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hir; whither she was provided of a Lover; or no。 Gianetta; being never
acquainted with any such questions; a scarlet Dye covering all her
modest countenance; thus replyed。 Madam; I have no neede of any Lover;
and very unseemely were it; for so poore a Damosell as I am; to have
so much as a thought of Lovers; being banished from my friends and
kinsfolke; and remaining in service as I do。
If you have none (answered the Ladie) wee will bestow one on you;
which shall content your minde; and bring you to a more pleasing kinde
of life; because it is farre unfit; that so faire a Maid as you
are。; should remaine destitute of a Lover。 Madam; said Gianetta;
considering with my selfe; that since you received me of my poore
Father; you have used me rather like your daughter; then a servant; it
becommeth mee to doe as pleaseth you。 Notwithstanding; I trust (in the
regard of mine owne good and honour) never to use any complaint in
such a case: but if you please to bestow a husband on me; I purpose to
love and honor him onely; and not any other。 For; of all the
inheritance left me by my progenitors; nothing remaineth to me but
honourable honesty; and that shall be my Legacie so long as I live。
These wordes; were of a quite contrary complexion; to those which
the Lady expected from her; and for effecting the promise made unto
hir Sonne: howbeit (like a wise and noble Ladie) much she inwardly
commended the maids answers; and said unto her。 But tell me
Gianetta; what if my Lord the King (who is a gallant youthfull Prince;
and you so bright a beautie as you are) should take pleasure in your
love; would ye denie him? Sodainly the Maide returned this answer:
Madame; the King perhaps might enforce me; but with my free consent;
hee shall never have any thing of me that is not honest。 Nor did the
Lady dislike her Maides courage and resolution; but breaking of all
her further conference; intended shortly to put her project in proofe;
saying to her son; that when he was fully recovered; he should have
private accesse to Gianetta; whom shee doubted not but would be
tractable enough to him; for she helde it no meane blemish to her
honour; to moove the Maide any more in the matter; but let him
compasse it as he could。
Farre from the yong Gentlemans humour was this answer of his Mother;
because he aimed not at any dishonourable end: true; faithfull; and
honest love was the sole scope of his intention; foule and loathsome
lust he utterly defied; whereupon he fell into sickenesse againe;
rather more violently then before。 Which the Lady perceiving; revealed
her whole intent to Gianetta; and finding her constancie beyond common
comparison; acquainted her Lord with all she had done; and both
consented (though much against their mindes) to let him enjoy her in
honourable marriage: accounting it better; for preservation of their
onely sons life; to match him farre inferiour to his degree; then by
denying h desire; to let him pine and dye for her love。
After great consultation with Kindred and Friends; the match was
agreed upon; to the no little joy of Gianetta; who devoutly returned
infinite thankes to heaven; for so mercifully respecting her
dejected poore estate; after the bitter passage of so many miseries;
and never tearming her selfe any otherwise; but the daughter of a
poore Piccard。 Soone was the yong Gentleman recovered and married;
no man alive so well contented as he; and setting downe an absolute
determination; to lead a loving life with his Gianetta。
Let us now convert our lookes to Wales; to Perotto; being lefte
there with the other Lord Marshall; who was the President of that
Countrey。 On hee grew in yeeres; choisely respected by his Lord;
because hee was most comely of person; and forward to all valiant
attempts: so that in Tourneyes; joustes; and other actions of Armes;
his like was not to bee found in all the Island; being named onely
Perotto the valiant Piccard; and so was he famed farre and neere。 As
God had not forgotten his Sister; so in mercy he became as mindefull
of him; for; a contagious mortalitie hapning in the Country; the
greater part of the people perished thereby; the rest flying thence
into other partes of the Land; whereby the whole Province became
dispeopled and desolate。
In the time of this plague and dreadful visitation; the Lord
President; his Lady; Sonnes; Daughters; Brothers; Nephewes; and
Kindred dyed; none remaining alive; but one onely Daughter
marriageable; a few of the houshold servants; beside Perotto; whom
(after the sickenesse was more mildly asswaged) with counsell and
consent of the Countrey people; the young Lady accepted to be her
husband; because hee was a man so worthy and valiant; and of all the
inheritance left by her deceased Father; she made him Lord; and sole
commander。 Within no long while after; the King of England
understanding that his President of Wales was dead; and Fame liberally
relating the vertues; valour; and good parts of Perotto the Piccard;
hee created him President thereof; and to supply the place of his
deceased Lord。 These faire fortunes; within the compasse of so short a
time; fell to the two innocent children of the Count D'Angiers after
they were left by him as lost and forlorne。
Eighteene yeeres were now fully overpast; since the Count
D'Angiers fled from Paris; having suffered (in miserable sort) many
hard and lamentable adversities; and seeing himselfe now to be
growne aged; hee was desirous to leave Ireland; and to know (if hee
might) what was become of both his Children。 Heereupon; perceiving his
wonted forme to be so altered; that such as formerly had conversed
most with him; could now not take any knowledge of him; and feeling
his body (through long labour and exercise endured in service) more
lustie then in his idle youthfull yeeres; especially when he left
the Court of France; hee purposed to proceede in his determination。
Being verie poore and simple in apparrel; he departed from the Irish
Earle his Master; with whom he had continued long in service; to no
advantage or advancement; and crossing over into England; travayled to
the place in Wales; where he left Perotto; and where he found him to
be Lord Marshall and President of the country; lusty and in good
health; a man of goodly feature; and most honorably respected and
reverenced of the people。
Well may you imagine; that this was no small comfort to the poore
aged Countes heart; yet would he not make himselfe knowne to him; or
any other about him; but referred his joy to a further enlarging and
diminishing; by sight of the other limbe of his life; his deerely
affected daughter Gianetta; denying rest to his bodie in any place;
until such time as he came to London。 Making there secret enquiry
concerning the Ladie with whom hee had left his daughter; hee
understoode; that a young Gentlewoman; named Gianetta; was married
to that Ladies onely Son; which made a second addition of joy to his
soule; accounting all his passed adversities of no valew; both his
children being living; and in so high honour。
Having found her dwelling; and (like a kinde Father) being earnestly
desirous to see her; he dayly resorted nere to the house; where Sir
Roger Mandevile (for so was Gianettaes husband named) chauncing to see
him; being moved to compassion; because he was both poore and aged:
commaunded one of his men; to take him into the house; and to give him
some foode for Gods sake; which (accordingly) the servant performed。
Gianetta had divers children by her husband; the eldest being but
eight yeeres of age; yet all of them so faire and comely as could
be。 As the old Count sate eating his meate in the Hall; the children
came all about him; embracing; hugging; and making much of him; even
as if Nature had truly instructed them; that this was their aged
(though poor) Grandfather; and hee as lovingly receiving these kilde
relations from them; wisely and silently kept all to himselfe; with
sighes; teares; and joyes intermixed together。 Insomuch that the
children would not part from him though their Tutor and Master
called them often; which being tolde to their Mother; shee came foorth
of the neere adjoyning Parlour; and threatned to beate them; if they
would not doe what their Maister commanded them。
Then the Children began to cry; saying; that they would tarrie
stil by the good olde man; because he loved them better then their
Master did; whereat both the Lady and the Count began to smile。 The
Count; a poore Begger; and not as Father to so great a Lady; arose;
and did her humble reverence; because she was now a Noble Woman;
conceyving wonderfull joy in his soule; to see her so faire and goodly
a creature: yet could she take no knowledge of him; Age; want; and
misery had so mightily altered him; his head all white; his beard
without any comly forme; his Garments so poore; and his face so
wrinkled; leane and meager; that he seemed rather some Carter; then
a Count。 And Gianetta perceiving that when her Children were fetcht
away; they returned againe to the olde man; and would not leave him;
she desired their Maister to let them alone。
While thus the Children continued making much of the good olde man;