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the day of the confederacy-第10部分

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〃If I could take one wing and Lee the other; I think we could
between us wrest a victory from those people。〃 And yet; his
military experience embraced only the minor actions of a young
officer on the Indian frontier and the gallant conduct of a
subordinate in the Mexican War。 He had never executed a great
military design。 His desire for the military life was; after all;
his only ground for ranking himself with the victor of Second
Manassas。 Davis was also unfortunate in lacking the power to
overcome men and sweep them along with himthe power Lee showed
so conspicuously。 Nor was Davis averse to sharp reproof of the
highest officials when he thought them in the wrong。 He once
wrote to Joseph E。 Johnston that a letter of his contained
〃arguments and statements utterly unfounded〃 and 〃insinuations as
unfounded as they were unbecoming。〃

Davis was not always wise in his choice of men。 His confidence in
Bragg; who was long his chief military adviser; is not sustained
by the military critics of a later age。 His Cabinet; though not
the contemptible body caricatured by the malice of Pollard; was
not equal to the occasion。 Of the three men who held the office
of Secretary of State; Toombs and Hunter had little if any
qualification for such a post; while the third; Benjamin; is the
sphinx of Confederate history。

In a way; Judah P。 Benjamin is one of the most interesting men in
American politics。 By descent a Jew; born in the West Indies; he
spent his boyhood mainly at Charleston and his college days at
Yale。 He went to New Orleans to begin his illustrious career as a
lawyer; and from Louisiana entered politics。 The facile keenness
of his intellect is beyond dispute。 He had the Jewish clarity of
thought; the wonderful Jewish detachment in matters of pure mind。
But he was also an American of the middle of the century。 His
quick and responsive naturea nature that enemies might call
simulativecaught and reflected the characteristics of that
singular and highly rhetorical age。 He lives in tradition as the
man of the constant smile; and yet there is no one in history
whose state papers contain passages of fiercer violence in days
of tension。 How much of his violence was genuine; how much was a
manner of speaking; his biographers have not had the courage to
determine。 Like so many American biographers they have avoided
the awkward questions and have glanced over; as lightly as
possible; the persistent attempts of Congress to drive him from

Nothing could shake the resolution of Davis to retain Benjamin in
the Cabinet。 Among Davis's loftiest qualities was his sense of
personal loyalty。 Once he had given his confidence; no amount of
opposition could shake his will but served rather to harden him。
When Benjamin as Secretary of War passed under a cloud; Davis led
him forth resplendent as Secretary of State。 Whether he was wise
in doing so; whether the opposition was not justified in its
distrust of Benjamin; is still an open question。 What is certain
is that both these able men; even before the crisis that arose in
the autumn of 1862; had rendered themselves and their Government
widely unpopular。 It must never be forgotten that Davis entered
office without the backing of any definite faction。 He was a
〃dark horse;〃 a compromise candidate。 To build up a stanch
following; to create enthusiasm for his Administration; was a
prime necessity of his first year as President。 Yet he seems not
to have realized this necessity。 Boldly; firmly; dogmatically; he
gave his whole thought and his entire energy to organizing the
Government in such a way that it could do its work efficiently。
And therein may have been the proverbial rift within the lute。 To
Davis statecraft was too much a thing of methods and measures;
too little a thing of men and passions。

During the autumn of 1862 and the following winter the disputes
over the conduct of the war began to subside and two other themes
became prominent: the sovereignty of the States; which appeared
to be menaced by the Government; and the personality of Davis;
whom malcontents regarded as a possible despot。 Contrary to
tradition; the first note of alarm over state rights was not
struck by its great apostle Rhett; although the note was sounded
in South Carolina in the early autumn。 There existed in this
State at that time an extra assembly called the 〃Convention;〃
which had been organized in 1860 for the general purpose of
seeing the State through the 〃revolution。〃 In the Convention; in
September; 1862; the question of a contest with the Confederate
Government on the subject of a state army was definitely raised。
It was proposed to organize a state army and to instruct the
Legislature to 〃take effectual measures to prevent the agents of
the Confederate Government from raising troops in South Carolina
except by voluntary enlistment or by applying to the Executive of
the State to call out the militia as by law organized; or some
part of it to be mustered into the Confederate service。〃 This
proposal brought about a sharp debate upon the Confederate
Government and its military policy。 Rhett made a remarkable
address; which should of itself quiet forever the old tale that
he was animated in his opposition solely by the pique of a
disappointed candidate for the presidency。 Though as sharp as
ever against the Government and though agreeing wholly with the
spirit of the state army plan; he took the ground that
circumstances at the moment rendered the organization of such an
army inopportune。 A year earlier he would have strongly supported
the plan。 In fact; in opposition to Davis he had at that time; he
said; urged an obligatory army which the States should be
required to raise。 The Confederate Administration; however; had
defeated his scheme。 Since then the situation had changed and had
become so serious that now there was no choice but to submit to
military necessity。 He regarded the general conscription law as
〃absolutely necessary to save〃 the Confederacy 〃from utter
devastation if not final subjugation。 Right or wrong; the policy
of the Administration had left us no other alternative。。。。〃

The dominant attitude in South Carolina in the autumn of 1862 is
in strong contrast; because of its firm grasp upon fact; with the
attitude of the Brown faction in Georgia。 An extended history of
the Confederate movementone of those vast histories that
delight the recluse and scare away the man of the worldwould
labor to build up images of what might be called the
personalities of the four States that continued from the
beginning to the end parts of the effective Confederate
systemVirginia; the two Carolinas; and Georgia。 We are prone to
forget that the Confederacy was practically divided into separate
units as early as the capture of New Orleans by Farragut; but a
great history of the time would have a special and thrilling
story of the conduct of the detached western unit; the isolated
world of Louisiana; Arkansas; and Texasthe 〃Department of the
Trans…Mississippi〃cut off from the main body of the Confederacy
and hemmed in between the Federal army and the deep sea。 Another
group of StatesTennessee; Mississippi; Alabamabecame so soon;
and remained so long; a debatable land; on which the two armies
fought; that they also had scant opportunity for genuine
political life。 Florida; small and exposed; was absorbed in its
gallant achievement of furnishing to the armies a number of
soldiers larger than its voting population。

Thus; after the loss of New Orleans; one thing with another
operated to confine the area of full political life to Virginia
and her three neighbors to the South。 And yet even among these
States there was no political solidarity or unanimity of opinion;
for the differences in their past experience; social structure;
and economic conditions made for distinct points of view。 In
South Carolina; particularly; the prevailing view was that of
experienced; disillusioned men who realized from the start that
secession had burnt their bridges; and that now they must win the
fight or change the whole current of their lives。 In the midst of
the extraordinary conditions of war; they never talked as if
their problems were the problems of peace。 Brown; on the other
hand; had but one way of reasoningif we are to call it
reasoningand; with Hannibal at the gates; talked as if the
control of the situation were still in his own hands。

While South Carolina; so grimly conscious of the reality of war
and the danger of internal discord; held off from the issue of
state sovereignty; the Brown faction in Georgia blithely pressed
it home。 A bill for extending the conscription age which was
heartily advocated by the Mercury was as heartily condemned by
Brown。 To the President he wrote announcing his continued
opposition to a law which he declared 〃encroaches upon the
reserved rights of the State and strikes down her sovereignty at
a single blow。〃 Though the Supreme Court of Georgia pronounced
the conscription acts constitutional; the Governor and his
faction did not cease to condemn them。 Linton Stephens; as well
as his famous kinsman; took up the cudgels。 In a speech before
the Georgia Legislature
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