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the day of the confederacy-第16部分

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the warfare of that day and the best methods of our own time be
observed more clearly than in this unhappy region。 At the opening
of 1864 the effective Confederate lines drew an irregular zigzag
across the map from a point in northern Georgia not far below
Chattanooga to Mobile。 Though small Confederate commands still
operated bravely west of this line; the whole of Mississippi and
a large part of Alabama were beyond aid from Richmond。 But the
average man did not grasp the situation。 When a region is
dominated by mobile armies the appearance of things to the
civilian is deceptive。 Because the powerful Federal armies of the
Southwest; at the opening of 1864; were massed at strategic
points from Tennessee to the Gulf; and were not extended along an
obvious trench line; every brave civilian would still keep up his
hope and would still insist that the middle Gulf country was far
from subjugation; that its defense against the invader had not
become hopeless。

Under such conditions; when the Government at Richmond called
upon the men of the Southwest to regard themselves as mere
sources of supply; human and otherwise; mere feeders to a theater
of war that did not include their homes; it was altogether
natural that they should resent the demand。 All the tragic
confusion that was destined in the course of the fateful year
1864 to paralyze the Government at Richmond was already apparent
in the middle Gulf country when the year began。 Chief among these
was the inability of the State and Confederate Governments to
cooperate adequately in the business of conscription。 The two
powers were determined rivals struggling each to seize the major
part of the manhood of the community。 While Richmond; looking on
the situation with the eye of pure strategy; wished to draw
together the full man…power of the South in one great unit; the
local authorities were bent on retaining a large part of it for
home defense。

In the Alabama newspapers of the latter half of 1863 strange
incidents are to be found throwing light on the administrative
duel。 The writ of habeas corpus; as was so often the case in
Confederate history; was the bone of contention。 We have seen
that the second statute empowering the President to proclaim
martial law and to suspend the operation of the writ had expired
by limitation in February; 1863。 The Alabama courts were
theoretically in full operation; but while the law was in force
the military authorities had acquired a habit of arbitrary
control。 Though warned from Richmond in general orders that they
must not take unto themselves a power vested in the President
alone; they continued their previous course of action。 It
thereupon became necessary to issue further general orders
annulling 〃all proclamations of martial law by general officers
and others〃 not invested by law with adequate authority。

Neither general orders nor the expiration of the statute;
however; seemed able to put an end to the interference with the
local courts on the part of local commanders。 The evil apparently
grew during 1863。 A picturesque instance is recorded with extreme
fullness by the Southern Advertiser in the autumn of the year。 In
the minutely circumstantial account; we catch glimpses of one
Rhodes moving heaven and earth to prove himself exempt from
military service。 After Rhodes is enrolled by the officers of the
local military rendezvous; the sheriff attempts to turn the
tables by arresting the Colonel in command。 The soldiers rush to
defend their Colonel; who is ill in bed at a house some distance
away。 The judge who had issued the writ is hot with anger at this
military interference in civil affairs。 Thereupon the soldiers
seize him; but later; recognizing for some unexplained reason the
majesty of the civil law; they release him。 And the hot…tempered
incident closes with the Colonel's determination to carry the
case to the Supreme Court of the State。

The much harassed people of Alabama had still other causes of
complaint during this same year。 Again the newspapers illumine
the situation。 In the troubled autumn; Joseph Wheeler swept
across the northern counties of Alabama and in a daring ride;
with Federal cavalry hot on his trail; reached safety beyond the
Tennessee River。 Here his pursuers turned back and; as their
horses had been broken by the swiftness of the pursuit; returning
slowly; they 〃gleaned the country〃 to replace their supplies。
Incidentally they pounced upon the town of Huntsville。 〃Their
appearance here;〃 writes a local correspondent; 〃was so sudden
and。。。the contradictory reports of their whereabouts〃 had
been so baffling that the townspeople had found no time to
secrete things。 The whole neighborhood was swept clean of cattle
and almost clean of provision。 〃We have not enough left;〃 the
report continues; 〃to haul and plow with。。。and milch cows are
non est。〃 Including 〃Stanley's big raid in July;〃 this was the
twenty…first raid which Huntsville had endured that year。 The
report closes with a bitter denunciation of the people of
southern Alabama who as yet do not know what war means; who are
accused of complete hardness of heart towards their suffering
fellow…countrymen and of caring only to make money out of war

When Davis sent his message to the Southern Congress at the
opening of the session of 1864; the desperate plight of the
middle Gulf country was at once a warning and a menace to the
Government。 If the conditions of that debatable land should
extend eastward; there could be little doubt that the day of the
Confederacy was nearing its close。 To remedy the situation west
of the main Confederate line; to prevent the growth of a similar
condition east of it; Davis urged Congress to revive the statute
permitting martial law and the suspension of the writ of habeas
corpus。 The President told Congress that in parts of the
Confederacy 〃public meetings have been held; in some of which a
treasonable design is masked by a pretense of devotion of state
sovereignty; and in others is openly avowed。。。a strong
suspicion is entertained that secret leagues and associations are
being formed。 In certain localities men of no mean position do
not hesitate to avow their disloyalty and hostility to our cause;
and their advocacy of peace on the terms of submission and the
abolition of slavery。〃

This suspicion on the part of the Confederate Government that it
was being opposed by organized secret societies takes us back to
debatable land and to the previous year。 The Bureau of
Conscription submitted to the Secretary of War a report from its
Alabama branch relative to 〃a sworn secret organization known to
exist and believed to have for its object the encouragement of
desertion; the protection of deserters from arrest; resistance to
conscription; and perhaps other designs of a still more dangerous
character。〃 To the operations of this insidious foe were
attributed the shifting of the vote in the Alabama elections; the
defeat of certain candidates favored by the Government; and the
return in their stead of new men 〃not publicly known。〃 The
suspicions of the Government were destined to further
verification in the course of 1864 by the unearthing of a
treasonable secret society in southwestern Virginia; the members
of which were 〃bound to each other for the prosecution of their
nefarious designs by the most solemn oaths。 They were under
obligation to encourage desertions from the army; and to pass and
harbor all deserters; escaped prisoners; or spies; to give
information to the enemy of the movements of our troops; of
exposed or weakened positions; of inviting opportunities of
attack; and to guide and assist the enemy either in advance or
retreat。〃 This society bore the grandiloquent name 〃Heroes of
America〃 and had extended its operations into Tennessee and North

In the course of the year further evidence was collected which
satisfied the secret service of the existence of a mysterious and
nameless society which had ramifications throughout Tennessee;
Alabama; and Georgia。 A detective who joined this 〃Peace
Society;〃 as it was called; for the purpose of betraying its
secrets; had marvelous tales to tell of confidential information
given to him by members; of how Missionary Ridge had been lost
and Vicksburg had surrendered through the machinations of this

* What classes were represented in these organizations it is
difficult if not impossible to determine。 They seem to have been
involved in the singular 〃peace movement〃 which is yet to be
considered。 This fact gives a possible clue to the problem of
their membership。 A suspiciously large number of the 〃peace〃 men
were original anti…secessionists; and though many; perhaps most;
of these who opposed secession became loyal servants of the
Confederacy; historians may have jumped too quickly to the
assumption that the sincerity of all of these men was above

In spite of its repugnance to the suspension of the writ of
habeas corpus; Congress was so impressed by the gravity of the
situation that early in 1864 it passed another act 〃to suspend
the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus in certain cases。〃
This was not quite 
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