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for the term of his natural life-第25部分

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tinging her cheeks。  〃It is really most considerate of you。 Won't it be nice; Sylvia; to go with Mr。 Frere and mamma to Hobart Town?〃

〃Mr。 Frere;〃 says Sylvia; coming from out a corner of the room; 〃I am very sorry for what I said just now。  Will you forgive me?〃

She asked the question in such a prim; old…fashioned way; standing in front of him; with her golden locks streaming over her shoulders; and her hands clasped on her black silk apron (Julia Vickers had her own notions about dressing her daughter); that Frere was again inclined to laugh。

〃Of course I'll forgive you; my dear;〃 he said。  〃You didn't mean it; I know。〃

〃Oh; but I did mean it; and that's why I'm sorry。  I am a very naughty girl sometimes; though you wouldn't think so〃 (this with a charming consciousness of her own beauty); 〃especially with Roman history。  I don't think the Romans were half as brave as the Carthaginians; do you; Mr。 Frere?〃

Maurice; somewhat staggered by this question; could only ask; 〃Why not?〃

〃Well; I don't like them half so well myself;〃 says Sylvia; with feminine disdain of reasons。  〃They always had so many soldiers; though the others were so cruel when they conquered。〃

〃Were they?〃 says Frere。

〃Were they!  Goodness gracious; yes!  Didn't they cut poor Regulus's eyelids off; and roll him down hill in a barrel full of nails?  What do you call that; I should like to know?〃 and Mr。 Frere; shaking his red head with vast assumption of classical learning; could not but concede that that was not kind on the part of the Carthaginians。

〃You are a great scholar; Miss Sylvia;〃 he remarked; with a consciousness that this self…possessed girl was rapidly taking him out of his depth。

〃Are you fond of reading?〃


〃And what books do you read?〃

〃Oh; lots!  'Paul and Virginia〃; and 'Paradise Lost'; and 'Shakespeare's Plays'; and 'Robinson Crusoe'; and 'Blair's Sermons'; and 'The Tasmanian Almanack'; and 'The Book of Beauty'; and 'Tom Jones'。〃

〃A somewhat miscellaneous collection; I fear;〃 said Mrs。 Vickers; with a sickly smileshe; like Gallio; cared for none of these things 〃but our little library is necessarily limited; and I am not a great reader。 John; my dear; Mr。 Frere would like another glass of brandy…and…water。 Oh; don't apologize; I am a soldier's wife; you know。  Sylvia; my love; say good…night to Mr。 Frere; and retire。〃

〃Good…night; Miss Sylvia。  Will you give me a kiss?〃


〃Sylvia; don't be rude!〃

〃I'm not rude;〃 cries Sylvia; indignant at the way in which her literary confidence had been received。  〃He's rude!  I won't kiss you。 Kiss you indeed!  My goodness gracious!〃

〃Won't you; you little beauty?〃 cried Frere; suddenly leaning forward; and putting his arm round the child。  〃Then I must kiss you!〃

To his astonishment; Sylvia; finding herself thus seized and kissed despite herself; flushed scarlet; and; lifting up her tiny fist; struck him on the cheek with all her force。

The blow was so sudden; and the momentary pain so sharp; that Maurice nearly slipped into his native coarseness; and rapped out an oath。

〃My dear Sylvia!〃 cried Vickers; in tones of grave reproof。

But Frere laughed; caught both the child's hands in one of his own; and kissed her again and again; despite her struggles。  〃There!〃 he said; with a sort of triumph in his tone。  〃You got nothing by that; you see。〃

Vickers rose; with annoyance visible on his face; to draw the child away; and as he did so; she; gasping for breath; and sobbing with rage; wrenched her wrist free; and in a storm of childish passion struck her tormentor again and again。  〃Man!〃 she cried; with flaming eyes; 〃Let me go!  I hate you!  I hate you!  I hate you!〃

〃I am very sorry for this; Frere;〃 said Vickers; when the door was closed again。  〃I hope she did not hurt you。〃

〃Not she!  I like her spirit。  Ha; ha!  That's the way with women all the world over。  Nothing like showing them that they've got a master。〃

Vickers hastened to turn the conversation; and; amid recollections of old days; and speculations as to future prospects; the little incident was forgotten。 But when; an hour later; Mr。 Frere traversed the passage that led to his bedroom; he found himself confronted by a little figure wrapped in a shawl。  It was his childish enemy

〃I've waited for you; Mr。 Frere;〃 said she; 〃to beg pardon。 I ought not to have struck you; I am a wicked girl。  Don't say no; because I am; and if I don't grow better I shall never go to Heaven。〃

Thus addressing him; the child produced a piece of paper; folded like a letter; from beneath the shawl; and handed it to him。

〃What's this?〃 he asked。  〃Go back to bed; my dear; you'll catch cold。〃

〃It's a written apology; and I sha'n't catch cold; because I've got my stockings on。  If you don't accept it;〃 she added; with an arching of the brows; 〃it is not my fault。  I have struck you; but I apologize。 Being a woman; I can't offer you satisfaction in the usual way。〃

Mr。 Frere stifled the impulse to laugh; and made his courteous adversary a low bow。

〃I accept your apology; Miss Sylvia;〃 said he。

〃Then;〃 returned Miss Sylvia; in a lofty manner; 〃there is nothing more to be said; and I have the honour to bid you good…night; sir。〃

The little maiden drew her shawl close around her with immense dignity; and marched down the passage as calmly as though she had been Amadis of Gaul himself。

Frere; gaining his room choking with laughter; opened the folded paper by the light of the tallow candle; and read; in a quaint; childish hand:

SIR;I have struck you。  I apologize in writing。  Your humble servant to command; SYLVIA VICKERS。  

〃I wonder what book she took that out of?〃 he said。  〃'Pon my word she must be a little cracked。  'Gad; it's a queer life for a child in this place; and no mistake。〃



Two or three mornings after the arrival of the Ladybird; the solitary prisoner of the Grummet Rock noticed mysterious movements along the shore of the island settlement。  The prison boats; which had put off every morning at sunrise to the foot of the timbered ranges on the other side of the harbour; had not appeared for some days。  The building of a pier; or breakwater; running from the western point of the settlement; was discontinued; and all hands appeared to be occupied with the newly…built Osprey; which was lying on the slips。  Parties of soldiers also daily left the Ladybird; and assisted at the mysterious work in progress。  Rufus Dawes; walking his little round each day; in vain wondered what this unusual commotion portended。  Unfortunately; no one came to enlighten his ignorance。

A fortnight after this; about the 15th of December; he observed another curious fact。  All the boats on the island put off one morning to the opposite side of the harbour; and in the course of the day a great smoke arose along the side of the hills。  The next day the same was repeated; and on the fourth day the boats returned; towing behind them a huge raft。  This raft; made fast to the side of the Ladybird; proved to be composed of planks; beams; and joists; all of which were duly hoisted up; and stowed in the hold of the brig。

This set Rufus Dawes thinking。  Could it possibly be that the timber…cutting was to be abandoned; and that the Government had hit upon some other method of utilizing its convict labour?  He had hewn timber and built boats; and tanned hides and made shoes。  Was it possible that some new trade was to be initiated?  Before he had settled this point to his satisfaction; he was startled by another boat expedition。  Three boats' crews went down the bay; and returned; after a day's absence; with an addition to their number in the shape of four strangers and a quantity of stores and farming implements。 Rufus Dawes; catching sight of these last; came to the conclusion that the boats had been to Philip's Island; where the 〃garden〃 was established; and had taken off the gardeners and garden produce。  Rufus Dawes decided that the Ladybird had brought a new commandanthis sight; trained by his half…savage life; had already distinguished Mr。 Maurice Frere and that these mysteries were 〃improvements〃 under the new rule。 When he arrived at this point of reasoning; another conjecture; assuming his first to have been correct; followed as a natural consequence。 Lieutenant Frere would be a more severe commandant than Major Vickers。 Now; severity had already reached its height; so far as he was concerned; so the unhappy man took a final resolutionhe would kill himself。 Before we exclaim against the sin of such a determination; let us endeavour to set before us what the sinner had suffered during the past six years。

We have already a notion of what life on a convict ship means; and we have seen through what a furnace Rufus Dawes had passed before he set foot on the barren shore of Hell's Gates。  But to appreciate in its intensity the agony he suffered since that time; we must multiply the infamy of the 'tween decks of the Malabar a hundred fold。 In that prison was at least some ray of light。  All were not abominable; all were not utterly lost to shame and manhood。  Stifling though the prison; infamous the companionship; terrible the memory of pas
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