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the new machiavelli-第8部分

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factories。  Bromstead had almost doubted in size again long before 

the railway came; there was hardly any thatch left in the High 

Street; but instead were houses with handsome brass…knockered front 

doors and several windows; and shops with shop…fronts all of square 

glass panes; and the place was lighted publicly now by oil lamps

previously only one flickering lamp outside each of the coaching 

inns had broken the nocturnal darkness。  And there was talk; it long 

remained talk;of gas。  The gasworks came in 1834; and about that 

date my father's three houses must have been built convenient for 

the London Road。  They mark nearly the beginning of the real 

suburban quality; they were let at first to City people still 

engaged in business。

And then hard on the gasworks had come the railway and cheap coal; 

there was a wild outbreak of brickfields upon the claylands to the 

east; and the Great Growth had begun in earnest。  The agricultural 

placidities that had formerly come to the very borders of the High 

Street were broken up north; west and south; by new roads。  This 

enterprising person and then that began to 〃run up〃 houses; 

irrespective of every other enterprising person who was doing the 

same thing。  A Local Board came into existence; and with much 

hesitation and penny…wise economy inaugurated drainage works。  Rates 

became a common topic; a fact of accumulating importance。  Several 

chapels of zinc and iron appeared; and also a white new church in 

commercial Gothic upon the common; and another of red brick in the 

residential district out beyond the brickfields towards Chessington。

The population doubled again and doubled again; and became 

particularly teeming in the prolific 〃working…class〃 district about 

the deep…rutted; muddy; coal…blackened roads between the gasworks; 

Blodgett's laundries; and the railway goods…yard。  Weekly 

properties; that is to say small houses built by small property 

owners and let by the week; sprang up also in the Cage Fields; and 

presently extended right up the London Road。  A single national 

school in an inconvenient situation set itself inadequately to 

collect subscriptions and teach the swarming; sniffing; grimy 

offspring of this dingy new population to read。  The villages of 

Beckington; which used to be three miles to the west; and Blamely 

four miles to the east of Bromstead; were experiencing similar 

distensions and proliferations; and grew out to meet us。  All effect 

of locality or community had gone from these places long before I 

was born; hardly any one knew any one; there was no general meeting 

place any more; the old fairs were just common nuisances haunted by 

gypsies; van showmen; Cheap Jacks and London roughs; the churches 

were incapable of a quarter of the population。  One or two local 

papers of shameless veniality reported the proceedings of the local 

Bench and the local Board; compelled tradesmen who were interested 

in these affairs to advertise; used the epithet 〃Bromstedian〃 as one 

expressing peculiar virtues; and so maintained in the general mind a 

weak tradition of some local quality that embraced us all。  Then the 

parish graveyard filled up and became a scandal; and an ambitious 

area with an air of appetite was walled in by a Bromstead Cemetery 

Company; and planted with suitably high…minded and sorrowful 

varieties of conifer。  A stonemason took one of the earlier villas 

with a front garden at the end of the High Street; and displayed a 

supply of urns on pillars and headstones and crosses in stone; 

marble; and granite; that would have sufficed to commemorate in 

elaborate detail the entire population of Bromstead as one found it 

in 1750。

The cemetery was made when I was a little boy of five or six; I was 

in the full tide of building and growth from the first; the second 

railway with its station at Bromstead North and the drainage 

followed when I was ten or eleven; and all my childish memories are 

of digging and wheeling; of woods invaded by building; roads gashed 

open and littered with iron pipes amidst a fearful smell of gas; of 

men peeped at and seen toiling away deep down in excavations; of 

hedges broken down and replaced by planks; of wheelbarrows and 

builders' sheds; of rivulets overtaken and swallowed up by drain…

pipes。  Big trees; and especially elms; cleared of undergrowth and 

left standing amid such things; acquired a peculiar tattered 

dinginess rather in the quality of needy widow women who have seen 

happier days。

The Ravensbrook of my earlier memories was a beautiful stream。  It 

came into my world out of a mysterious Beyond; out of a garden; 

splashing brightly down a weir which had once been the weir of a 

mill。  (Above the weir and inaccessible there were bulrushes growing 

in splendid clumps; and beyond that; pampas grass; yellow and 

crimson spikes of hollyhock; and blue suggestions of wonderland。)  

From the pool at the foot of this initial cascade it flowed in a 

leisurely fashion beside a footpath;there were two pretty thatchcd 

cottages on the left; and here were ducks; and there were willows on 

the right;and so came to where great trees grew on high banks on 

either hand and bowed closer; and at last met overhead。  This part 

was difficult to reach because of an old fence; but a little boy 

might glimpse that long cavern of greenery by wading。  Either I have 

actually seen kingfishers there; or my father has described them so 

accurately to me that he inserted them into my memory。  I remember 

them there anyhow。  Most of that overhung part I never penetrated at 

all; but followed the field path with my mother and met the stream 

again; where beyond there were flat meadows; Roper's meadows。  The 

Ravensbrook went meandering across the middle of these; now between 

steep banks; and now with wide shallows at the bends where the 

cattle waded and drank。  Yellow and purple loose…strife and ordinary 

rushes grew in clumps along the bank; and now and then a willow。  On 

rare occasions of rapture one might see a rat cleaning his whiskers 

at the water's edge。  The deep places were rich with tangled weeds; 

and in them fishes lurkedto me they were big fisheswater…boatmen 

and water…beetles traversed the calm surface of these still deeps; 

in one pool were yellow lilies and water…soldiers; and in the shoaly 

places hovering fleets of small fry basked in the sunshineto 

vanish in a flash at one's shadow。  In one place; too; were Rapids; 

where the stream woke with a start from a dreamless brooding into 

foaming panic and babbled and hastened。  Well do I remember that 

half…mile of rivulet; all other rivers and cascades have their 

reference to it for me。  And after I was eleven; and before we left 

Bromstead; all the delight and beauty of it was destroyed。

The volume of its water decreased abruptlyI suppose the new 

drainage works that linked us up with Beckington; and made me first 

acquainted with the geological quality of the London clay; had to do 

with thatuntil only a weak uncleansing trickle remained。  That at 

first did not strike me as a misfortune。  An adventurous small boy 

might walk dryshod in places hitherto inaccessible。  But hard upon 

that came the pegs; the planks and carts and devastation。  Roper's 

meadows; being no longer in fear of floods; were now to be slashed 

out into parallelograms of untidy road; and built upon with rows of 

working…class cottages。  The roads came;horribly; the houses 

followed。  They seemed to rise in the night。  People moved into them 

as soon as the roofs were on; mostly workmen and their young wives; 

and already in a year some of these raw houses stood empty again 

from defaulting tenants; with windows broken and wood…work warping 

and rotting。  The Ravensbrook became a dump for old iron; rusty 

cans; abandoned boots and the like; and was a river only when 

unusual rains filled it for a day or so with an inky flood of 

surface water。 。 。 。

That indeed was my most striking perception in the growth of 

Bromstead。  The Ravensbrook had been important to my imaginative 

life; that way had always been my first choice in all my walks with 

my mother; and its rapid swamping by the new urban growth made it 

indicative of all the other things that had happened just before my 

time; or were still; at a less dramatic pace; happening。  I realised 

that building was the enemy。  I began to understand why in every 

direction out of Bromstead one walked past scaffold…poles into 

litter; why fragments of broken brick and cinder mingled in every 

path; and the significance of the universal notice…boards; either 

white and new or a year old and torn and battered; promising sites; 

proffering houses to be sold or let; abusing and intimidating 

passers…by for fancied trespass; and protecting rights of way。

It is difficult to disentangle now what I understood at this time 
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