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the day of the confederacy-第28部分

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the Late War Between the States;〃 by Alexander H。 Stephens (2
vols。; 1870)。 Both works; though invaluable to the student; are
tinged with controversy; each of the eminent authors aiming to
refute the arguments of political antagonists。

The military history of the time has so overshadowed the civil;
in the minds of most students; that we are still sadly in need of
careful; disinterested studies of the great figures of
Confederate civil affairs。 〃Jefferson Davis;〃 by William E。 Dodd
(〃American Crisis Biographies;〃 1907); is the standard life of
the President; superseding older ones。 Not so satisfactory in the
same series is 〃Judah P。 Benjamin;〃 by Pierce Butler (1907); and
〃Alexander H。 Stephens;〃 by Louis Pendleton (1907)。 Older works
which are valuable for the material they contain are: 〃Memoir of
Jefferson Davis;〃 by his Wife (1890); 〃The Life and Times of
Alexander H。 Stephens;〃 by R。 M。 Johnston and W。 M。 Browne
(1878); 〃The Life and Times of William Lowndes Yancey;〃 by J。 W。
Du Bose (1891); 〃The Life; Times; and Speeches of Joseph E。
Brown;〃 by Herbert Fielder (1883); 〃Public Life and Diplomatic
Correspondence of James M。 Mason;〃 by his Daughter (1903); 〃The
Life and Time of C。 G。 Memminger;〃 by H。 D。 Capers (1893)。 The
writings of E。 A。 Pollard cannot be disregarded; but must be
taken as the violent expression of an extreme partisan。 They
include a 〃Life of Jefferson Davis〃 (1869) and 〃The Lost Cause〃
(1867)。 A charming series of essays is 〃Confederate Portraits;〃
by Gamaliel Bradford (1914)。 Among books on special topics that
are to be recommended are: 〃The Diplomatic History of the
Southern Confederacy〃 by J。 M。 Callahan (1901); 〃France and the
Confederate Navy;〃 by John Bigelow (1888); and 〃The Secret
Service of the Confederate States in Europe;〃 by J。 D。 Bulloch (2
vols。; 1884)。 There is a large number of contemporary accounts of
life in the Confederacy。 Historians have generally given
excessive attention to 〃A Rebel War Clerk's Diary at the
Confederate States Capital;〃 by J。 B。 Jones (2 vols。; 1866) which
has really neither more nor less value than a Richmond newspaper。
Conspicuous among writings of this type is the delightful 〃Diary
from Dixie;〃 by Mrs。 Mary B。 Chestnut (1905) and 〃My Diary; North
and South;〃 by W。 H。 Russell (1861)。

The documents of the civil history; so far as they are accessible
to the general reader; are to be found in the three volumes
forming the fourth series of the 〃Official Records of the Union
and Confederate Armies〃 (128 vols。; 1880…1901); the 〃Journals of
the Congress of the Confederate States〃 (8 vols。; 1904) and
〃Messages and Papers of the Confederacy;〃 edited by J。 D。
Richardson (2 vols。; 1905)。 Four newspapers are of first
importance: the famous opposition organs; the Richmond Examiner
and the Charleston Mercury; which should be offset by the two
leading organs of the Government; the Courier of Charleston and
the Enquirer of Richmond。 The Statutes of the Confederacy have
been collected and published; most of them are also to be found
in the fourth series of the Official Records。

Additional bibliographical references will be found appended to
the articles on the 〃Confederate States of America;〃 〃Secession;〃
and 〃Jefferson Davis;〃 in 〃The Encyclopaedia Britannica;〃 11th

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