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for the term of his natural life-第80部分

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ht hand; on the ghastly and pallid ocean; two boats; the hindermost one apparently within a few yards of him。 The men looked like corpses。  In the distance rose Cape Surville; and beneath Cape Surville was the hungry sea。  The scene vanished in an instantswallowed up almost before he had realized it。 But the shock it gave him made him miss his aim; and; flinging away the pistol with a curse; he turned down the path and fled。  McNab followed。

The path had been made by frequent passage from the station; and Rex found it tolerably easy running。  He had acquiredlike most men who live much in the darkthat cat…like perception of obstacles which is due rather to increased sensitiveness of touch than increased acuteness of vision。  His feet accommodated themselves to the inequalities of the ground; his hands instinctively outstretched themselves towards the overhanging boughs; his head ducked of its own accord to any obtrusive sapling which bent to obstruct his progress。 His pursuer was not so fortunate。  Twice did John Rex laugh mentally; at a crash and scramble that told of a fall; and oncein a valley where trickled a little stream that he had cleared almost without an effort he heard a splash that made him laugh outright。  The track now began to go uphill; and Rex redoubled his efforts; trusting to his superior muscular energy to shake off his pursuer。  He breasted the rise; and paused to listen。  The crashing of branches behind him had ceased; and it seemed that he was alone。

He had gained the summit of the cliff。  The lights of the Neck were invisible。 Below him lay the sea。  Out of the black emptiness came puffs of sharp salt wind。  The tops of the rollers that broke below were blown off and whirled away into the nightwhite patches; swallowed up immediately in the increasing darkness。  From the north side of the bay was borne the hoarse roar of the breakers as they dashed against the perpendicular cliffs which guarded Forrestier's Peninsula。  At his feet arose a frightful shrieking and whistling; broken at intervals by reports like claps of thunder。 Where was he? Exhausted and breathless; he sank down into the rough scrub and listened。  All at once; on the track over which he had passed; he heard a sound that made him bound to his feet in deadly fear the bay of a dog!

He thrust his hand to his breast for the remaining pistol; and uttered a cry of alarm。  He had dropped it。  He felt round about him in the darkness for some stick or stone that might serve as a weapon。 In vain。  His fingers clutched nothing but prickly scrub and coarse grass。 The sweat ran down his face。  With staring eyeballs; and bristling hair; he stared into the darkness; as if he would dissipate it by the very intensity of his gaze。  The noise was repeated; and; piercing through the roar of wind and water; above and below him; seemed to be close at hand。 He heard a man's voice cheering the dog in accents that the gale blew away from him before he could recognize them。  It was probable that some of the soldiers had been sent to the assistance of McNab。  Capture; then; was certain。  In his agony; the wretched man almost promised himself repentance; should he escape this peril。  The dog; crashing through the underwood; gave one short; sharp howl; and then ran mute。

The darkness had increased the gale。  The wind; ravaging the hollow heaven; had spread between the lightnings and the sea an impenetrable curtain of black cloud。  It seemed possible to seize upon this curtain and draw its edge yet closer; so dense was it。  The white and raging waters were blotted out; and even the lightning seemed unable to penetrate that intense blackness。  A large; warm drop of rain fell upon Rex's outstretched hand; and far overhead rumbled a wrathful peal of thunder。 The shrieking which he had heard a few moments ago had ceased; but every now and then dull but immense shocks; as of some mighty bird flapping the cliff with monstrous wings; reverberated around him; and shook the ground where he stood。  He looked towards the ocean; and a tall misty Formwhite against the all…pervading blackness beckoned and bowed to him。  He saw it distinctly for an instant; and then; with an awful shriek; as of wrathful despair; it sank and vanished。 Maddened with a terror he could not define; the hunted man turned to meet the material peril that was so close at hand。

With a ferocious gasp; the dog flung himself upon him。  John Rex was borne backwards; but; in his desperation; he clutched the beast by the throat and belly; and; exerting all his strength; flung him off。 The brute uttered one howl; and seemed to lie where he had fallen; while above his carcase again hovered that white and vaporous column。 It was strange that McNab and the soldier did not follow up the advantage they had gained。  Courageperhaps he should defeat them yet!  He had been lucky to dispose of the dog so easily。  With a fierce thrill of renewed hope; he ran forward; when at his feet; in his face; arose that misty Form; breathing chill warning; as though to wave him back。  The terror at his heels drove him on。  A few steps more; and he should gain the summit of the cliff。 He could feel the sea roaring in front of him in the gloom。 The column disappeared; and in a lull of wind; uprose from the place where it had been such a hideous medley of shrieks; laughter; and exultant wrath; that John Rex paused in horror。  Too late。 The ground gave wayit seemedbeneath his feet。  He was fallingclutching; in vain; at rocks; shrubs; and grass。  The cloud…curtain lifted; and by the lightning that leaped and played about the ocean; John Rex found an explanation of his terrors; more terrible than they themselves had been。  The track he had followed led to that portion of the cliff in which the sea had excavated the tunnel…spout known as the Devil's Blow…hole。

Clinging to a tree that; growing half…way down the precipice; had arrested his course; he stared into the abyss。  Before himalready high above his headwas a gigantic arch of cliff。  Through this arch he saw; at an immense distance below him; the raging and pallid ocean。 Beneath him was an abyss splintered with black rocks; turbid and raucous with tortured water。  Suddenly the bottom of this abyss seemed to advance to meet him; or; rather; the black throat of the chasm belched a volume of leaping; curling water; which mounted to drown him。  Was it fancy that showed him; on the surface of the rising column; the mangled carcase of the dog?

The chasm into which John Rex had fallen was shaped like a huge funnel set up on its narrow end。  The sides of this funnel were rugged rock; and in the banks of earth lodged here and there upon projections; a scrubby vegetation grew。  The scanty growth paused abruptly half…way down the gulf; and the rock below was perpetually damp from the upthrown spray。 Accidenthad the convict been a Meekin; we might term it Providence had lodged him on the lowest of these banks of earth。  In calm weather he would have been out of danger; but the lightning flash revealed to his terror…sharpened sense a black patch of dripping rock on the side of the chasm some ten feet above his head。  It was evident that upon the next rising of the water…spout the place where he stood would be covered with water。

The roaring column mounted with hideous swiftness。  Rex felt it rush at him and swing him upward。  With both arms round the tree; he clutched the sleeves of his jacket with either hand。  Perhaps if he could maintain his hold he might outlive the shock of that suffocating torrent。  He felt his feet rudely seized; as though by the hand of a giant; and plucked upwards。 Water gurgled in his ears。  His arms seemed about to be torn from their sockets。  Had the strain lasted another instant; he must have loosed his hold; but; with a wild hoarse shriek; as though it was some sea…monster baffled of its prey; the column sank; and left him gasping; bleeding; half…drowned; but alive。  It was impossible that he could survive another shock; and in his agony he unclasped his stiffened fingers; determined to resign himself to his fate。 At that instant; however; he saw on the wall of rock that hollowed on his right hand; a red and lurid light; in the midst of which fantastically bobbed hither and thither the gigantic shadow of a man。 He cast his eyes upwards and saw; slowly descending into the gulf; a blazing bush tied to a rope。  McNab was taking advantage of the pause in the spouting to examine the sides of the Blow…hole。

A despairing hope seized John Rex。  In another instant the light would reveal his figure; clinging like a limpet to the rock; to those above。  He must be detected in any case; but if they could lower the rope sufficiently; he might clutch it and be saved。  His dread of the horrible death that was beneath him overcame his resolution to avoid recapture。  The long…drawn agony of the retreating water as it was sucked back again into the throat of the chasm had ceased; and he knew that the next tremendous pulsation of the sea below would hurl the spuming destruction up upon him。  The gigantic torch slowly descended; and he had already drawn in his breath for a shout which should make itself heard above the roar of the wind and water; when a strange appearance on the f
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