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the day of the confederacy-第17部分

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situation that early in 1864 it passed another act 〃to suspend
the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus in certain cases。〃
This was not quite the same as that sweeping act of 1862 which
had set the Mercury irrevocably in opposition。 Though this act of
1864 gave the President the power to order the arrest of any
person suspected of treasonable practices; and though it released
military officers from all obligation to obey the order of any
civil court to surrender a prisoner charged with treason; the new
legislation carefully defined a list of cases in which alone this
power could be lawfully used。 This was the last act of the sort
passed by the Confederate Congress; and when it expired by
limitation ninety days after the next meeting of Congress it was
not renewed。

With regard to the administration of the army; Congress can
hardly be said to have met the President more than half way。 The
age of military service was lowered to seventeen and was raised
to fifty。 But the President was not giventhough he had asked
for itgeneral control over exemptions。 Certain groups; such as
ministers; editors; physicians; were in the main exempted; one
overseer was exempted on each plantation where there were fifteen
slaves; provided he gave bond to sell to the Government at
official prices each year one hundred pounds of either beef or
bacon for each slave employed and provided he would sell all his
surplus produce either to the Government or to the families of
soldiers。 Certain civil servants of the Confederacy were also
exempted as well as those whom the governors of States should
〃certify to be necessary for the proper administration of the
State Government。〃 The President was authorized to detail for
nonmilitary service any members of the Confederate forces 〃when
in his judgment; justice; equity; and necessity; require such

This statute retained two features that had already given rise to
much friction; and that were destined to be the cause of much
more。 It was still within the power of state governors to impede
conscription very seriously。 By certifying that a man was
necessary to the civil administration of a State; a Governor
could place him beyond the legal reach of the conscripting
officers。 This provision was a concession to those who looked on
Davis's request for authority over exemption as the first step
toward absolutism。 On the other hand the statute allowed the
President a free hand in the scarcely less important matter of
〃details。〃 Among the imperative problems of the Confederacy;
where the whole male population was needed in the public service;
was the most economical separation of the two groups; the
fighters and the producers。 On the one hand there was the
constant demand for recruits to fill up the wasted armies; on the
other; the need for workers to keep the shops going and to secure
the harvest。 The two interests were never fully coordinated。
Under the act of 1864; no farmer; mechanic; tradesman; between
the ages of seventeen and fifty; if fit for military service;
could remain at his work except as a 〃detail〃 under orders of the
President: he might be called to the colors at a moment's notice。
We shall see; presently; how the revoking of details; toward the
end of what may truly be called the terrible year; was one of the
major incidents of Confederate history。

Together with the new conscription act; the President approved on
February 17; 1864; a reenactment of the tax in kind; with some
slight concessions to the convenience of the farmers。 The
President's appeal for a law directly taxing slaves and land had
been ignored by Congress; but another of his suggestions had been
incorporated in the Funding Act。 The state of the currency was
now so grave that Davis attributed to it all the evils growing
out of the attempts to enforce impressment。 As the value of the
paper dollar had by this time shrunk to six cents in specie and
the volume of Confederate paper was upward of seven hundred
millions; Congress undertook to reduce the volume and raise the
value by compelling holders of notes to exchange them for bonds。
By way of driving the note…holders to consent to the exchange;
provision was made for the speedy taxation of notes for one…third
their face value。

Such were the main items of the government program for 1864。
Armed with this; Davis braced himself for the great task of
making head against the enemies that now surrounded the
Confederacy。 It is an axiom of military science that when one
combatant possesses the interior line; the other can offset this
advantage only by exerting coincident pressure all round; thus
preventing him from shifting his forces from one front to
another。 On this principle; the Northern strategists had at last
completed their gigantic plan for a general envelopment of the
whole Confederate defense both by land and sea。 Grant opened
operations by crossing the Rapidan and telegraphing Sherman to
advance into Georgia。

The stern events of the spring of 1864 form such a famous page in
military history that the sober civil story of those months
appears by comparison lame and impotent。 Nevertheless; the
Confederate Government during those months was at least equal to
its chief obligation: it supplied and recruited the armies。 With
Grant checked at Cold Harbor; in June; and Sherman still unable
to pierce the western line; the hopes of the Confederates were

In the North there was corresponding gloom。 This was the moment
when all Northern opponents of the war drew together in their
last attempt to shatter the Lincoln Government and make peace
with the Confederacy。 The value to the Southern cause of this
Northern movement for peace at any price was keenly appreciated
at Richmond。 Trusted agents of the Confederacy were even then in
Canada working deftly to influence Northern sentiment。 The
negotiations with those Northern secret societies which
befriended the South belong properly in the story of Northern
politics and the presidential election of 1864。 They were
skillfully conducted chiefly by Jacob Thompson and C。 C。 Clay。
The reports of these agents throughout the spring and summer were
all hopeful and told of 〃many intelligent men from the United
States〃 who sought them out in Canada for political
consultations。 They discussed 〃our true friends from the Chicago
(Democratic) convention〃 and even gave names of those who; they
were assured; would have seats in McClellan's Cabinet。 They were
really not well informed upon Northern affairs; and even after
the tide had turned against the Democrats in September; they were
still priding themselves on their diplomatic achievement; still
confident they had helped organize a great political power; had
〃given a stronger impetus to the peace party of the North than
all other causes combined; and had greatly reduced the strength
of the war party。〃

While Clay and Thompson built their house of cards in Canada; the
Richmond Government bent anxious eyes on the western battlefront。
Sherman; though repulsed in his one frontal attack at Kenesaw
Mountain; had steadily worked his way by the left flank of the
Confederate army; until in early July he was within six miles of
Atlanta。 All the lower South was a…tremble with apprehension。
Deputations were sent to Richmond imploring the removal of
Johnston from the western command。 What had he done since his
appointment in December but retreat? Such was the tenor of public
opinion。 〃It is all very well to talk of Fabian policy;〃 said one
of his detractors long afterward; 〃and now we can see we were
rash to say the least。 But at the time; all of us went wrong
together。 Everybody clamored for Johnston's removal。〃 Johnston
and Davis were not friends; but the President hesitated long
before acting。 And yet; with each day; political as well as
military necessity grew more imperative。 Both at Washington and
Richmond the effect that the fighting in Georgia had on Northern
opinion was seen to be of the first importance。 Sherman was
staking everything to break the Confederate line and take
Atlanta。 He knew that a great victory would have incalculable
effect on the Northern election。 Davis knew equally well that the
defeat of Sherman would greatly encourage the peace party in the
North。 But he had no general of undoubted genius whom he could
put in Johnston's place。 However; the necessity for a bold stroke
was so undeniable; and Johnston appeared so resolute to continue
his Fabian policy; that Davis reluctantly took a desperate chance
and superseded him by Hood。

During August; though the Democratic convention at Chicago drew
up its platform favoring peace at any price; the anxiety of the
Southern President did not abate his activities。 The safety of
the western line was now his absorbing concern。 And in mid…August
that line was turned; in a way; by Farragut's capture of Mobile
Bay。 As the month closed; Sherman; despite the furious blows
delivered by Hood; was plainly getting the upper hand。 North and
South; men watched that tremendous duel with the feeling that the
foundations of things were rocking。 At last; on the 2d of
September; Sherman; victorious; entered Atlanta。

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