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the new machiavelli-第52部分

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experiences; on the whole; 〃strangled dinginess〃 expresses them; but 

I do not believe they were narrower or shallower than those of many 

other men of my class。  I thought of women as pretty things and 

beautiful things; pretty rather than beautiful; attractive and at 

times disconcertingly attractive; often bright and witty; but; 

because of the vast reservations that hid them from me; wanting; 

subtly and inevitably wanting; in understanding。  My idealisation of 

Margaret had evaporated insensibly after our marriage。  The shrine I 

had made for her in my private thoughts stood at last undisguisedly 

empty。  But Isabel did not for a moment admit of either idealisation 

or interested contempt。  She opened a new sphere of womanhood to me。  

With her steady amber…brown eyes; her unaffected interest in 

impersonal things; her upstanding waistless blue body; her energy; 

decision and courage; she seemed rather some new and infinitely 

finer form of boyhood than a feminine creature; as I had come to 

measure femininity。  She was my perfect friend。  Could I have 

foreseen; had my world been more wisely planned; to this day we 

might have been such friends。

She seemed at that time unconscious of sex; though she has told me 

since how full she was of protesting curiosities and restrained 

emotions。  She spoke; as indeed she has always spoken; simply; 

clearly; and vividly; schoolgirl slang mingled with words that 

marked ample voracious reading; and she moved quickly with the free 

directness of some graceful young animal。  She took many of the easy 

freedoms a man or a sister might have done with me。  She would touch 

my arm; lay a hand on my shoulder as I sat; adjust the lapel of a 

breast…pocket as she talked to me。  She says now she loved me always 

from the beginning。  I doubt if there was a suspicion of that in her 

mind those days。  I used to find her regarding me with the clearest; 

steadiest gaze in the world; exactly like the gaze of some nice 

healthy innocent animal in a forest; interested; inquiring; 

speculative; but singularly untroubled。 。 。 。


Polling day came after a last hoarse and dingy crescendo。  The 

excitement was not of the sort that makes one forget one is tired 

out。  The waiting for the end of the count has left a long blank 

mark on my memory; and then everyone was shaking my hand and 

repeating: 〃Nine hundred and seventy…six。〃

My success had been a foregone conclusion since the afternoon; but 

we all behaved as though we had not been anticipating this result 

for hours; as though any other figures but nine hundred and seventy…

six would have meant something entirely different。  〃Nine hundred 

and seventy…six!〃 said Margaret。  〃They didn't expect three 


〃Nine hundred and seventy…six;〃 said a little short man with a 

paper。  〃It means a big turnover。  Two dozen short of a thousand; 

you know。〃

A tremendous hullaboo began outside; and a lot of fresh people came 

into the room。

Isabel; flushed but not out of breath; Heaven knows where she had 

sprung from at that time of night! was running her hand down my 

sleeve almost caressingly; with the innocent bold affection of a 

girl。  〃Got you in!〃 she said。  〃It's been no end of a lark。〃

〃And now;〃 said I; 〃I must go and be constructive。〃

〃Now you must go and be constructive;〃 she said。

〃You've got to live here;〃 she added。

〃By Jove! yes;〃 I said。  〃We'll have to house hunt。〃

〃I shall read all your speeches。〃

She hesitated。

〃I wish I was you;〃 she said; and said it as though it was not 

exactly the thing she was meaning to say。

〃They want you to speak;〃 said Margaret; with something unsaid in 

her face。

〃You must come out with me;〃 I answered; putting my arm through 

hers; and felt someone urging me to the French windows that gave on 

the balcony。

〃If you think〃 she said; yielding gladly

〃Oh; RATHER!〃 said I。

The Mayor of Kinghamstead; a managing little man with no great 

belief in my oratorical powers; was sticking his face up to mine。

〃It's all over;〃 he said; 〃 and you've won。  Say all the nice things 

you can and say them plainly。〃

I turned and handed Margaret out through the window and stood 

looking over the Market…place; which was more than half filled with 

swaying people。  The crowd set up a roar of approval at the sight of 

us; tempered by a little booing。  Down in one corner of the square a 

fight was going on for a flag; a fight that even the prospect of a 

speech could not instantly check。  〃Speech!〃 cried voices; 〃Speech!〃 

and then a brief 〃boo…oo…oo〃 that was drowned in a cascade of shouts 

and cheers。  The conflict round the flag culminated in the smashing 

of a pane of glass in the chemist's window and instantly sank to 


〃Gentlemen voters of the Kinghamstead Division;〃 I began。

〃Votes for Women!〃 yelled a voice; amidst laughterthe first time I 

remember hearing that memorable war…cry。

〃Three cheers for Mrs。 Remington!〃

〃Mrs。 Remington asks me to thank you;〃 I said; amidst further uproar 

and reiterated cries of 〃Speech!〃

Then silence came with a startling swiftness。

Isabel was still in my mind; I suppose。  〃I shall go to 

Westminster;〃 I began。  I sought for some compelling phrase and 

could not find one。  〃To do my share;〃 I went on; 〃in building up a 

great and splendid civilisation。〃

I paused; and there was a weak gust of cheering; and then a renewal 

of booing。

〃This election;〃 I said; 〃 has been the end and the beginning of 

much。  New ideas are abroad〃

〃Chinese labour;〃 yelled a voice; and across the square swept a 

wildfire of booting and bawling。

It is one of the few occasions when I quite lost my hold on a 

speech。  I glanced sideways and saw the Mayor of Kinghamstead 

speaking behind his hand to Parvill。  By a happy chance Parvill 

caught my eye。

〃What do they want?〃 I asked。


〃What do they want?〃

〃Say something about general fairnessthe other side;〃 prompted 

Parvill; flattered but a little surprised by my appeal。  I pulled 

myself hastily into a more popular strain with a gross eulogy of my 

opponent's good taste。

〃Chinese labour!〃 cried the voice again。

〃You've given that notice to quit;〃 I answered。

The Market…place roared delight; but whether that delight expressed 

hostility to Chinamen or hostility to their practical enslavement no 

student of the General Election of 1906 has ever been able to 

determine。  Certainly one of the most effective posters on our side 

displayed a hideous yellow face; just that and nothing more。  There 

was not even a legend to it。  How it impressed the electorate we did 

not know; but that it impressed the electorate profoundly there can 

be no disputing。


Kinghamstead was one of the earliest constituencies fought; and we 

came backit must have been Saturdaytriumphant but very tired; to 

our house in Radnor Square。  In the train we read the first 

intimations that the victory of our party was likely to be a 

sweeping one。

Then came a period when one was going about receiving and giving 

congratulations and watching the other men arrive; very like a boy 

who has returned to school with the first batch after the holidays。  

The London world reeked with the General Election; it had invaded 

the nurseries。  All the children of one's friends had got big maps 

of England cut up into squares to represent constituencies and were 

busy sticking gummed blue labels over the conquered red of Unionism 

that had hitherto submerged the country。  And there were also orange 

labels; if I remember rightly; to represent the new Labour party; 

and green for the Irish。  I engaged myself to speak at one or two 

London meetings; and lunched at the Reform; which was fairly tepid; 

and dined and spent one or two tumultuous evenings at the National 

Liberal Club; which was in active eruption。  The National Liberal 

became feverishly congested towards midnight as the results of the 

counting came dropping in。  A big green…baize screen had been fixed 

up at one end of the large smoking…room with the names of the 

constituencies that were voting that day; and directly the figures 

came to hand; up they went; amidst cheers that at last lost their 

energy through sheer repetition; whenever there was record of a 

Liberal gain。  I don't remember what happened when there was a 

Liberal loss; I don't think that any were announced while I was 


How packed and noisy the place was; and what a reek of tobacco and 

whisky fumes we made!  Everybody was excited and talking; making 

waves of harsh confused sound that beat upon one's ears; and every 

now and then hoarse voices would shout for someone to speak。  Our 

little set was much in evidence。  Both the Cramptons were in; Lewis; 

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