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letters to his son, 1748-第13部分

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P。 S。  Since I wrote what goes before; I have received your letter; OF NO DATE; with the inclosed state of the Prussian forces: of which; I hope; you have kept a copy; this you should lay in a 'portefeuille'; and add to it all the military establishments that you can get of other states and kingdoms: the Saxon establishment you may; doubtless; easily find。  By the way; do not forget to send me answers to the questions which I sent you some time ago; concerning both the civil and the ecclesiastical affairs of Saxony。

Do not mistake me; and think I only mean that you should speak elegantly with regard to style; and the purity of language; but I mean; that you should deliver and pronounce what you say gracefully and distinctly; for which purpose I will have you frequently read very loud; to Mr。 Harte; recite parts of orations; and speak passages of plays; for; without a graceful and pleasing enunciation; all your elegancy of style; in speaking; is not worth one farthing。

I am very glad that Mr。 Lyttelton approves of my new house; and particularly of my CANONICAL'James Brydges; duke of Chandos; built a most magnificent and elegant house at CANNONS; about eight miles from London。  It was superbly furnished with fine pictures; statues; etc。; which; after his death; were sold; by auction。  Lord Chesterfield purchased the hall…pillars; the floor; and staircase with double flig1hts; which are now m Chesterfield House; London。'pillars。  My bust of Cicero is a very fine one; and well preserved; it will have the best place in my library; unless at your return you bring me over as good a modern head of your own; which I should like still better。  I can tell you; that I shall examine it as attentively as ever antiquary did an old one。

Make my compliments to Mr。 Harte; at whose recovery I rejoice。


LONDON; August 2; O。 S。  1748。

DEAR BOY: Duval the jeweler; is arrived; and was with me three or four days ago。  You will easily imagine that I asked him a few questions concerning you; and I will give you the satisfaction of knowing that; upon the whole; I was very well pleased with the account he gave me。 But; though he seemed to be much in your interest; yet he fairly owned to me that your utterance was rapid; thick; and ungraceful。  I can add nothing to what I have already said upon this subject; but I can and do repeat the absolute necessity of speaking distinctly and gracefully; or else of not speaking at all; and having recourse to signs。  He tells me that you are pretty fat for one of your age: this you should attend to in a proper way; for if; while very young; you should grow fat; it would be troublesome; unwholesome; and ungraceful; you should therefore; when you have time; take very strong exercise; and in your diet avoid fattening things。  All malt liquors fatten; or at least bloat; and I hope you do not deal much in them。   I look upon wine and water to be; in every respect; much wholesomer。

Duval says there is a great deal of very good company at Madame Valentin's and at another lady's; I think one Madame Ponce's; at Leipsig。 Do you ever go to either of those houses; at leisure times?  It would not; in my mind; be amiss if you did; and would give you a habit of ATTENTIONS; they are a tribute which all women expect; and which all men; who would be well received by them; must pay。  And; whatever the mind may be; manners at least are certainly improved by the company of women of fashion。

I have formerly told you; that you should inform yourself of the several orders; whether military or religious; of the respective countries where you may be。 The Teutonic Order is the great Order of Germany; of which I send you inclosed a short account。 It may serve to suggest questions to you for more particular inquiries as to the present state of it; of which you ought to be minutely informed。  The knights; at present; make vows; of which they observe none; except it be that of not marrying; and their only object now is; to arrive; by seniority; at the Commanderies in their respective provinces; which are; many of them; very lucrative。  The Order of Malta is; by a very few years; prior to the Teutonic; and owes its foundation to the same causes。  These' knights were first called Knights Hospitaliers of St。 John。 of Jerusalem; then Knights of Rhodes; and in the year 1530; Knights of Malta; the Emperor Charles V。 having granted them that island; upon condition of their defending his island of Sicily against the Turks; which they effectually did。  L'Abbe de Vertot has written the history of Malta; but it is the least valuable of all his works; and moreover; too long for you to read。 But there is a short history; of all the military orders whatsoever; which I would advise you to get; as there is also of all the religious orders;  both which。 are worth your having and consulting; whenever you meet with any of them in your way; as; you will very frequently in Catholic countries。  For my own part; I find that I remember things much better; when I recur; to my books for them; upon some particular occasion; than by reading them 'tout de suite'。  As; for example; if I were to read the history of all the military or religious orders; regularly one after another; the latter puts the former out of my head; but when I read the history of any one; upon account; of its having been the object of conversation or dispute; I remember it much better。  It is the same in geography; where; looking for any particular place in the map; upon some particular account; fixes it in one's memory forever。  I hope you have worn out your maps by frequent; use of that sort。  Adieu。


In the ages of ignorance; which is always the mother of superstition; it was thought not only just; but meritorious; to propagate religion by fire and sword; and to; take away; the; lives and properties of unbelievers。 This enthusiasm produced the several crusades; in the  11th; 12th; and following centuries; the object of which was; to recover the Holy Land out of; the hands of the Infidels; who; by the way; were the lawful possessors。  Many honest enthusiasts engaged in those crusades; from a mistaken principle of religion; and from the pardons granted by the Popes for all the sins of those pious adventurers; but many more knaves adopted these holy wars; in hopes of conquest and plunder。  After Godfrey of Bouillon; at the head of these knaves and fools; had taken Jerusalem; in the year 1099; Christians of various nations remained in that city; among the rest; one good honest German; that took particular care of his countrymen who came thither in pilgrimages。  He built a house for their reception; and an hospital dedicated to the Virgin。  This little establishment soon became a great one; by the enthusiasm of many considerable people who engaged in it; in order to drive the Saracens out of the Holy Land。  This society then began to take its first form; and its members were called Marian Teutonic Knights。  Marian; from their chapel sacred to the Virgin Mary; Teutonic; from the German; or Teuton; who was the author of it; and Knights from the wars which they were to carry on against the Infidels。

These knights behaved themselves so bravely; at first; that Duke Frederick of Swabia; who was general of the German army in the Holy Land; sent; in the year 1191; to the Emperor Henry VI。 and Pope Celestine III。 to desire that this brave and charitable fraternity might be incorporated into a regular order of knighthood; which was accordingly done; and rules and a particular habit were given them。  Forty knights; all of noble families; were at first created by the King of Jerusalem and other princes then in the army。  The first grand master of this order was Henry Wallpot; of a noble family upon the Rhine。  This order soon began to operate in Europe; drove all the Pagans out of Prussia; and took possession of it。  Soon after; they got Livonia and Courland; and invaded even Russia; where they introduced the Christian religion。  In 1510; they elected Albert; Marquis of Bradenburg; for their grand master; who; turning Protestant; soon afterward took Prussia from the order; and kept it for himself; with the consent of Sigismund; King of Poland; of whom it was to hold。  He then quitted his grand mastership and made himself hereditary Duke of that country; which is thence called Ducal Prussia。 This order now consists of twelve provinces; viz。; Alsatia; Austria; Coblentz; and Etsch; which are the four under the Prussian jurisdiction; Franconia; Hesse; Biessen; Westphalia; Lorraine; Thuringia; Saxony; and Utrecht; which eight are of the German jurisdiction。  The Dutch now possess all that the order had in Utrecht。  Every one of the provinces have their particular Commanderies; and the most ancient of these Commandeurs is called the Commandeur Provincial。  These twelve Commandeurs are all subordinate to the Grand Master of Germany as their chief; and have the right of electing the grand master。  The elector of Cologne is at present 'Grand Maitre'。

This order; founded by mistaken Christian zeal; upon the anti…Christian principles of violence and persecution; soon grew strong by the weakness and ignorance of the time; acquired u
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