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the day of the confederacy-第3部分

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then seemed to find his resolution and came out strong against a
demand for surrender。 〃It is suicide; murder; and will lose us
every friend at the North。。。。 It is unnecessary; it puts us
in the wrong; it is fatal;〃 said he。 But the Cabinet and the
President decided to take the risk。 To General Pierre Beauregard;
recently placed in command of the militia assembled at
Charleston; word was sent to demand the surrender of Fort Sumter。

On Thursday; the 7th of April; besides his instructions from
Montgomery; Beauregard was in receipt of a telegram from the
Confederate commissioners at Washington; repeating newspaper
statements that the Federal relief expedition intended to land a
force 〃which will overcome all opposition。〃 There seems no doubt
that Beauregard did not believe that the expedition was intended
merely to provision Sumter。 Probably every one in Charleston
thought that the Federal authorities were trying to deceive them;
that Lincoln's promise not to do more than provision Sumter was a
mere blind。 Fearfulness that delay might render Sumter
impregnable lay back of Beauregard's formal demand; on the 11th
of April; for the surrender of the fort。 Anderson refused but
〃made some verbal observations〃 to the aides who brought him the
demand。 In effect he said that lack of supplies would compel him
to surrender by the fifteenth。 When this information was taken
back to the city; eager crowds were in the streets of Charleston
discussing the report that a bombardment would soon begin。 But
the afternoon passed; night fell; and nothing was done。 On the
beautiful terrace along the sea known as East Battery; people
congregated; watching the silent fortress whose brick walls rose
sheer from the midst of the harbor。 The early hours of the night
went by and as midnight approached and still there was no flash
from either the fortress or the shore batteries which threatened
it; the crowds broke up。

Meanwhile there was anxious consultation at the hotel where
Beauregard had fixed his headquarters。 Pilots came in from the
sea to report to the General that a Federal vessel had appeared
off the mouth of the harbor。 This news may well explain the hasty
dispatch of a second expedition to Sumter in the middle of the
night。 At half after one; Friday morning; four young men; aides
of Beauregard; entered the fort。 Anderson repeated his refusal to
surrender at once but admitted that he would have to surrender
within three days。 Thereupon the aides held a council of war。
They decided that the reply was unsatisfactory and wrote out a
brief note which they handed to Anderson informing him that the
Confederates would open 〃fire upon Fort Sumter in one hour from
this time。〃 The note was dated 3:20 A。M。 The aides then proceeded
to Fort Johnston on the south side of the harbor and gave the
order to fire。

The council of the aides at Sumter is the dramatic detail that
has caught the imagination of historians and has led them; at
least in some cases; to yield to a literary temptation。 It is so
dramaticthat scene of the four young men holding in their
hands; during a moment of absolute destiny; the fate of a people;
four young men; in the irresponsible ardor of youth; refusing to
wait three days and forcing war at the instant! It is so dramatic
that one cannot judge harshly the artistic temper which is unable
to reject it。 But is the incident historic? Did the four young
men come to Sumter without definite instructions? Was their
conference really anything more than a careful comparing of notes
to make sure they were doing what they were intended to do? Is
not the real clue to the event a message from Beauregard to the
Secretary of War telling of his interview with the pilots? *

*A chief authority for the dramatic version of the council of the
aides is that fiery Virginian; Roger A。 Pryor。 He and another
accompanied the official messengers; the signers of the note to
Anderson; James Chestnut and Stephen Lee。 Years afterwards Pryor
told the story of the council in a way to establish its dramatic
significance。 But would there be anything strange if a veteran
survivor; looking back to his youth; as all of us do through more
or less of mirage yielded to the unconscious artist that is in us
all and dramatized this event unaware?

Dawn was breaking gray; with a faint rain in the air; when the
first boom of the cannon awakened the city。 Other detonations
followed in quick succession。 Shells rose into the night from
both sides of the harbor and from floating batteries。 How lightly
Charleston slept that night may be inferred from the accounts in
the newspapers。 〃At the report of the first gun;〃 says the
Courier; 〃the city was nearly emptied of its inhabitants who
crowded the Battery and the wharves to witness the conflict。〃

The East Battery and the lower harbor of the lovely city of
Charleston have been preserved almost without alteration。 What
they are today they were in the breaking dawn on April 12; 1861。
Business has gone up the rivers between which Charleston lies and
has left the point of the city's peninsula; where East Battery
looks outward to the Atlantic; in its perfect charm。 There large
houses; pillared; with high piazzas; stand apart one from another
among gardens。 With few exceptions they were built before the
middle of the century and all; with one exception; show the
classical taste of those days。 The mariner; entering the spacious
inner sea that is Charleston Harbor; sights this row of stately
mansions even before he crosses the bar seven miles distant。
Holding straight onward up into the land he heads first for the
famous little island where; nowadays; in their halo of thrilling
recollection; the walls of Sumter; rising sheer from the bosom of
the water; drowse idle。 Close under the lee of Sumter; the
incoming steersman brings his ship about and chooses; probably;
the eastward of two huge tentacles of the sea between which lies
the city's long but narrow peninsula。 To the steersman it shows a
skyline serrated by steeples; fronted by sea; flanked southward
by sea; backgrounded by an estuary; and looped about by a sickle
of wooded islands。  This same scene; so far as city and nature
go; was beheld by the crowds that swarmed East Battery; a
flagstone marine parade along the seaward side of the boulevard
that faces Sumter; that filled the windows and even the
housetops; that watched the bombardment with the eagerness of an
audience in an amphitheater; that applauded every telling shot
with clapping of hands and waving of shawls and handkerchiefs。
The fort lay distant from them about three miles; but only some
fifteen hundred yards from Fort Johnston on one side and about a
mile from Fort Moultrie on the other。 From both of these latter;
the cannon of those days were equal to the task of harassing
Sumter。 Early in the morning of the 12th of April; though not
until broad day had come; did Anderson make reply。 All that day;
at first under heavily rolling cloud and later through curiously
misty sunshine; the fire and counterfire continued。 〃The
enthusiasm and fearlessness of the spectators;〃 says the
Charleston Mercury; 〃knew no bounds。〃 Reckless observers even put
out in small boats and roamed about the harbor almost under the
guns of the fort。 Outside the bar; vessels of the relieving
squadron were now visible; and to these Anderson signaled for
aid。 They made an attempt to reach the fort; but only part of the
squadron had arrived; and the vessels necessary to raise the
siege were not there。 The attempt ended in failure。 When night
came; a string of rowboats each carrying a huge torch kept watch
along the bar to guard against surprise from the sea。

On that Friday night the harbor was swept by storm。 But in spite
of torrents of rain East Battery and the rooftops were thronged。
〃The wind was inshore and the booming was startlingly distinct。〃
At the height of the bombardment; the sky above Sumter seemed to
be filled with the flashes of bursting shells。 But during this
wild night Sumter itself was both dark and silent。 Its casements
did not have adequate lamps and the guns could not be used except
by day。 When morning broke; clear and bright after the night's
storm; the duel was resumed。

The walls of Sumter were now crumbling。 At eight o'clock Saturday
morning the barracks took fire。 Soon after it was perceived from
the shore that the flag was down。 Beauregard at once sent offers
of assistance。 With Sumter in flames above his head; Anderson
replied that he had not surrendered; he declined assistance; and
he hauled up his flag。 Later in the day the flagstaff was shot in
two and again the flag fell; and again it was raised。 Flames had
been kindled anew by red…hot shot; and now the magazine was in
danger。 Quantities of powder were thrown into the sea。 Still the
rain of red…hot shot continued。 About noon; Saturday; says the
Courier; 〃flames burst out from every quarter of Sumter and
poured from many of its portholes。。。the wind was from the
west driving the smoke across the fort into the embrasures where
the gunners were at work。〃 Nevertheless; 〃as if served with a new
impulse;〃 the guns of Sumter redoubled their fire。 But
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