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the day of the confederacy-第27部分

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threshold of success。 We may safely ascribe to him in these days
that illusory state of mind which has characterized some of the
greatest of men in their over…strained; concluding periods。 His
extraordinary promises in his later messages; a series of vain
prophecies beginning with his speech at the African Church;
remind one of Napoleon after Leipzig refusing the Rhine as a
boundary。 His nerves; too; were all but at the breaking point。 He
sent the Senate a scolding message because of its delay in
passing the Negro Soldiers' Bill。 The Senate answered in a report
that was sharply critical of his own course。 Shortly afterward
Congress adjourned refusing his request for another suspension of
the writ of habeas corpus。

Davis had hinted at important matters he hoped soon to be able to
submit to Congress。 What he had in mind was the last; the
boldest; stroke of this period of desperation。 The policy of
emancipation he and Benjamin had accepted without reserve。 They
had at last perceived; too late; the power of the anti…slavery
movement in Europe。 Though they had already failed to coerce
England through cotton and had been played with and abandoned by
Napoleon; they persisted in thinking that there was still a
chance for a third chapter in their foreign affairs。

The agitation to arm the slaves; with the promise of freedom; had
another motive besides the reinforcement of Lee's army: it was
intended to serve as a basis for negotiations with England and
France。 To that end D。 J。 Kenner was dispatched to Europe early
in 1865。 Passing through New York in disguise; he carried word of
this revolutionary program to the Confederate commissioners
abroad。 A conference at Paris was held by Kenner; Mason; and
Slidell。 Mason; who had gone over to England to sound Palmerston
with regard to this last Confederate hope; was received on the
14th of March。 On the previous day; Davis had accepted temporary
defeat; by signing the compromise bill which omitted
emancipation。 But as there was no cable operating at the time;
Mason was not aware of this rebuff。 In his own words; he 〃urged
upon Lord P。 that if the President was right in his impression
that there was some latent; undisclosed obstacle on the part of
Great Britain to recognition; it should be frankly stated; and we
might; if in our power to do so; consent to remove it。〃
Palmerston; though his manner was 〃conciliatory and kind;〃
insisted that there was nothing 〃underlying〃 his previous
statements; and that he could not; in view of the facts then
existing; regard the Confederacy in the light of an independent
power。 Mason parted from him convinced that 〃the most ample
concessions on our part in the matter referred to would have
produced no change in the course determined on by the British
Government with regard to recognition。〃 In a subsequent interview
with Lord Donoughmore; he was frankly told that the offer of
emancipation had come too late。

The dispatch in which Mason reported the attitude of the British
Government never reached the Confederate authorities。 It was
dated the 31st of March。 Two days later Richmond was evacuated by
the Confederate Government。

Chapter XII。 The Last Word

The evacuation of Richmond broke the back of the Confederate
defense。 Congress had adjourned。 The legislative history of the
Confederacy was at an end。 The executive history still had a few
days to run。 After destroying great quantities of records; the
government officials had packed the remainder on a long train
that conveyed the President and what was left of the civil
service to Danville。 During a few days; Danville was the
Confederate capital。 There; Davis; still unable to conceive
defeat; issued his pathetic last Address to the People of the
Confederate States。 His mind was crystallized。 He was no longer
capable of judging facts。 In as confident tones as ever he
promised his people that they should yet prevail; he assured
Virginians that even if the Confederate army should withdraw
further south the withdrawal would be but temporary; and that
〃again and again will we return until the baffled and exhausted
enemy shall abandon in despair his endless and impossible task of
making slaves of a people resolved to be free。〃

The surrender at Appomattox on April 9; 1865; compelled another
migration of the dwindling executive company。 General Johnston
had not yet surrendered。 A conference which he had with the
President and the Cabinet at Greensboro ended in giving him
permission to negotiate with Sherman。 Even then Davis was still
bent on keeping up the fight; yet; though he believed that
Sherman would reject Johnston's overtures; he was overtaken at
Charlotte on his way South by the crushing news of Johnston's
surrender。 There the executive history of the Confederacy came to
an end in a final Cabinet meeting。 Davis; still blindly resolute
to continue the struggle; was deeply distressed by the
determination of his advisers to abandon it。 In imminent danger
of capture; the President's party made its way to Abbeville;
where it broke up; and each member sought safety as best he
could。 Davis with a few faithful men rode to Irwinsville;
Georgia; where; in the early morning of the l0th of May; he was
surprised and captured。 But the history of the Confederacy was
not quite at an end。 The last gunshots were still to be fired far
away in Texas on the 13th of May。 The surrender of the forces of
the Trans…Mississippi on May 26; 1865; brought the war to a
definite conclusion。

There remains one incident of these closing days; the
significance of which was not perceived until long afterward;
when it immediately took its rightful place among the determining
events of American history。 The unconquerable spirit of the Army
of Northern Virginia found its last expression in a proposal
which was made to Lee by his officers。 If he would give the word;
they would make the war a duel to the death; it should drag out
in relentless guerrilla struggles; and there should be no
pacification of the South until the fighting classes had been
exterminated。 Considering what those classes were; considering
the qualities that could be handed on to their posterity; one
realizes that this suicide of a whole people; of a noble fighting
people; would have maimed incalculably the America of the future。
But though the heroism of this proposal of his men to die on
their shields had its stern charm for so brave a man as Lee; he
refused to consider it。 He would not admit that he and his people
had a right thus to extinguish their power to help mold the
future; no matter whether it be the future they desired or not。
The result of battle must be accepted。 The Southern spirit must
not perish; luxuriating blindly in despair; but must find a new
form of expression; must become part of the new world that was to
be; must look to a new birth under new conditions。 In this spirit
he issued to his army his last address:

〃After four years of arduous service; marked by unsurpassed
courage and fortitude; the Army of Northern Virginia has been
compelled to yield to overwhelming numbers and resources。 I need
not tell the survivors of so many hard…fought battles; who have
remained steadfast to the last; that I have consented to the
result from no distrust of them; but feeling that valor and
devotion could accomplish nothing that could compensate for the
loss that would have attended the continuation of the contest; I
determined to avoid the useless sacrifice of those whose past
services have endeared them to their countrymen。。。。 I bid you
an affectionate farewell。〃

How inevitably one calls to mind; in view of the indomitable
valor of Lee's final decision; those great lines from Tennyson:

〃Tho' much is taken; much abides; and tho'

We are not now that strength which in old days

Moved earth and heaven; that which we are; we are;

One equal temper of heroic hearts;

Made weak by time and fate; but strong in will。〃 


There is no adequate history of the Confederacy。 It is rumored
that a distinguished scholar has a great work approaching
completion。 It is also rumored that another scholar; well
equipped to do so; will soon bring out a monumental life of
Davis。 But the fact remains that as yet we lack a comprehensive
review of the Confederate episode set in proper perspective。
Standard works such as the 〃History of the United States from the
Compromise of 1850〃; by J。 F。 Rhodes (7 vols。; 1893…1908); even
when otherwise as near a classic as is the work of Mr。 Rhodes;
treat the Confederacy so externally as to have in this respect
little value。 The one searching study of the subject; 〃The
Confederate States of America;〃 by J。 C。 Schwab (1901); though
admirable in its way; is wholly overshadowed by the point of view
of the economist。 The same is to be said of the article by
Professor Schwab in the 11th edition of 〃The Encyclopaedia

Two famous discussions of the episode by participants are: 〃The
Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government;〃 by the President of
the Confederacy (2 vols。; 1881); and 〃A Constitutional View of
the Late War Between the States;〃 by Alexander H。 Stephens (
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