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the new machiavelli-第4部分

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cattle ranch。〃  And I would find a bright new lead tiger like a 

special creation at large in the world; and demanding a hunting 

expedition and much elaborate effort to get him safely housed in the 

city menagerie beside the captured dragon crocodile; tamed now; and 

his key lost and the heart and spring gone out of him。

And to the various irregular reading of my father I owe the 

inestimable blessing of never having a boy's book in my boyhood 

except those of Jules Verne。  But my father used to get books for 

himself and me from the Bromstead Institute; Fenimore Cooper and 

Mayne Reid and illustrated histories; one of the Russo…Turkish war 

and one of Napier's expedition to Abyssinia I read from end to end; 

Stanley and Livingstone; lives of Wellington; Napoleon and 

Garibaldi; and back volumes of PUNCH; from which I derived 

conceptions of foreign and domestic politics it has taken years of 

adult reflection to correct。  And at home permanently we had Wood's 

NATURAL HISTORY; a brand…new illustrated Green's HISTORY OF THE 


unbound parts of some geographical work; a VOYAGE ROUND THE WORLD I 

think it was called; with pictures of foreign places; and Clarke's 

NEW TESTAMENT with a map of Palestine; and a variety of other 

informing books bought at sales。  There was a Sowerby's BOTANY also; 

with thousands of carefully tinted pictures of British plants; and 

one or two other important works in the sitting…room。  I was allowed 

to turn these over and even lie on the floor with them on Sundays 

and other occasions of exceptional cleanliness。

And in the attic I found one day a very old forgotten map after the 

fashion of a bird's…eye view; representing the Crimea; that 

fascinated me and kept me for hours navigating its waters with a 



My father was a lank…limbed man in easy shabby tweed clothes and 

with his hands in his trouser pockets。  He was a science teacher; 

taking a number of classes at the Bromstead Institute in Kent under 

the old Science and Art Department; and 〃visiting〃 various schools; 

and our resources were eked out by my mother's income of nearly a 

hundred pounds a year; and by his inheritance of a terrace of three 

palatial but structurally unsound stucco houses near Bromstead 


They were big clumsy residences in the earliest Victorian style; 

interminably high and with deep damp  basements  and  downstairs  

coal…cellars  and kitchens  that suggested  an architect  

vindictively devoted to the discomfort of the servant class。  If so; 

he had overreached himself and defeated his end; for no servant 

would stay in them unless for exceptional wages or exceptional 

tolerance of inefficiency or exceptional freedom in repartee。  Every 

storey in the house was from twelve to fifteen feet high (which 

would have been cool and pleasant in a hot climate); and the stairs 

went steeply up; to end at last in attics too inaccessible for 

occupation。  The ceilings had vast plaster cornices of classical 

design; fragments of which would sometimes fall unexpectedly; and 

the wall…papers were bold and gigantic in pattern and much 

variegated by damp and ill…mended rents。

As my father was quite unable to let more than one of these houses 

at a time; and that for the most part to eccentric and undesirable 

tenants; he thought it politic to live in one of the two others; and 

devote the rent he received from the let one; when it was let; to 

the incessant necessary repairing of all three。  He also did some of 

the repairing himself and; smoking a bull…dog pipe the while; which 

my mother would not allow him to do in the house; he cultivated 

vegetables in a sketchy; unpunctual and not always successful manner 

in the unoccupied gardens。  The three houses faced north; and the 

back of the one we occupied was covered by a grape…vine that 

yielded; I remember; small green grapes for pies in the spring; and 

imperfectly ripe black grapes in favourable autumns for the purposes 

of dessert。 The grape…vine played an important part in my life; for 

my father broke his neck while he was pruning it; when I was 


My father was what is called a man of ideas; but they were not 

always good ideas。  My grandfather had been a private schoolmaster 

and one of the founders of the College of Preceptors; and my father 

had assisted him in his school until increasing competition and 

diminishing attendance had made it evident that the days of small 

private schools kept by unqualified persons were numbered。  

Thereupon my father had roused himself and had qualified as a 

science teacher under the Science and Art Department; which in these 

days had charge of the scientific and artistic education of the mass 

of the English population; and had thrown himself into science 

teaching and the earning of government grants therefor with great if 

transitory zeal and success。

I do not remember anything of my father's earlier and more energetic 

time。  I was the child of my parents' middle years; they married 

when my father was thirty…five and my mother past forty; and I saw 

only the last decadent phase of his educational career。

The Science and Art Department has vanished altogether from the 

world; and people are forgetting it now with the utmost readiness 

and generosity。  Part of its substance and staff and spirit survive; 

more or less completely digested into the Board of Education。

The world does move on; even in its government。  It is wonderful how 

many of the clumsy and limited governing bodies of my youth and 

early manhood have given place now to more scientific and efficient 

machinery。  When I was a boy; Bromstead; which is now a borough; was 

ruled by a strange body called a Local Boardit was the Age of 

Boardsand I still remember indistinctly my father rejoicing at the 

breakfast…table over the liberation of London from the corrupt and 

devastating control of a Metropolitan Board of Works。  Then there 

were also School Boards; I was already practically in politics 

before the London School Board was absorbed by the spreading 

tentacles of the London County Council。

It gives a measure of the newness of our modern ideas of the State 

to remember that the very beginnings of public education lie within 

my father's lifetime; and that many most intelligent and patriotic 

people were shocked beyond measure at the State doing anything of 

the sort。  When he was born; totally illiterate people who could 

neither read a book nor write more than perhaps a clumsy signature; 

were to be found everywhere in England; and great masses of the 

population were getting no instruction at all。  Only a few schools 

flourished upon the patronage of exceptional parents; all over the 

country the old endowed grammar schools were to be found sinking and 

dwindling; many of them had closed altogether。  In the new great 

centres of population multitudes of children were sweated in the 

factories; darkly ignorant and wretched and the under…equipped and 

under…staffed National and British schools; supported by voluntary 

contributions and sectarian rivalries; made an ineffectual fight 

against this festering darkness。  It was a condition of affairs 

clamouring for remedies; but there was an immense amount of 

indifference and prejudice to be overcome before any remedies were 

possible。  Perhaps some day some industrious and lucid historian 

will disentangle all the muddle of impulses and antagonisms; the 

commercialism; utilitarianism; obstinate conservatism; humanitarian 

enthusiasm; out of which our present educational organisation arose。  

I have long since come to believe it necessary that all new social 

institutions should be born in confusion; and that at first they 

should present chiefly crude and ridiculous aspects。  The distrust 

of government in the Victorian days was far too great; and the 

general intelligence far too low; to permit the State to go about 

the new business it was taking up in a businesslike way; to train 

teachers; build and equip schools; endow pedagogic research; and 

provide properly written school…books。  These things it was felt 

MUST be provided by individual and local effort; and since it was 

manifest that it was individual and local effort that were in 

default; it was reluctantly agreed to stimulate them by money 

payments。  The State set up a machinery of examination both in 

Science and Art and for the elementary schools; and payments; known 

technically as grants; were made in accordance with the examination 

results attained; to such schools as Providence might see fit to 

send into the world。  In this way it was felt the Demand would be 

established that would; according to the beliefs of that time; 

inevitably ensure the Supply。  An industry of 〃Grant earning〃 was 

created; and this would give
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