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And the Systems and their Corporations replicated and grew numerous upon the
earth。 In those days there were IBM and Digital; Burroughs and Honeywell; Unisys and
Rand; and many others。 And they each kept to their own System; hardware and software;
and did not interchange; for their Licences forbade it。 This was the Second Age; the age of
Honeywell,Unisys 和 Rand 等等。无论软件还是硬件都自成一派,并且用许可协议加
Now it came to pass that the spirits of Turing and von Neumann looked upon the
earth and were displeased。 The Systems and their Corporations had grown large and
bulky; and Suits ruled over true Engineers。 And the Customers groaned and cried loudly
unto heaven; saying; 〃Oh that there would be created a System mighty in power; yet small
in size; able to reach into the very home!〃 And the Engineers groaned and cried likewise;
saying; 〃Oh; that a deliverer would arise to grant us freedom from these oppressing Suits
第八章 《Tux福音》
and their grave and perilous Licences; and send us a System of our own; that we may
hack therein!〃 And the spirits of Turing and von Neumann heard the cries and were moved;
and said unto each other; 〃Let us go down and fabricate a Breakthrough; that these cries
may be stilled。〃
And that day the spirits of Turing and von Neumann spake unto Moore of Intel;
granting him insight and wisdom to understand the future。 And Moore was with chip; and
he brought forth the chip and named it 4004。 And Moore did bless the Chip; saying; 〃Thou
art a Breakthrough; with my own Corporation have I fabricated thee。 Though thou art yet
as small as a dust mote; yet shall thou grow and replicate unto the size of a mountain; and
conquer all before thee。 This blessing I give unto thee: every eighteen months shall thou
double in capacity; until the end of the age。〃 This is Moore's Law; which endures unto this
4004 芯片。摩尔祝福道:“汝当与赐尔生命之公司同道,实现突破。此刻你细如微尘,
And the birth of 4004 was the beginning of the Third Age; the age of Microchips。 And
as the Mainframes and their Systems and Corporations had flourished; so did the
Microchips and their Systems and Corporations。 And their lineage was on this wise:
4004 的诞生,标志着第三个时代——微芯片时代的到来。它的系统和公司会创造
Moore begat Intel。 Intel begat Mostech; Zilog and Atari。 Mostech begat 6502; and
Zilog begat Z80。 Intel also begat 8800; who begat Altair; and 8086; mother of all PCs。
6502 begat Commodore; who begat PET and 64; and Apple; who begat 2。 (Apple is the
great Mystery; the Fruit that was devoured; yet bloomed again。) Atari begat 800 and 1200;
masters of the game; who were destroyed by Sega and Nintendo。 Xerox begat PARC。
Commodore and PARC begat Amiga; creator of fine arts; Apple and PARC begat Lisa; who
begat Macintosh; who begat iMac。 Atari and PARC begat ST; the music maker; who died
and was no more。 Z80 begat Sinclair the dwarf; TRS…80 and CP/M; who begat many
machines; but soon passed from this world。 Altair; Apple and Commodore together begat
Microsoft; the Great Darkness which is called Abomination; Destroyer of the Earth; the
Gates of Hell。
Moore 创造了 Intel。。Intel 创造了 Mostech; Zilog 和 Atari。 Mostech 创造了
6502, 而 Zilog 创造了 Z80。 Intel 同样创造了 8800——Altair 之父; 以及 8086——所
有PC之母。 6502创造了Commodore——PET和64之父; 以及Apple——(Apple)2
之父。(Apple是个真理,另一方面它也是一个贪婪的水果) Atari创造了 800和1200
——最终被 Sega 和 Nintendo 击垮的游戏的先师。 Xerox 创造了 PARC。。Commodore
和PARC创造了Amiga——美术的创造者; Apple和PARC创造了Lisa——Macintosh和
iMac 之父。 Atari 和 PARC 创造了已然逝去的音乐制造者 ST;Z80 创造了小巧的 Sinclair
Altair,Apple 和 Commodore 共同创造了 Microsoft 这个可憎的无尽黑暗,灭世者,地狱
2。 Abomination,《圣经》可憎之物的通称,包括仓鼠、猪等等。
3。 Gates,门,同样是比尔盖茨的姓氏。
Now it came to pass in the Age of Microchips that IBM; the greatest of the Mainframe
Corporations; looked upon the young Microchip Systems and was greatly vexed。 And in
their vexation and wrath they smote the earth and created the IBM PC。 The PC was
without sound and colour; crufty and bogacious in great measure; and its likeness was a
tramp; yet the Customers were greatly moved and did purchase the PC in great numbers。
And IBM sought about for an Operating System Provider; for in their haste they had not
created one; nor had they forged a suitably grave and perilous License; saying; 〃First we
will build the market; then we will create a new System; one in our own image; and bound
by our Licence。〃 But they reasoned thus out of pride and not wisdom; not for seeing the
wrath which was to come。
第八章 《Tux福音》
And IBM came unto Microsoft; who licensed unto them QDOS; the child of CP/M and
8086。 (8086 was the daughter of Intel; the child of Moore)。 And QDOS grew; and was
named MS…DOS。 And MS…DOS and the PC together waxed mighty; and conquered all
markets; replicating and taking possession thereof; in accordance with Moore's Law。 And
Intel grew terrible and devoured all her children; such that no chip could stand before her。
And Microsoft grew proud and devoured IBM; and this was a great marvel in the land。 All
these things are written in the Books of the Deeds of Microsoft。
IBM 找到了微软,拿到 CP/M 和 8086(8086 是 Intel 之女,摩尔的孩子)之子——
QDOS 的授权。随后他被命名为 MS…DOS,并与 PC 一同征服了市场。然而他们无论复制
In the fullness of time MS…DOS begat Windows。 And this is the lineage of Windows:
CP/M begat QDOS。 QDOS begat DOS 1。0。 DOS 1。0 begat DOS 2。0 by way of Unix。 DOS
2。0 begat Windows 3。11 by way of PARC and Macintosh。 IBM and Microsoft begat OS/2;
who begat Windows NT and Warp; the lost OS of lore。 Windows 3。11 begat Windows 95
after triumphing over Macintosh in a mighty Battle of Licences。 Windows NT begat NT 4。0
by way of Windows 95。 NT 4。0 begat NT 5。0; the OS also called Windows 2000; The
Millenium Bug; Doomsday; Armageddon; The End Of All Things。
QDOS 创造了 DOS 1。0。 DOS 1。0 以 Unix 的方式创生了 DOS 2。0。DOS 2。0 以 PARC 和
Macintosh 为依托创造了 Windows 3。11。IBM 和微软创造了 OS/2——Windows NT 和
Warp 之父,最后一个遵从教诲的操作系统。在于 Macintosh 的许可证争斗获胜之后
Windows 3。11 创造了 Windows 95。 Windows NT 有依托 Windows95 创造了 NT 4。0 。
NT 4。0 创造了 NT 5。0,这个操作系统也被称作 Windows 2000。是千年虫,是末日,是哈
Now it came to pass that Microsoft had waxed great and mighty among the Microchip
Corporations; mighter than any of the Mainframe Corporations before it had it waxed。 And
Gates heart was hardened; and he swore