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south sea tales(南海传说)-第22部分

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island in the easterly Solomons。 The natives had been remarkably friendly; 

and   how   were   we   to   know   that   the   whole   village   had   been   taking   up   a 

collection for over two years with which to buy a white man's head? The 

beggars   are   all   head…hunters;   and   they   especially   esteem   a   white   man's 

head。     The   fellow    who     captured    the   head    would     receive    the  whole 

collection。     As I say; they appeared very friendly; and on this day I was 

fully a hundred yards down the beach from the boat。 Otoo had cautioned 

me; and; as usual when I did not heed him; I came to grief。 

     The first I knew; a cloud of spears sailed out of the mangrove swamp 

at me。 At least a dozen were sticking into me。 I started to run; but tripped 


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over one that was fast in my calf; and went down。 The woolly…heads made 

a run for me; each with a long…handled; fantail tomahawk with which to 

hack off my head。        They were so eager for the prize that they got in one 

another's    way。    In  the  confusion;    I  avoided    several   hacks   by   throwing 

myself right and left on the sand。 

     Then   Otoo   arrivedOtoo   the   manhandler。   In   some   way   he   had   got 

hold of a heavy war club; and at close quarters it was a far more efficient 

weapon than a rifle。 He was right in the thick of them; so that they could 

not spear him; while their tomahawks seemed worse than useless。 He was 

fighting for me; and he was in a true Berserker rage。 The way he handled 

that club was amazing。 

     Their   skulls   squashed   like   overripe   oranges。   It   was   not   until   he   had 

driven   them  back;  picked   me   up   in his   arms;  and   started   to   run; that   he 

received his first wounds。 He arrived in the boat with four spear thrusts; 

got his Winchester; and with it got a man for every shot。 Then we pulled 

aboard the schooner; and doctored up。 

     Seventeen years we were together。 He made me。 I should today be a 

supercargo; a recruiter; or a memory; if it had not been for him。 

     〃You spend your money; and you go out and get more;〃 he said one 

day。 〃It is easy to get money now。 But when you get old; your money will 

be spent; and you will not be able to go out and get more。 I know; master。 I 

have studied the way of white men。 On the beaches are many old men who 

were young once; and who could get money just like you。 Now they are 

old; and they  have nothing;  and they wait   about   for the  young   men   like 

you to come ashore and buy drinks for them。 

     〃The black boy is a slave on the plantations。 He gets twenty dollars a 

year。 He works hard。 The overseer does not work hard。 

     He   rides   a   horse   and   watches   the   black   boy   work。   He   gets   twelve 

hundred dollars a year。 I am a sailor on the schooner。 I get fifteen dollars a 

month。 That is because I am a good sailor。 I work hard。 The captain has a 

double awning; and drinks beer out of long bottles。 I have never seen him 

haul a rope or pull an oar。 He gets one hundred and fifty dollars a month。 I 

am a sailor。 He is a navigator。 'master; I think it would be very good for 

you to know navigation。〃 


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     Otoo   spurred   me   on   to it。   He  sailed   with   me   as   second   mate   on   my 

first schooner; and he was far prouder of my command than I was myself。 

Later on it was: 

     〃The captain is well paid; master; but the ship is in his keeping; and he 

is never free from the burden。 It is the owner who is better paidthe owner 

who sits ashore with many servants and turns his money over。〃 

     〃True; but a schooner costs five thousand dollarsan old schooner at 

that;〃   I   objected。   〃I   should   be   an   old   man   before   I   saved   five   thousand 


     〃There   be   short   ways   for   white   men   to   make   money;〃   he   went   on; 

pointing ashore at the cocoanut…fringed beach。 

     We were in the Solomons at the time; picking up a cargo of ivory nuts 

along the east coast of Guadalcanar。 

     〃Between this river mouth and the next it is two miles;〃 he said。 

     〃The flat land runs far back。 It is worth nothing now。 Next yearwho 

knows?or   the   year   after;  men   will   pay  much   money  for   that   land。 The 

anchorage is   good。   Big steamers   can   lie   close up。 You   can   buy  the   land 

four miles deep from the old chief for ten thousand sticks of tobacco; ten 

bottles   of   square…face;   and   a   Snider;   which   will   cost   you;   maybe;   one 

hundred dollars。 Then you place the deed with the commissioner; and the 

next year; or the year after; you sell and become the owner of a ship。〃 

     I  followed   his   lead;   and his   words   came   true;  though   in   three   years; 

instead   of   two。   Next   came   the   grasslands   deal   on   Guadalcanartwenty 

thousand   acres;   on   a   governmental   nine   hundred   and   ninety…nine   years' 

lease at a nominal sum。 I owned the lease for precisely ninety days; when I 

sold it to a company for half a fortune。 Always it was Otoo who looked 

ahead and saw the opportunity。 He was responsible for the salving of the 

Doncasterbought in at auction for a hundred pounds; and clearing three 

thousand      after   every    expense     was   paid。   He    led   me   into   the   Savaii 

plantation and the cocoa venture on Upolu。 

     We did not go seafaring so much as in the old days。 I was too well off。 

I   married;   and   my   standard   of   living   rose;   but   Otoo   remained   the   same 

old…time Otoo; moving about the house or trailing through the office; his 

wooden pipe in his mouth; a shilling undershirt on his back; and a four… 


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shilling   lava…lava   about   his   loins。   I   could   not   get   him   to   spend   money。 

There was no way of repaying him except with love; and God knows he 

got that in full measure from all of us。 The children worshipped him; and 

if he had been spoilable; my wife would surely have been his undoing。 

     The children! He really was the one who showed them the way of their 

feet in the world practical。 He began by teaching them to walk。 He sat up 

with   them   when   they   were   sick。   One   by   one;   when   they   were   scarcely 

toddlers;     he   took   them     down     to  the   lagoon;    and    made     them    into 

amphibians。 He taught them more than I ever knew of the habits of fish 

and the ways of catching them。 In the bush it was the same thing。 At seven; 

Tom knew more woodcraft than I ever dreamed existed。 At six; Mary went 

over the Sliding Rock without a quiver; and I have seen strong men balk at 

that feat。    And when Frank had just turned six he could bring up shillings 

from the bottom in three fathoms。 

     〃My people in Bora Bora do not like heathenthey are all Christians; 

and I do not like Bora Bora Christians;〃 he said one day; when I; with the 

idea of getting him  to   spend some   of   the   money  that   was   rightfully  his; 

had been trying to persuade him to make a visit to his own island in one of 

our   schoonersa   special   voyage   which   I   had   hoped   to   make   a   record 

breaker in the matter of prodigal expense。 

     I say one of OUR schooners; though legally at the time they belonged 

to me。 I struggled long with him to enter into partnership。 

     〃We have been partners from the day the Petite Jeanne went down;〃 he 

said at last。 〃But if your heart so wishes; then shall we become partners by 

the law。 I have no work to do; yet are my expenses large。 I drink and eat 

and smoke in plentyit costs much; I know。 I do not pay for the playing of 

billiards; for I play on your table; but still the money goes。 Fishing on the 

reef   is   only  a   rich   man's   pleasure。   It   is   shocking;   the   cost   of   hooks   and 

cotton line。 Yes; it is necessary that we be partners by the law。 I need the 

money。 I shall get it from the head clerk in the office。〃 

     So    the   papers   were    made     out  and    recorded。    A   year   later  I  was 

compelled to complain。 

     〃Charley;〃   said   I;   〃you   are   a   wicked old   fraud;   a   miserly  skinflint;   a 

miserable land crab。 Behold; your share for the year in all our partnership 


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has been thousands of dollars。 The head clerk has given me this paper。 It 

says that in the year you have drawn just eighty…seven dollars and twenty 

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