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the day of the confederacy-第25部分

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drastic enforcement of the conscription laws; he concluded: 〃Let
us then unite our hands and our hearts; lock our shields
together; and we may well believe that before another summer
solstice falls upon us; it will be the enemy that will be asking
us for conferences and occasions in which to make known our

Chapter XI。 An Attempted Revolution

Almost from the moment when the South had declared its
independence voices had been raised in favor of arming the
negroes。 The rejection of a plan to accomplish this was one of
the incidents of Benjamin's tenure of the portfolio of the War
Department; but it was not until the early days of 1864; when the
forces of Johnston lay encamped at Dalton; Georgia; that the
arming of the slaves was seriously discussed by a council of
officers。 Even then the proposal had its determined champions;
though there were others among Johnston's officers who regarded
it as 〃contrary to all true principles of chivalric warfare;〃 and
their votes prevailed in the council by a large majority。

From that time forward the question of arming the slaves hung
like a heavy cloud over all Confederate thought of the war。 It
was discussed in the army and at home around troubled firesides。
Letters written from the trenches at Petersburg show that it was
debated by the soldiers; and the intense repugnance which the
idea inspired in some minds was shown by threats to leave the
ranks if the slaves were given arms。

Amid the pressing; obvious issues of 1864; this project hardly
appears upon the face of the record until it was alluded to in
Davis's message to Congress in November; 1864; and in the annual
report of the Secretary of War。 The President did not as yet ask
for slave soldiers。 He did; however; ask for the privilege of
buying slaves for government usenot merely hiring them from
their owners as had hitherto been doneand for permission; if
the Government so desired; to emancipate them at the end of their
service。 The Secretary of War went farther; however; and
advocated negro soldiers; and he too suggested their emancipation
at the end of service。

This feeling of the temper of the country; so to speak; produced
an immediate response。 It drew Rhett from his retirement and
inspired a letter in which he took the Government severely to
task for designing to remove from state control this matter of
fundamental importance。 Coinciding with the cry for more troops
with which to confront Sherman; the topic of negro soldiers
became at once one of the questions of the hour。 It helped to
focus that violent anti…Davis movement which is the conspicuous
event of December; 1864; and January; 1865。 Those who believed
the President unscrupulous trembled at the thought of putting
into his hands a great army of hardy barbarians trained to
absolute obedience。 The prospect of such a weapon held in one
firm hand at Richmond seemed to those opponents of the President
a greater menace to their liberties than even the armies of the
invaders。 It is quite likely that distrust of Davis and dread of
the use he might make of such a weapon was increased by a letter
from Benjamin to Frederick A。 Porcher of Charleston; a supporter
of the Government; who had made rash suggestions as to the
extra…constitutional power that the Administration might be
justified by circumstances in assuming。 Benjamin deprecated such
suggestions but concluded with the unfortunate remark: 〃If the
Constitution is not to be our guide I would prefer to see it
suppressed by a revolution which should declare a dictatorship
during the war; after the manner of ancient Rome; leaving to the
future the care of reestablishing firm and regular government。〃
In the State of Virginia; indeed; the revolutionary suggestions
of the President's message and the Secretary's report were
promptly taken up and made the basis of a political program;
which Governor Smith embodied in his message to the
Legislaturea document that will eventually take its place among
the most interesting state papers of the Confederacy。 It should
be noted that the suggestions thrown out in this way by the
Administration to test public feeling involved three distinct
questions: Should the slaves be given arms? Should they; if
employed as soldiers; be given their freedom? Should this
revolutionary scheme; if accepted at all; be handled by the
general Government or left to the several States? On the last of
the three questions the Governor of Virginia was silent; by
implication he treated the matter as a concern of the States。
Upon the first and second questions; however; he was explicit and
advised arming the slaves。 He then added:

〃Even if the result were to emancipate our slaves; there is not a
man who would not cheerfully put the negro into the Army rather
than become a slave himself to our hated and vindictive foe。 It
is; then; simply a question of time。 Has the time arrived when
this issue is fairly before us? 。。。For my part standing before
God and my country; I do not hesitate to say that I would arm
such portion of our able…bodied slave population as may be
necessary; and put them in the field; so as to have them ready
for the spring campaign; even if it resulted in the freedom of
those thus organized。 Will I not employ them to fight the negro
force of the enemy? Aye; the Yankees themselves; who already
boast that they have 200;000 of our slaves in arms against us。
Can we hesitate; can we doubt; when the question is; whether the
enemy shall use our slaves against us or we use them against him;
when the question may be between liberty and independence on the
one hand; or our subjugation and utter ruin on the other?〃

With their Governor as leader for the Administration; the
Virginians found this issue the absorbing topic of the hour。 And
now the great figure of Lee takes its rightful place at the very
center of Confederate history; not only military but civil; for
to Lee the Virginia politicians turned for advice。* In a letter
to a State Senator of Virginia who had asked for a public
expression of Lee's views because 〃a mountain of prejudices; 
growing out of our ancient modes of regarding the institution of 
Southern slavery will have to be met and overcome〃 in order to 
Attain unanimity; Lee discussed both the institution of slavery 
and the situation of the moment。 He plainly intimated that
should be placed under state control; and; assuming such control;

he considered 〃the relation of master and slave。。。the best that
can exist between the black and white races while intermingled as
at present in this country。〃 He went on to show; however; that
military necessity now compelled a revolution in sentiment on
this subject; and he came at last to this momentous conclusion:

* Lee now revealed himself in his previously overlooked capacity
of statesman。 Whether his abilities in this respect equaled his
abilities as a soldier need not here be considered; it is said
that he himself had no high opinion of them。 However; in the
advice which he gave at this final moment of crisis; he expressed
a definite conception of the articulation of civil forces in such
a system as that of the Confederacy。 He held that all initiative
upon basal matters should remain with the separate States; that
the function of the general Government was to administer; not to
create conditions; and that the proper power to constrain the
State Legislatures was the flexible; extra…legal power of public

〃Should the war continue under existing circumstances; the enemy
may in course of time penetrate our country and get access to a
large part of our negro population。 It is his avowed policy to
convert the able…bodied men among them into soldiers; and to
emancipate all。。。。 His progress will thus add to his numbers;
and at the same time destroy slavery in a manner most pernicious
to the welfare of our people。 Their negroes will be used to hold
them in subjection; leaving the remaining force of the enemy free
to extend his conquest。 Whatever may be the effect of our
employing negro troops; it cannot be as mischievous as this。 If
it end in subverting slavery it will be accomplished by
ourselves; and we can devise the means of alleviating the evil
consequences to both races。 I think; therefore; we must decide
whether slavery shall be extinguished by our enemies and the
slaves be used against us; or use them ourselves at the risk of
the effects which may be produced upon our social

〃The reasons that induce me to recommend the employment of negro
troops at all render the effect of the measures。。。upon
slavery immaterial; and in my opinion the best means of securing
the efficiency and fidelity of this auxiliary force would be to
accompany the measure with a well…digested plan of gradual and
general emancipation。 As that will be the result of the
continuance of the war; and will certainly occur if the enemy
succeed; it seems to me most advisable to adopt it at once; and
thereby obtain all the benefits that will accrue to our cause。。。〃

〃I can only say in conclusion; that whatever measures are to be
adopted should be adopted at once。 Every day's delay increases
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