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the new machiavelli-第63部分

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much finer order or any more general happiness than it now enjoys。  

We must believe; therefore; that it CAN develop such a training and 

education; or we must abandon secular constructive hope。  And here 

my peculiar difficulty as against crude democracy comes in。  If 

humanity at large is capable of that high education and those 

creative freedoms our hope demands; much more must its better and 

more vigorous types be so capable。  And if those who have power and 

leisure now; and freedom to respond to imaginative appeals; cannot 

be won to the idea of collective self…development; then the whole of 

humanity cannot be won to that。  From that one passes to what has 

become my general conception in politics; the conception of the 

constructive imagination working upon the vast complex of powerful 

people; clever people; enterprising people; influential people; 

amidst whom power is diffused to…day; to produce that self…

conscious; highly selective; open…minded; devoted aristocratic 

culture; which seems to me to be the necessary next phase in the 

development of human affairs。  I see human progress; not as the 

spontaneous product of crowds of raw minds swayed by elementary 

needs; but as a natural but elaborate result of intricate human 

interdependencies; of human energy and curiosity liberated and 

acting at leisure; of human passions and motives; modified and 

redirected by literature and art。 。 。 。

But now the reader will understand how it came about that; 

disappointed by the essential littleness of Liberalism; and 

disillusioned about the representative quality of the professed 

Socialists; I turned my mind more and more to a scrutiny of the big 

people; the wealthy and influential people; against whom Liberalism 

pits its forces。  I was asking myself definitely whether; after all; 

it was not my particular job to work through them and not against 

them。  Was I not altogether out of my element as an Anti…?  Weren't 

there big bold qualities about these people that common men lack; 

and the possibility of far more splendid dreams?  Were they really 

the obstacles; might they not be rather the vehicles of the possible 

new braveries of life?


The faults of the Imperialist movement were obvious enough。  The 

conception of the Boer War had been clumsy and puerile; the costly 

errors of that struggle appalling; and the subsequent campaign of 

Mr。 Chamberlain for Tariff Reform seemed calculated to combine the 

financial adventurers of the Empire in one vast conspiracy against 

the consumer。  The cant of Imperialism was easy to learn and use; it 

was speedily adopted by all sorts of base enterprises and turned to 

all sorts of base ends。  But a big child is permitted big mischief; 

and my mind was now continually returning to the persuasion that 

after all in some development of the idea of Imperial patriotism 

might be found that wide; rough; politically acceptable expression 

of a constructive dream capable of sustaining a great educational 

and philosophical movement such as no formula of Liberalism 

supplied。  The fact that it readily took vulgar forms only witnessed 

to its strong popular appeal。  Mixed in with the noisiness and 

humbug of the movement there appeared a real regard for social 

efficiency; a real spirit of animation and enterprise。  There 

suddenly appeared in my worldI saw them first; I think; in 1908a 

new sort of little boy; a most agreeable development of the 

slouching; cunning; cigarette…smoking; town…bred youngster; a small 

boy in a khaki hat; and with bare knees and athletic bearing; 

earnestly engaged in wholesome and invigorating games up to and 

occasionally a little beyond his strengththe Boy Scout。  I liked 

the Boy Scout; and I find it difficult to express how much it 

mattered to me; with my growing bias in favour of deliberate 

national training; that Liberalism hadn't been able to produce; and 

had indeed never attempted to produce; anything of this kind。


In those days there existed a dining club calledthere was some 

lost allusion to the exorcism of party feeling in its titlethe 

Pentagram Circle。  It included Bailey and Dayton and myself; Sir 

Herbert Thorns; Lord Charles Kindling; Minns the poet; Gerbault the 

big railway man; Lord Gane; fresh from the settlement of Framboya; 

and Rumbold; who later became Home Secretary and left us。  We were 

men of all parties and very various experiences; and our object was 

to discuss the welfare of the Empire in a disinterested spirit。  We 

dined monthly at the Mermaid in Westminster; and for a couple of 

years we kept up an average attendance of ten out of fourteen。  The 

dinner…time was given up to desultory conversation; and it is odd 

how warm and good the social atmosphere of that little gathering 

became as time went on; then over the dessert; so soon as the 

waiters had swept away the crumbs and ceased to fret us; one of us 

would open with perhaps fifteen or twenty minutes' exposition of 

some specially prepared question; and after him we would deliver 

ourselves in turn; each for three or four minutes。  When every one 

present had spoken once talk became general again; and it was rare 

we emerged upon Hendon Street before midnight。  Sometimes; as my 

house was conveniently near; a knot of men would come home with me 

and go on talking and smoking in my dining…room until two or three。  

We had Fred Neal; that wild Irish journalist; among us towards the 

end; and his stupendous flow of words materially prolonged our 

closing discussions and made our continuance impossible。

I learned very much and very many things at those dinners; but more 

particularly did I become familiarised with the habits of mind of 

such men as Neal; Crupp; Gane; and the one or two other New 

Imperialists who belonged to us。  They were nearly all like Bailey 

Oxford men; though mostly of a younger generation; and they were all 

mysteriously and inexplicably advocates of Tariff Reform; as if it 

were the principal instead of at best a secondary aspect of 

constructive policy。  They seemed obsessed by the idea that streams 

of trade could be diverted violently so as to link the parts of the 

Empire by common interests; and they were persuaded; I still think 

mistakenly; that Tariff Reform would have an immense popular appeal。  

They were also very keen on military organisation; and with a 

curious little martinet twist in their minds that boded ill for that 

side of public liberty。  So much against them。  But they were 

disposed to spend money much more generously on education and 

research of all sorts than our formless host of Liberals seemed 

likely to do; and they were altogether more accessible than the 

Young Liberals to bold; constructive ideas affecting the 

universities and upper classes。  The Liberals are abjectly afraid of 

the universities。  I found myself constantly falling into line with 

these men in our discussions; and more and more hostile to Dayton's 

sentimentalising evasions of definite schemes and Minns' trust in 

such things as the 〃Spirit of our People〃 and the 〃General Trend of 

Progress。〃  It wasn't that I thought them very much righter than 

their opponents; I believe all definite party 〃sides〃 at any time 

are bound to be about equally right and equally lop…sided; but that 

I thought I could get more out of them and what was more important 

to me; more out of myself if I co…operated with them。  By 1908 I had 

already arrived at a point where I could be definitely considering a 

transfer of my political allegiance。

These abstract questions are inseparably interwoven with my memory 

of a shining long white table; and our hock bottles and burgundy 

bottles; and bottles of Perrier and St。 Galmier and the disturbed 

central trophy of dessert; and scattered glasses and nut…shells and 

cigarette…ends and menu…cards used for memoranda。  I see old Dayton 

sitting back and cocking his eye to the ceiling in a way he had 

while he threw warmth into the ancient platitudes of Liberalism; and 

Minns leaning forward; and a little like a cockatoo with a taste for 

confidences; telling us in a hushed voice of his faith in the 

Destiny of Mankind。  Thorns lounges; rolling his round face and 

round eyes from speaker to speaker and sounding the visible depths 

of misery whenever Neal begins。  Gerbault and Gane were given to 

conversation in undertones; and Bailey pursued mysterious purposes 

in lisping whispers。  It was Crupp attracted me most。  He had; as 

people say; his eye on me from the beginning。  He used to speak at 

me; and drifted into a custom of coming home with me very regularly 

for an after…talk。

He opened his heart to me。

〃Neither of us;〃 he said; 〃are dukes; and neither of us are horny…

handed sons of toil。  We want to get hold of the handles; and to do 

that; one must go where the power is; a
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