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for the term of his natural life-第69部分

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In the midst of thiswhen the cat was hissing its loudest Burgess laughing his hardest; and the wretch on the triangles filling the air with his cries; North saw Kirkland look at him with what he thought a smile。 Was it a smile?  He leapt forward; and uttered a cry of dismay so loud that all turned。

〃Hullo!〃 says Troke; running to the heap of clothes; 〃the young 'un's slipped his wind!〃

Kirkland was dead。

〃Throw him off!〃 says Burgess; aghast at the unfortunate accident; and Gabbett reluctantly untied the thongs that bound Rufus Dawes。 Two constables were alongside him in an instant; for sometimes newly tortured men grew desperate。  This one; however; was silent with the last lash; only in taking his shirt from under the body of the boy; he muttered; 〃Dead!〃 and in his tone there seemed to be a touch of envy。  Then; flinging his shirt over his bleeding shoulders; he walked outdefiant to the last。

〃Game; ain't he?〃 said one constable to the other; as they pushed him; not ungently; into an empty cell; there to wait for the hospital guard。 The body of Kirkland was taken away in silence; and Burgess turned rather pale when he saw North's threatening face。

〃It isn't my fault; Mr。 North;〃 he said。  〃I didn't know that the lad was chicken…hearted。〃 But North turned away in disgust; and Macklewain and Burgess pursued their homeward route together。

〃Strange that he should drop like that;〃 said the Commandant。

〃Yes; unless he had any internal disease;〃 said the surgeon。

〃Disease of the heart; for instance;〃 said Burgess。

〃I'll post…mortem him and see。〃

〃Come in and have a nip; Macklewain。  I feel quite qualmish;〃 said Burgess。  And the two went into the house amid respectful salutes from either side。  Mr。 North; in agony of mind at what he considered the consequence of his neglect; slowly; and with head bowed down; as one bent on a painful errand; went to see the prisoner who had survived。 He found him kneeling on the ground; prostrated。  〃Rufus Dawes。〃

At the low tone Rufus Dawes looked up; and; seeing who it was; waved him off。

〃Don't speak to me;〃 he said; with an imprecation that made North's flesh creep。  〃I've told you what I think of youa hypocrite; who stands by while a man is cut to pieces; and then comes and whines religion to him。〃

North stood in the centre of the cell; with his arms hanging down; and his head bent。

〃You are right;〃 he said; in a low tone。  〃I must seem to you a hypocrite。 I a servant of Christ?  A besotted beast rather!  I am not come to whine religion to you。  I am come toto ask your pardon。 I might have saved you from punishmentsaved that poor boy from death。 I wanted to save him; God knows!  But I have a vice; I am a drunkard。 I yielded to my temptation; andI was too late。  I come to you as one sinful man to another; to ask you to forgive me。〃 And North suddenly flung himself down beside the convict; and; catching his blood…bespotted hands in his own; cried; 〃Forgive me; brother!〃

Rufus Dawes; too much astonished to speak; bent his black eyes upon the man who crouched at his feet; and a ray of divine pity penetrated his gloomy soul。  He seemed to catch a glimpse of misery more profound than his own; and his stubborn heart felt human sympathy with this erring brother。  〃Then in this hell there is yet a man;〃 said he; and a hand…grasp passed between these two unhappy beings。 North arose; and; with averted face; passed quickly from the cell。 Rufus Dawes looked at his hand which his strange visitor had taken; and something glittered there。  It was a tear。  He broke down at the sight of it; and when the guard came to fetch the tameless convict; they found him on his knees in a corner; sobbing like a child。



The morning after this; the Rev。 Mr。 North departed in the schooner for Hobart Town。  Between the officious chaplain and the Commandant the events of the previous day had fixed a great gulf。  Burgess knew that North meant to report the death of Kirkland; and guessed that he would not be backward in relating the story to such persons in Hobart Town as would most readily repeat it。  〃Blank awkward the fellow's dying;〃 he confessed to himself。  〃If he hadn't died; nobody would have bothered about him。〃 A sinister truth。 North; on the other hand; comforted himself with the belief that the fact of the convict's death under the lash would cause indignation and subsequent inquiry。  〃The truth must come out if they only ask;〃 thought he。  Self…deceiving North!  Four years a Government chaplain; and not yet attained to a knowledge of a Government's method of 〃asking〃 about such matters!  Kirkland's mangled flesh would have fed the worms before the ink on the last 〃minute〃 from deliberating Authority was dry。

Burgess; however; touched with selfish regrets; determined to baulk the parson at the outset。  He would send down an official 〃return〃 of the unfortunate occurrence by the same vessel that carried his enemy; and thus get the ear of the Office。  Meekin; walking on the evening of the flogging past the wooden shed where the body lay; saw Troke bearing buckets filled with dark…coloured water; and heard a great splashing and sluicing going on inside the hut。 〃What is the matter?〃 he asked。

〃Doctor's bin post…morticing the prisoner what was flogged this morning; sir;〃 said Troke; 〃and we're cleanin' up。〃

Meekin sickened; and walked on。  He had heard that unhappy Kirkland possessed unknown disease of the heart; and had unhappily died before receiving his allotted punishment。  His duty was to comfort Kirkland's soul; he had nothing to do with Kirkland's slovenly unhandsome body; and so he went for a walk on the pier; that the breeze might blow his momentary sickness away from him。 On the pier he saw North talking to Father Flaherty; the Roman Catholic chaplain。  Meekin had been taught to look upon a priest as a shepherd might look upon a wolf; and passed with a distant bow。 The pair were apparently talking on the occurrence of the morning; for he heard Father Flaherty say; with a shrug of his round shoulders; 〃He woas not one of moi people; Mr。 North; and the Govermint would not suffer me to interfere with matters relating to Prhotestint prisoners。〃 〃The wretched creature was a Protestant;〃 thought Meekin。 〃At least then his immortal soul was not endangered by belief in the damnable heresies of the Church of Rome。〃 So he passed on; giving good…humoured Denis Flaherty; the son of the butter…merchant of Kildrum; a wide berth and sea…room; lest he should pounce down upon him unawares; and with Jesuitical argument and silken softness of speech; convert him by force to his own state of erroras was the well…known custom of those intellectual gladiators; the Priests of the Catholic Faith。 North; on his side; left Flaherty with regret。  He had spent many a pleasant hour with him; and knew him for a narrow…minded; conscientious; yet laughter…loving creature; whose God was neither his belly nor his breviary; but sometimes in one place and sometimes in the other; according to the hour of the day; and the fasts appointed for due mortification of the flesh。  〃A man who would do Christian work in a jog…trot parish; or where men lived too easily to sin harshly; but utterly unfit to cope with Satan; as the British Government had transported him;〃 was North's sadly satirical reflection upon Father Flaherty; as Port Arthur faded into indistinct beauty behind the swift…sailing schooner。  〃God help those poor villains; for neither parson nor priest can。〃

He was right。  North; the drunkard and self…tormented; had a power for good; of which Meekin and the other knew nothing。  Not merely were the men incompetent and self…indulgent; but they understood nothing of that frightful capacity for agony which is deep in the soul of every evil…doer。  They might strike the rock as they chose with sharpest…pointed machine…made pick of warranted Gospel manufacture; stamped with the approval of eminent divines of all ages; but the water of repentance and remorse would not gush for them。 They possessed not the frail rod which alone was powerful to charm。 They had no sympathy; no knowledge; no experience。  He who would touch the hearts of men must have had his own heart seared。  The missionaries of mankind have ever been great sinners before they earned the divine right to heal and bless。  Their weakness was made their strength; and out of their own agony of repentance came the knowledge which made them masters and saviours of their kind。  It was the agony of the Garden and the Cross that gave to the world's Preacher His kingdom in the hearts of men。  The crown of divinity is a crown of thorns。

North; on his arrival; went straight to the house of Major Vickers。 〃I have a complaint to make; sir;〃 he said。  〃I wish to lodge it formally with you。  A prisoner has been flogged to death at Port Arthur。 I saw it done。〃

Vickers bent his brow。  〃A serious accusation; Mr。 North。  I must; of course; receive it with respect; coming from you; but I trust that you have fully considered the circumstances of the case。  I always understood Captain Burgess was a most humane man。〃

North shook his head。  He would not accuse Burgess。  He would let the events speak f
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