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thereabouts;   from   which;   in      a   little   while;   he   will   awakeat   least;   he 

dreams so。 

     How     dull;   how    impossible     life  would    be  without     dreamswaking 

dreams; I meanthe dreams that we call 〃castles in the air;〃 built by the 

kindly hands of Hope!           Were it not for the mirage of the oasis; drawing 

his footsteps ever onward; the weary traveler would lie down in the desert 

sand and die。       It is the mirage of distant success; of happiness that; like 

the   bunch   of   carrots   fastened   an   inch   beyond   the   donkey's   nose;   seems 

always   just   within   our   reach;   if   only   we   will   gallop   fast   enough;   that 

makes us run so eagerly along the road of Life。 

     Providence; like a father with a tired child; lures us ever along the way 

with tales and promises; until; at the frowning gate that ends the road; we 

shrink back; frightened。         Then; promises still more sweet he stoops and 

whispers in our ear; and timid yet partly reassured; and trying to hide our 

fears; we gather up all that is left of our little stock of hope and; trusting 

yet half afraid; push out our groping feet into the darkness。 

     Notes on the editing of this text: 

     1。   Italicized phrases are delimited by the underline character (〃_〃)。 2。 

Hyphens have been left in the text only where it was the clear intention of 

the author。     For example; throughout the text; 〃tonight〃 and 〃tomorrow〃 

appear   as   〃to…night〃   and   〃to…morrow〃。         This   is   intentional;   and   is   not 

simply a legacy of words having been broken across lines in the printed 

text。   3。   The   pound   (currency)   symbol   has   been   replaced   by   the   word 



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