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for the term of his natural life-第42部分

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turning; with some plausible story of his wanderings; to take possession of the wealth which was hissaw himself living once more; rich; free; and respected; in the world from which he had been so long an exile。  He saw his mother's sweet pale face; the light of a happy home circle。  He saw himselfreceived with tears of joy and marvelling affectionentering into this home circle as one risen from the dead。  A new life opened radiant before him; and he was lost in the contemplation of his own happiness。

So absorbed was he that he did not hear the light footstep of the child across the sand。  Mrs。 Vickers; having been told of the success which had crowned the convict's efforts; had overcome her weakness so far as to hobble down the beach to the boat; and now; heralded by Sylvia; approached; leaning on the arm of Maurice Frere。

〃Mamma has come to see the boat; Mr。 Dawes!〃 cries Sylvia; but Dawes did not hear。

The child reiterated her words; but still the silent figure did not reply。

〃Mr。 Dawes!〃 she cried again; and pulled him by the coat…sleeve。

The touch aroused him; and looking down; he saw the pretty; thin face upturned to his。  Scarcely conscious of what he did; and still following out the imagining which made him free; wealthy; and respected; he caught the little creature in his armsas he might have caught his own daughterand kissed her。  Sylvia said nothing; but Mr。 Frerearrived; by his chain of reasoning; at quite another conclusion as to the state of affairswas astonished at the presumption of the man。 The lieutenant regarded himself as already reinstated in his old position; and with Mrs。 Vickers on his arm; reproved the apparent insolence of the convict as freely as he would have done had they both been at his own little kingdom of Maria Island。  〃You insolent beggar!〃 he cried。  〃Do you dare!  Keep your place; sir!〃

The sentence recalled Rufus Dawes to reality。  His place was that of a convict。 What business had he with tenderness for the daughter of his master? Yet; after all he had done; and proposed to do; this harsh judgment upon him seemed cruel。  He saw the two looking at the boat he had built。 He marked the flush of hope on the cheek of the poor lady; and the full…blown authority that already hardened the eye of Maurice Frere; and all at once he understood the result of what he had done。 He had; by his own act; given himself again to bondage。  As long as escape was impracticable; he had been useful; and even powerful。 Now he had pointed out the way of escape; he had sunk into the beast of burden once again。  In the desert he was 〃Mr。〃 Dawes; the saviour; in civilized life he would become once more Rufus Dawes; the ruffian; the prisoner; the absconder。  He stood mute; and let Frere point out the excellences of the craft in silence; and then; feeling that the few words of thanks uttered by the lady were chilled by her consciousness of the ill…advised freedom he had taken with the child; he turned on his heel; and strode up into the bush。

〃A queer fellow;〃 said Frere; as Mrs。 Vickers followed the retreating figure with her eyes。  〃Always in an ill temper。〃 〃Poor man!  He has behaved very kindly to us;〃 said Mrs。 Vickers。  Yet even she felt the change of circumstance; and knew that; without any reason she could name; her blind trust and hope in the convict who had saved their lives had been transformed into a patronizing kindliness which was quite foreign to esteem or affection。

〃Come; let us have some supper;〃 says Frere。  〃The last we shall eat here; I hope。  He will come back when his fit of sulks is over。〃

But he did not come back; and; after a few expressions of wonder at his absence; Mrs。 Vickers and her daughter; rapt in the hopes and fears of the morrow; almost forgot that he had left them。  With marvellous credulity they looked upon the terrible stake they were about to play for as already won。 The possession of the boat seemed to them so wonderful; that the perils of the voyage they were to make in it were altogether lost sight of。  As for Maurice Frere; he was rejoiced that the convict was out of the way。  He wished that he was out of the way altogether。



Having got out of eye…shot of the ungrateful creatures he had befriended; Rufus Dawes threw himself upon the ground in an agony of mingled rage and regret。  For the first time for six years he had tasted the happiness of doing good; the delight of self…abnegation。  For the first time for six years he had broken through the selfish misanthropy he had taught himself。  And this was his reward!  He had held his temper in check; in order that it might not offend others。  He had banished the galling memory of his degradation; lest haply some shadow of it might seem to fall upon the fair child whose lot had been so strangely cast with his。 He had stifled the agony he suffered; lest its expression should give pain to those who seemed to feel for him。  He had forborne retaliation; when retaliation would have been most sweet。  Having all these years waited and watched for a chance to strike his persecutors; he had held his hand now that an unlooked…for accident had placed the weapon of destruction in his grasp。  He had risked his life; forgone his enmities; almost changed his natureand his reward was cold looks and harsh words; so soon as his skill had paved the way to freedom。  This knowledge coming upon him while the thrill of exultation at the astounding news of his riches yet vibrated in his brain; made him grind his teeth with rage at his own hard fate。  Bound by the purest and holiest of tiesthe affection of a son to his motherhe had condemned himself to social death; rather than buy his liberty and life by a revelation which would shame the gentle creature whom he loved。  By a strange series of accidents; fortune had assisted him to maintain the deception he had practised。 His cousin had not recognized him。  The very ship in which he was believed to have sailed had been lost with every soul on board。  His identity had been completely destroyedno link remained which could connect Rufus Dawes; the convict; with Richard Devine; the vanished heir to the wealth of the dead ship…builder。

Oh; if he had only known!  If; while in the gloomy prison; distracted by a thousand fears; and weighed down by crushing evidence of circumstance; he had but guessed that death had stepped between Sir Richard and his vengeance; he might have spared himself the sacrifice he had made。  He had been tried and condemned as a nameless sailor; who could call no witnesses in his defence; and give no particulars as to his previous history。  It was clear to him now that he might have adhered to his statement of ignorance concerning the murder; locked in his breast the name of the murderer; and have yet been free。 Judges are just; but popular opinion is powerful; and it was not impossible that Richard Devine; the millionaire; would have escaped the fate which had overtaken Rufus Dawes; the sailor。  Into his calculations in the prisonwhen; half…crazed with love; with terror; and despair; he had counted up his chances of lifethe wild supposition that he had even then inherited the wealth of the father who had disowned him; had never entered。  The knowledge of that fact would have altered the whole current of his life; and he learnt it for the first time now too late。  Now; lying prone upon the sand; now; wandering aimlessly up and down among the stunted trees that bristled white beneath the mist…barred moon; now; sittingas he had sat in the prison long ago with the head gripped hard between his hands; swaying his body to and fro; he thought out the frightful problem of his bitter life。  Of little use was the heritage that he had gained。  A convict…absconder; whose hands were hard with menial service; and whose back was scarred with the lash; could never be received among the gently nurtured。 Let him lay claim to his name and rights; what then?  He was a convicted felon; and his name and rights had been taken from him by the law。 Let him go and tell Maurice Frere that he was his lost cousin。 He would be laughed at。  Let him proclaim aloud his birth and innocence; and the convict…sheds would grin; and the convict overseer set him to harder labour。  Let him even; by dint of reiteration; get his wild story believed; what would happen?  If it was heard in England after the lapse of years; perhapsthat a convict in the chain…gang in Macquarie Harboura man held to be a murderer; and whose convict career was one long record of mutiny and punishmentclaimed to be the heir to an English fortune; and to own the right to dispossess staid and worthy English folk of their rank and station; with what feeling would the announcement be received?  Certainly not with a desire to redeem this ruffian from his bonds and place him in the honoured seat of his dead father。  Such intelligence would be regarded as a calamity; an unhappy blot upon a fair reputation; a disgrace to an honoured and unsullied name。  Let him succeed; let him return again to the mother who had by this time become reconciled; in a measure; to his loss; he would; at the best; be to her a living shame; scarcely less degrading than that which she had dreaded。

But success was
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