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the new machiavelli-第61部分

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always shown itself just as constructive and collectivist as any 

other party。  The great landowners have been as well…disposed 

towards the endowment of higher education; and as willing to co…

operate with the Church in protective and mildly educational 

legislation for children and the working class; as any political 

section。  The financiers; too; are adventurous…spirited and eager 

for mechanical progress and technical efficiency。  They are prepared 

to spend public money upon research; upon ports and harbours and 

public communications; upon sanitation and hygienic organisation。  A 

certain rude benevolence of public intention is equally 

characteristic of the liquor trade。  Provided his comfort leads to 

no excesses of temperance; the liquor trade is quite eager to see 

the common man prosperous; happy; and with money to spend in a bar。  

All sections of the party are aggressively patriotic and favourably 

inclined to the idea of an upstanding; well…fed; and well…exercised 

population in uniform。  Of course there are reactionary landowners 

and old…fashioned country clergy; full of localised self…importance; 

jealous even of the cottager who can read; but they have neither the 

power nor the ability to retard the constructive forces in the party 

as a whole。  On the other hand; when matters point to any definitely 

confiscatory proposal; to the public ownership and collective 

control of land; for example; or state mining and manufactures; or 

the nationalisation of the so…called public…house or extended 

municipal enterprise; or even to an increase of the taxation of 

property; then the Conservative Party presents a nearly adamantine 

bar。  It does not stand for; it IS; the existing arrangement in 

these affairs。

Even more definitely a class party is the Labour Party; whose 

immediate interest is to raise wages; shorten hours of labor; 

increase employment; and make better terms for the working…man 

tenant and working…man purchaser。  Its leaders are no doubt 

constructive minded; but the mass of the following is naturally 

suspicious of education and discipline; hostile to the higher 

education; andexcept for an obvious antagonism to employers and 

property ownersalmost destitute of ideas。  What else can it be?  

It stands for the expropriated multitude; whose whole situation and 

difficulty arise from its individual lack of initiative and 

organising power。  It favours the nationalisation of land and 

capital with no sense of the difficulties involved in the process; 

but; on the other hand; the equally reasonable socialisation of 

individuals which is implied by military service is steadily and 

quite naturally and quite illogically opposed by it。  It is only in 

recent years that Labour has emerged as a separate party from the 

huge hospitable caravanserai of Liberalism; and there is still a 

very marked tendency to step back again into that multitudinous 


For multitudinousness has always been the Liberal characteristic。  

Liberalism never has been nor ever can be anything but a diversified 

crowd。  Liberalism has to voice everything that is left out by these 

other parties。  It is the party against the predominating interests。  

It is at once the party of the failing and of the untried; it is the 

party of decadence and hope。  From its nature it must be a vague and 

planless association in comparison with its antagonist; neither so 

constructive on the one hand; nor on the other so competent to 

hinder the inevitable constructions of the civilised state。  

Essentially it is the party of criticism; the 〃Anti〃 party。  It is a 

system of hostilities and objections that somehow achieves at times 

an elusive common soul。  It is a gathering together of all the 

smaller interests which find themselves at a disadvantage against 

the big established classes; the leasehold tenant as against the 

landowner; the retail tradesman as against the merchant and the 

moneylender; the Nonconformist as against the Churchman; the small 

employer as against the demoralising hospitable publican; the man 

without introductions and broad connections against the man who has 

these things。  It is the party of the many small men against the 

fewer prevailing men。  It has no more essential reason for loving 

the Collectivist state than the Conservatives; the small dealer is 

doomed to absorption in that just as much as the large owner; but it 

resorts to the state against its antagonists as in the middle ages 

common men pitted themselves against the barons by siding with the 

king。  The Liberal Party is the party against 〃class privilege〃 

because it represents no class advantages; but it is also the party 

that is on the whole most set against Collective control because it 

represents no established responsilibity。  It is constructive only 

so far as its antagonism to the great owner is more powerful than 

its jealousy of the state。  It organises only because organisation 

is forced upon it by the organisation of its adversaries。  It lapses 

in and out of alliance with Labour as it sways between hostility to 

wealth and hostility to public expenditure。 。 。 。

Every modern European state will have in some form or other these 

three parties: the resistent; militant; authoritative; dull; and 

unsympathetic party of establishment and success; the rich party; 

the confused; sentimental; spasmodic; numerous party of the small; 

struggling; various; undisciplined men; the poor man's party; and a 

third party sometimes detaching itself from the second and sometimes 

reuniting with it; the party of the altogether expropriated masses; 

the proletarians; Labour。  Change Conservative and Liberal to 

Republican and Democrat; for example; and you have the conditions in 

the United States。  The Crown or a dethroned dynasty; the 

Established Church or a dispossessed church; nationalist secessions; 

the personalities of party leaders; may break up; complicate; and 

confuse the self…expression of these three necessary divisions in 

the modern social drama; the analyst will make them out none the 

less for that。 。 。 。

And then I came back as if I came back to a refrain;the ideas go 

onas though we are all no more than little cells and corpuscles in 

some great brain beyond our understanding。 。 。 。

So it was I sat and thought my problem out。 。 。 。  I still remember 

my satisfaction at seeing things plainly at last。  It was like 

clouds dispersing to show the sky。  Constructive ideas; of course; 

couldn't hold a party together alone; 〃interests and habits; not 

ideas;〃 I had that now; and so the great constructive scheme of 

Socialism; invading and inspiring all parties; was necessarily 

claimed only by this collection of odds and ends; this residuum of 

disconnected and exceptional people。  This was true not only of the 

Socialist idea; but of the scientific idea; the idea of veracityof 

human confidence in humanityof all that mattered in human life 

outside the life of individuals。 。 。 。  The only real party that 

would ever profess Socialism was the Labour Party; and that in the 

entirely one…sided form of an irresponsible and non…constructive 

attack on property。  Socialism in that mutilated form; the teeth and 

claws without the eyes and brain; I wanted as little as I wanted 

anything in the world。

Perfectly clear it was; perfectly clear; and why hadn't I seen it 

before? 。 。 。  I looked at my watch; and it was half…past two。

I yawned; stretched; got up and went to bed。


My ideas about statecraft have passed through three main phases to 

the final convictions that remain。  There was the first immediacy of 

my dream of ports and harbours and cities; railways; roads; and 

administered territoriesthe vision I had seen in the haze from 

that little church above Locarno。  Slowly that had passed into a 

more elaborate legislative constructiveness; which had led to my 

uneasy association with the Baileys and the professedly constructive 

Young Liberals。  To get that ordered life I had realised the need of 

organisation; knowledge; expertness; a wide movement of co…ordinated 

methods。  On the individual side I thought that a life of urgent 

industry; temperance; and close attention was indicated by my 

perception of these ends。  I married Margaret and set to work。  But 

something in my mind refused from the outset to accept these 

determinations as final。  There was always a doubt lurking below; 

always a faint resentment; a protesting criticism; a feeling of 

vitally important omissions。

I arrived at last at the clear realisation that my political 

associates; and I in my association with them; were oddly narrow; 

priggish; and unreal; that the Socialists with whom we were 

attempting co…operation were preposterously irrelevant to their own 

theories; that my political life didn't in some way comprehend more 
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