yedo the moon was hanging directly over Yokohama。  It was a mother…of…pearl moon; and might have been manufactured by any of the delicate artisans in the Hanchodori quarter。 It impressed one as being a very good imitation; but nothing more。  Nammikawa; the cloisonne… worker at Tokio; could have made a better moon。

I NOTICE the announcement of a new edition of 〃The Two First Centuries of Florentine Literature;〃 by Professor Pasquale Villari。  I am not acquainted with the work in question; but I trust that Professor Villari makes it plain to the reader how both centuries happened to be first。

THE walking delegates of a higher civiliza… tion; who have nothing to divide; look upon the notion of property as a purely artificial creation of human society。  According to these advanced philosophers; the time will come when no man shall be allowed to call anything his。  The bene… ficent law which takes away an author's rights in his own books just at the period when old age is creeping upon him seems to me a hand… some stride toward the longed…for millennium。

SAVE US from our friendsour enemies we can guard against。  The well…meaning rector of the little parish of Woodgates; England; and several of Robert Browning's local admirers have recently busied themselves in erecting a tablet to the memory of 〃the first known fore… father of the poet。〃  This lately turned up an… cestor; who does not date very far back; was also named Robert Browning; and is described on the mural marble as 〃formerly footman and butler to Sir John Bankes of Corfe Castle。〃 Now; Robert Browning the poet had as good right as Abou Ben Adhem himself to ask to be placed on the list of those who love their fellow men; but if the poet could have been consulted in the matter he probably would have preferred not to have that particular footman exhumed。 However; it is an ill wind that blows nobody good。  Sir John Bankes would scarcely have been heard of in our young century if it had not been for his footman。  As Robert stood day by day; sleek and solemn; behind his master's chair in Corfe Castle; how little it entered into the head of Sir John that his highly respectable name would be served up to posteritylike a cold relishby his own butler!  By Robert!

IN the east…side slums of New York; some… where in the picturesque Bowery district; stretches a malodorous little street wholly given over to long…bearded; bird…beaked mer… chants of ready…made and second…hand clothing。 The contents of the dingy shops seem to have revolted; and rushed pell…mell out of doors; and taken possession of the sidewalk。  One could fancy that the rebellion had been quelled at this point; and that those ghastly rows of complete suits strung up on either side of the doorways were the bodies of the seditious ringleaders。 But as you approach these limp figures; each dangling and gyrating on its cord in a most suggestive fashion; you notice; pinned to the lapel of a coat here and there; a strip of paper announcing the very low price at which you may become the happy possessor。  That dis… sipates the illusion。

POLONIUS; in the play; gets killedand not any too soon。  If it only were practicable to kill him in real life!  A storyto be called The Passing of Poloniusin which a king issues a decree condemning to death every long…winded; didactic person in the kingdom; irrespective of rank; and is himself instantly arrested and de… capitated。  The man who suspects his own tediousness is yet to be born。

WHENEVER I take up Emerson's poems I find myself turning automatically to his Bacchus。 Elsewhere; in detachable passages embedded in mediocre verse; he rises for a moment to heights not reached by any other of our poets; but Bacchus is in the grand style throughout。  Its tex… ture can bear comparison with the world's best in this kind。  In imaginative quality and austere richness of diction what other verse of our period approaches it?  The day Emerson wrote Bacchus he had in him; as Michael Drayton said of Marlowe; 〃those brave translunary things that the first poets had。〃

IMAGINE all human beings swept off the face of the earth; excepting one man。  Imagine this man in some vast city; New York or London。 Imagine him on the third or fourth day of his solitude sitting in a house and hearing a ring at the door…bell!

No man has ever yet succeeded in painting an honest portrait of himself in an autobiography; however sedulously he may have set to work about it。  In spite of his candid purpose he omits necessary touches and adds superfluous ones。  At times he cannot help draping his thought; and the least shred of drapery becomes a disguise。  It is only the diarist who accom… plishes the feat of self…portraiture; and he; with… out any such end in view; does it unconsciously。 A man cannot keep a daily record of his com… ings and goings and the little items that make up the sum of his life; and not inadvertently betray himself at every turn。  He lays bare his heart with a candor not possible to the self… consciousness that inevitably colors premeditated revelation。  While Pepys was filling those small octavo pages with his perplexing cipher he never once suspected that he was adding a pho… tographic portrait of himself to the world's gal… lery of immortals。  We are more intimately acquainted with Mr。 Samuel Pepys; the inner manhis little meannesses and his large gener… ositiesthen we are with half the persons we call our dear friends。

THE young girl in my story is to be as sensitive to praise as a prism is to light。  Whenever any… body praises her she breaks into colors。

IN the process of dusting my study; the other morning; the maid replaced an engraving of Philip II。 of Spain up…side down on the man… tel…shelf; and his majesty has remained in that undignified posture ever since。  I have no dis… position to come to his aid。  My abhorrence of the wretch is as hearty as if he had not been dead andotherwise provided for these last three hundred years。  Bloody Mary of England was nearly as merciless; but she was sincere and uncompromising in her extirpation of heretics。

Philip II。; whose one recorded hearty laugh was occasioned by the news of the St。 Bartholomew massacre; could mask his fanaticism or drop it for the time being; when it seemed politic to do so。  Queen Mary was a maniac; but the suc… cessor of Torquemada was the incarnation of cruelty pure and simple; and I have a mind to let my counterfeit presentment of him stand on its head for the rest of its natural life。  I cor… dially dislike several persons; but I hate no… body; living or dead; excepting Philip II。 of Spain。  He appears to give me as much trouble as Charles I。 gave the amiable Mr。 Dick。

AMONG the delightful men
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