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for the term of his natural life-第77部分

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t care was to procure money。 This he thought to do by writing to Blick; but when informed by Meekin of the fate of his letter; he adopted theto himless pleasant alternative of procuring it through Sarah Purfoy。

It was peculiar to the man's hard and ungrateful nature that; despite the attachment of the woman who had followed him to his place of durance; and had made it the object of her life to set him free; he had cherished for her no affection。  It was her beauty that had attracted him; when; as Mr。 Lionel Crofton; he swaggered in the night…society of London。  Her talents and her devotion were secondary considerationsuseful to him as attributes of a creature he owned; but not to be thought of when his fancy wearied of its choice。  During the twelve years which had passed since his rashness had delivered him into the hands of the law at the house of Green; the coiner; he had been oppressed with no regrets for her fate。  He had; indeed; seen and suffered so much that the old life had been put away from him。  When; on his return; he heard that Sarah Purfoy was still in Hobart Town; he was glad; for he knew that he had an ally who would do her utmost to help himshe had shown that on board the Malabar。 But he was also sorry; for he remembered that the price she would demand for her services was his affection; and that had cooled long ago。 However; he would make use of her。  There might be a way to discard her if she proved troublesome。

His pretended piety had accomplished the end he had assumed it for。 Despite Frere's exposure of his cryptograph; he had won the confidence of Meekin; and into that worthy creature's ear he poured a strange and sad story。  He was the son; he said; of a clergyman of the Church of England; whose real name; such was his reverence for the cloth; should never pass his lips。  He was transported for a forgery which he did not commit。  Sarah Purfoy was his wifehis erring; lost and yet loved wife。  She; an innocent and trusting girl; had determined strong in the remembrance of that promise she had made at the altar to follow her husband to his place of doom; and had hired herself as lady's…maid to Mrs。 Vickers。  Alas!  fever prostrated that husband on a bed of sickness; and Maurice Frere; the profligate and the villain; had taken advantage of the wife's unprotected state to ruin her! Rex darkly hinted how the seducer made his power over the sick and helpless husband a weapon against the virtue of the wife and so terrified poor Meekin that; had it not 〃happened so long ago〃; he would have thought it necessary to look with some disfavour upon the boisterous son…in…law of Major Vickers。

〃I bear him no ill…will; sir;〃 said Rex。  〃I did at first。  There was a time when I could have killed him; but when I had him in my power; Ias you know forbore to strike。  No; sir; I could not commit murder!〃

〃Very proper;〃 says Meekin; 〃very proper indeed。〃 〃God will punish him in His own way; and His own time;〃 continued Rex。

〃My great sorrow is for the poor woman。  She is in Sydney; I have heard; living respectably; sir; and my heart bleeds for her。〃 Here Rex heaved a sigh that would have made his fortune on the boards。

〃My poor fellow;〃 said Meekin。  〃Do you know where she is?〃

〃I do; sir。〃

〃You might write to her。〃

John Rex appeared to hesitate; to struggle with himself; and finally to take a deep resolve。  〃No; Mr。 Meekin; I will not write。〃

〃Why not?〃

〃You know the orders; sirthe Commandant reads all the letters sent。 Could I write to my poor Sarah what other eyes were to read?〃 and he watched the parson slyly。

〃Nno; you could not;〃 said Meekin; at last。

〃It is true; sir;〃 said Rex; letting his head sink on his breast。 The next day; Meekin; blushing with the consciousness that what he was about to do was wrong; said to his penitent; 〃If you will promise to write nothing that the Commandant might not see; Rex; I will send your letter to your wife。〃

〃Heaven bless you; sir;〃。  said Rex; and took two days to compose an epistle which should tell Sarah Purfoy how to act。  The letter was a model of composition in one way。  It stated everything clearly and succinctly。 Not a detail that could assist was omittednot a line that could embarrass was suffered to remain。  John Rex's scheme of six months' deliberation was set down in the clearest possible manner。  He brought his letter unsealed to Meekin。  Meekin looked at it with an interest that was half suspicion。 〃Have I your word that there is nothing in this that might not be read by the Commandant?〃

John Rex was a bold man; but at the sight of the deadly thing fluttering open in the clergyman's hand; his knees knocked together。 Strong in his knowledge of human nature; however; he pursued his desperate plan。  〃Read it; sir;〃 he said turning away his face reproachfully。  〃You are a gentleman。  I can trust you。〃

〃No; Rex;〃 said Meekin; walking loftily into the pitfall; 〃I do not read private letters。〃 It was sealed; and John Rex felt as if somebody had withdrawn a match from a powder barrel。

In a month Mr。 Meekin received a letter; beautifully written; from 〃Sarah Rex〃; stating briefly that she had heard of his goodness; that the enclosed letter was for her husband; and that if it was against the rules to give it him; she begged it might be returned to her unread。  Of course Meekin gave it to Rex; who next morning handed to Meekin a most touching pious production; begging him to read it。  Meekin did so; and any suspicions he may have had were at once disarmed。  He was ignorant of the fact that the pious letter contained a private one intended for John Rex only; which letter John Rex thought so highly of; that; having read it twice through most attentively; he ate it。

The plan of escape was after all a simple one。  Sarah Purfoy was to obtain from Blicks the moneys he held in trust; and to embark the sum thus obtained in any business which would suffer her to keep a vessel hovering round the southern coast of Van Diemen's Land without exciting suspicion。 The escape was to be made in the winter months; if possible; in June or July。 The watchful vessel was to be commanded by some trustworthy person; who was to frequently land on the south…eastern side; and keep a look…out for any extraordinary appearance along the coast。  Rex himself must be left to run the gauntlet of the dogs and guards unaided。  〃This seems a desperate scheme;〃 wrote Rex; 〃but it is not so wild as it looks。 I have thought over a dozen others; and rejected them all。 This is the only way。  Consider it well。  I have my own plan for escape; which is easy if rescue be at hand。  All depends upon placing a trustworthy man in charge of the vessel。  You ought to know a dozen such。 I will wait eighteen months to give you time to make all arrangements。〃 The eighteen months had now nearly passed over; and the time for the desperate attempt drew near。  Faithful to his cruel philosophy; John Rex had provided scape…goats; who; by their vicarious agonies; should assist him to his salvation。

He had discovered that of the twenty men in his gang eight had already determined on an effort for freedom。  The names of these eight were Gabbett; Vetch; Bodenham; Cornelius; Greenhill; Sanders; called the 〃Moocher〃; Cox; and Travers。  The leading spirits were Vetch and Gabbett; who; with profound reverence; requested the 〃Dandy〃 to join。 John Rex; ever suspicious; and feeling repelled by the giant's strange eagerness; at first refused; but by degrees allowed himself to appear to be drawn into the scheme。  He would urge these men to their fate; and take advantage of the excitement attendant on their absence to effect his own escape。  〃While all the island is looking for these eight boobies; I shall have a good chance to slip away unmissed。〃 He wished; however; to have a companion。  Some strong man; who; if pressed hard; would turn and keep the pursuers at bay; would be useful without doubt; and this comrade…victim he sought in Rufus Dawes。

Beginning; as we have seen; from a purely selfish motive; to urge his fellow…prisoner to abscond with him; John Rex gradually found himself attracted into something like friendliness by the sternness with which his overtures were repelled。  Always a keen student of human nature; the scoundrel saw beneath the roughness with which it had pleased the unfortunate man to shroud his agony; how faithful a friend and how ardent and undaunted a spirit was concealed。  There was; moreover; a mystery about Rufus Dawes which Rex; the reader of hearts; longed to fathom。

〃Have you no friends whom you would wish to see?〃 he asked; one evening; when Rufus Dawes had proved more than usually deaf to his arguments。

〃No;〃 said Dawes gloomily。  〃My friends are all dead to me。〃

〃What; all?〃 asked the other。  〃Most men have some one whom they wish to see。〃

Rufus Dawes laughed a slow; heavy laugh。  〃I am better here。〃

〃Then are you content to live this dog's life?〃

〃Enough; enough;〃 said Dawes。  〃I am resolved。〃

〃Pooh!  Pluck up a spirit;〃 cried Rex。  〃It can't fail。  I've been thinking of it for eighteen months; and it can't fail。〃

〃Who are going?〃 asked the other; his eyes fixed on the ground。 John Rex enumerated the eight; and Dawes raised his head。  〃I won't go。
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