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the decameron(十日谈)-第2部分

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his life time very disorderly; fell day by day (according to the
Physicions judgement) from bad to worse; as no other way appeared
but death; whereat the brethren greatly grieved。
  Upon a day; neere to the Chamber where the sicke man lay; they
entred into this communication。 What shall we doe (quoth the one to
the other) with this man? We are much hindered by him: for to send him
away (sicke as he is) we shall be greatly blamed thereby; and it
will be a manifest note of our weake wisedome; the people knowing that
first of all we gave him entertainement; and have allowed him honest
physicall attendance; and he not having any way injuried or offended
us; to let him be suddenly expulsed our house (sicke to death as he
is) it can be no way for our credit。
  On the other side; we are to consider also; that hee hath bin so
badde a man; as he will not now make any confession thereof; neither
receive the blessed Sacrament of the Church; and dying so without
confession; there is no Church that will accept his body; but it
must be buried in prophane ground; like to a Dogge。 And yet if hee
would confesse himselfe; his sinnes are so many and monstrous; as
the like case also may happen; because there is not any Priest or
Religious person; that can or will absolve him。 And being not
absolved; he must be cast into some ditch or pit; and then the
people of the Towne; as well in regard of the account we carry
heere; (which to them appeareth so little pleasing; as we are daily
pursued with their worst words) as also coveting our spoile and
overthrow; upon this accident will cry out and mutiny against us;
Behold these Lombard dogs; which are not to be received into the
Church; why should we suffer them to live heere among us? In furious
madnesse will they come upon us; and our house; where (peradventure)
not contended with robbing us of our goods; our lives will remaine
in their mercy and danger; so that; in what sort soever it happen;
this mans dying here; must needs be banefull to us。
  Master Chappelet; who (as we have formerly saide) was lodged neere
to the place where they thus conferred; having a subtle attention
(as oftentimes we see sicke persons to be possessed withall) heard all
these speeches spoken of him; and causing them to bee called unto him;
thus hee spake。
  I would not have you to be any way doubtfull of me; neither that you
should receive the least damage by me: I have heard what you have
said; and am certaine; that it will happen according to your words; if
matters should fall out as you conceite; but I am minded to deale
otherwise。 I have committed so many offences against our Lord God;
in the whole current of my life; that now I intend one action at the
houre of my death; which I trust will make amends for all。 Procure
therefore; I pray you; that the most holy and religious man that is to
be found (if there bee any one at all) may come unto me; and referre
the case then to me; for I will deale in such sort for you and my
selfe; that all shall be well; and you no way discontented。
  The two Brethren; although they had no great hope in his speeches;
went yet to a Monastery of Gray…Friars; and requested; that some one
holy and learned man; might come to heare the confession of a Lombard;
that lay very weake and sicke in their house。 And one was granted unto
them; being an aged religious Frier; a great read master in the sacred
Scripture; a very venerable person; who being of good and sanctified
life; all the Citizens held him in great respect and esteeme; and on
hee went with them to their house。 When he was come up into the
Chamber where Master Chappelet lay; and being there seated downe by
him; he beganne first to comfort him very lovingly; demanding also
of him; how many times he had bin at confession? Whereto Master
Chappelet (who never had bin shrived in all his life time) thus
  Holy Father; I alwayes used (as a common custome) to bee confessed
once (at the least) every weeke; albeit sometimes much more often; but
true it is; that being falne into this sicknesse; now eight daies
since I have not beene confest; so violent hath bene the extremity
of my weaknesse。 My sonne (answered the good old man) thou hast done
well; and so keep thee still hereafter in that minde: but I plainly
perceive; seeing thou hast so often confessed thy selfe; that I
shall take the lesse labour in urging questions to thee。
  Master Chappelet replyed; Say not so good Father; for albeit I
have bene so oftentimes confessed; yet am I willing now to make a
generall confession; even of all sinnes comming to my remembrance;
from the very day of my birth; until this instant houre of my
shrift。 And therefore I entreat you (holy Father) to make a particular
demand of everie thing; even as if I had never bene confessed at
all; and to make no respect of my sicknesse: for I had rather be
offensive to mine owne flesh; then by favoring or allowing it ease; to
hazard the perdition of my soule; which my Redeemer bought with so
precious a price。
  These words were highly pleasing to the holy Friar; and seemed to
him as an argument of a good conscience: Wherefore; after hee had much
commended this forwardnesse in him; he began to demand of him if he
had never offended with any Woman? Whereunto master Chappelet
(breathing forth a great sigh) answered。
  Holy Father; I am halfe ashamed to tell you the truth in this
case; as fearing least I should sinne in vaine…glory。 Whereto the
Confessor replyed; Speake boldly sonne; and feare not; for in
telling the truth; bee it in confession or otherwise; a man can
never sinne。 Then sayde Maister Chappelet; Father; seeing you give
me so good an assurance; I will resolve you faithfully heerein。 I am
so true a Virgin…man in this matter; even as when I issued forth of my
mothers Wombe。 O sonne (quoth the Friar) how happy and blessed of
God art thou? Well hast thou lived; and therein hast thou not meanly
merited; having had so much libertie to doe the contrary if thou
wouldest; wherein verie few of us can so answer for our selves。
  Afterward; he demanded of him; how much displeasing to God hee had
beene in the sinne of Gluttony? When (sighing againe greatly) hee
answered: Too much; and too often; good Father。 For; over and beside
the Fasts of our Lent season; which everie yeare ought to bee duely
observed by devout people; I brought my selfe to such a customarie
use; that I could fast three dayes in every Weeke; with Bread and
Water。 But indeede (holy Father) I confesse; that I have drunke
water with such a pleasing appetite and delight (especially in
praying; or walking on pilgrimages) even as greedy drunkards doe; in
drinking good Wine。 And many times I have desired such Sallades of
small hearbes; as Women do gather abroad in the open fields; and
feeding onely upon them; without coveting after any other kinde of
sustenance; hath seemed much more pleasing to me; then I thought to
agree with the nature of Fasting; especially; when as it swerveth
from devotion; or is not done as it ought to bee。
 Sonne; Sonne; replied the Confessour; these sinnes are naturall;
and very light; and therefore I would not have thee to charge thy
conscience with them; more then is needfull。 It happeneth to every man
(how holy soever he be) that after he hath fasted overlong; feeding
will be welcome to him; and drinking good drinke after his travaile。 O
Sir; (said Maister Chappelet) never tell me this to comfort me; for
well you know; and I am not ignorant therein; that such things as
are done for the service of God; ought all to be performed purely; and
without any blemish of the minde; what otherwise is done; savoureth of
sinne。 The Friar being well contented with his words; said: It is
not amisse that thou understandest it in this manner; and thy
conscience thus purely cleared; is no little comfort to me。 But tell
me now concerning Avarice; hast thou sinned therein; by desiring
more then was reasonable; or withholding from others; such things as
thou oughtst not to detaine? Wherein Maister Chappelet answered。
Good Father; I would not have you to imagine; because you see me
lodged heere in the house of two Usurers; that therefore I am of any
such disposition。 No truely Sir; I came hither to no other end; but
onely to chastise and admonish them in friendly manner; to clense
their mindes from such abhominable profit: And assuredly; I should
have prevailed therein; had not this violent sicknesse hindered mine
intention。 But understand (holy Father) that my parents left me a rich
man; and immediatly after my Fathers death; the greater part of his
goods I gave away for Gods sake; and then; to sustaine mine owne life;
and to helpe the poore members of Jesus Christ; I betooke my selfe
to a meane estate of Merchandise; desiring none other then honest
gaine thereby; and evermore whatsoever benefit came to me; I
imparted halfe thereof to the poore; converting mine owne small
portion about my necessary affaires; which that other part would
scarcely serve to supply: yet alwayes God gave thereto such a
mercifull blessing; that my businesse dayly thrived more and more;
arising still from good to better。
  Well hast thou done ther
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